Chibi-forge: Januar Patreon
Im Januar haben Chibi-forge wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.
Rumors are swirling around the Chibi Realm about a mysterious evil in the nearby swamp. Some folks have whispered about seeing undead minions, while others talk of a swamp monstrosity.
Recently, a merchant arrived in the village with a startling tale. He claimed that the swamp itself seemed to move! One moment his group was basking in bright sunlight, and the next, they were engulfed in fog and sinking into swampy ground – in a place where no swamp was known to exist!
Faced with these uncertain and unsettling rumors, the Chibi Guild made the decision to send a team of heroes to investigate. They chose brave Gork, a druid well-versed in the ways of nature; Li’Aria, a clever cleric known for her wisdom; and as their protector, Katiana, a monk with an unbreakable will and a constant smile. Katiana’s agility and fearlessness in navigating treacherous terrains made her the perfect choice for this mysterious journey.
Chibi Crew
Quelle: Chibi-Forge auf Patreon