Bushido: Neue Preview
GCT Studios zeigen eine erste Preview auf kommende Bushido-Neuheiten.
We are ready to reveal the first model of our next wave of releases.
Takashi Akio, Kumiko’s father and sensei at the Takashi Koryu, shapes the next generation of Dragon samurai with his techniques and style. Despite excelling in swordplay, his daughter Kumiko decided to walk another path upon reaching age. Initially furious, he thought she was trying to disgrace him. The Takashi samurai asked Takashi Hagane to challenge Kumiko, ending a perceived waste of Kumiko’s talent. However, Hagane refused to test the girl’s mettle, saying, “She has nothing left to learn; she is already among the greatest duelists of her generation.” Hagane’s words returned to the headstrong Kumiko, who has since opted for the sword over the brush.During a discussion, players asked for more female samurai and cheaper to make thematic lists, such as seven samurai and an all-warrior woman Blood of the Dragon list, so with a low Rice cost for a four-dice samurai and the necessary Critical Attack (1), she will most definitely be found on the list!
Quelle: GCT Studios auf Facebook
Wunderschöne Samurai. Die gefällt mir richtig gut, sowohl die Minis wie auch das dazugehörige Artwork.
Ja, wirklich eine tolle Mini. Leider beim fiesen Drachenklan, die alle doofe Ohren haben und stinken! 😀
Shiho sind die einzig wahren Thronanwärter
Trotzdem sieht sie super aus…ihe schlichten Klamotten lassen viel Freiraum zu, wie schlicht oder pompös die Kleidung sein darf
Wär nur schön wenn es von Bushido mal ein deutsches Regelbuch geben würde…