von BK-Jonah | 01.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Bushido

Bushido: Neue Preorder

GCT Studios bringen neue Modelle für Bushido in die Vorbestellung.

Hana, the Grace of Murder – £14.44

Bushido Preorder 1

Hana, The Grace of Murder, is a terrifying predator who displays little of what she once was, having fully embraced the inevitable changes wrought upon her body. In her hunting grounds, she reigns supreme, killing for fun, not food, leaving countless web-wrapped corpses to rot. She favours no particular victim, killing indiscriminately to learn the strengths and weaknesses of those she stalks so that when called upon to kill for The Awoken, she is as graceful and efficient as possible.

A clear-cut melee powerhouse, Hana has a feat for everything. Predators Detachment is a new Ki Feat granting three of the best melee Traits in the game. Unnatural Sanguine Strength is there to seal the death once you have a good Success Level. Finally, Starless Midnight Chitin can grant tremendous Armour values when on the table.

Shiho Shirak – £9.84

Bushido Preorder 5

Shirak was just a child when Hiroto left on his journey across the empire. Even then, the young lord made a considerable impression on the juvenile Shirak. Of all Shiho, Shirak never lost faith that Hiroto would return and lead the family back to glory. Shirak has sworn to see the Shiho rule again and will die trying.

Like many Shiho samurai, Shirak costs remarkably low Rice for his abilities. This is, of course, due to his 2 Melee Pool. If you can use the many ways in faction to overcome this low statistic, you have a profile that can vastly outperform its Rice Cost expectations. Sixth Sense is also a welcome addition.

Kenichi Gemu – £9.84

Bushido Preorder 2

Kyodai are the right hands of the Oyabun. They work for one Gumi, but their authority transcends them. All shatei will obey a Kyodai’s instructions. Together, the Kyodai manage the day-to-day running of the Syndicate, reporting regularly to their Saiko-komon. Kenichi leads with an iron fist, and all in the Gumi know not to cross him or question his leadership. When given an order the Shaitei follow through without question. Rumours suggest he was once a samurai, given his unorthodox fighting style, but few believe it.

Kenichi’s status as a Kyodai in the Iron Fist Gumi causes his ego to swell, causing him to fight without regard for his safety or that of others in the heat of battle. Oda does not see that as an issue for his Kyodai. Oda encourages this behaviour and blesses Kenichi so that he can get the job done and not worry about the mess he leaves behind.

Master Charlyn – £9.84

Bushido Preorder 3

The Temple of Anmuy is a far-off monastery whose practitioners maintain the balance between civilisation’s artifice and nature’s wilds. As one of the temple’s masters, Charlyn has promoted cooperation between the mountain people and the spirits of the cold and wild, much like that seen in the Hoshi Family in the Iron Mountains.

With many options in her toolbox, Charlyn will always have some role in a Temple Warband. The White Out Ki Feat is particularly interesting and a new puzzle for players to work out.

Satou Sadao – £9.84

Bushido Preorder 4

With Shiho Hiroto’s return, the Takashi have had to act. However, they cannot show weakness and must take the more subtle option. Sadao is empowered to root out and eliminate the Shiho threat, which he does with great success, travelling the lesser-known paths of Jwar from village to village. He hunts Shiho sympathisers, who dare provide arms, support, or information on Takashi troop movements. All earn his ire, and he leaves a trail of dead Shiho loyalists in his wake.

Sadao adds a new element to both Claws of the Dragon and Blood of the Dragon and any future Hare Clan themes.

The Awoken Terrain Pack – £24.95

Bushido Preorder 8

The pack includes 7 terrain elements and special cards:

  • 2x Boundary posts
  • 2x Webbed Victim
  • 2x Egg sacs
  • 1x Trap door Web

Please note: Terrain pieces are printed resin

Joyless Smiles and Dark Eyes – Themed Warband – £62.40

Bushido Preorder 6 Bushido Preorder 7

Softly through the shadows, they come, The Awoken, spinning death, dread and corruption in their silken webs. Not even the empire of flesh can withstand their potent venom with just a single bite undoing all the gods have wrought. They creep ever closer, viewing the empire and Jwar through numerous eyes, choosing their prey carefully, assembling a host that thinks as one under the control of a powerful force older than time itself. Sleep not, for The Awoken are everywhere, lurking in the twilight, biding their time, ensnaring us one by one, and reshaping the world in their terrifying image!

Box contains seven 32mm scale fine detail printed resin miniatures, bases and twenty one full colour cards.

Quelle: GCT Studios


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Wunderschön, wie immer! Shirak und Tai Lung (ops, Charlyn) müssen ihren Weg zu mir finden. Weiss vielleicht jemand, ab wann die beim Miniaturicum bestellbar werden?

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