Brother Vinni: Neue Preview [NSFW]
Brother Vinni zeigt ein WIP seines nähsten Projekts.
(grumpily): the future shield, of course, will kill half the dynamics. An empty front hand would be ideal here.
In general, I don’t like soldiers with javelines because they are thin, bend, stick out, cling and I don’t know how to fit them beautifully into the silhouette. But, on the other hand, have you seen what wild poses javelin throwers sometimes take? )) This is such a delight for a sculptor. So, it’s a special pleasure for me to work on this line.Also – here we have reasonable high boots, and what could be more beautiful than a woman in boots?So now I have an important question for my dear subscribers.As I understand it, the main use of these Greek girls on the tabletop is SAGA or Dogs of War under the old Warhammer, right?..So here’s the question: How many peltasts should there be in a set?
Quelle: Brother Vinni auf Facebook