von BK-Rafael | 23.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Brigade Models: Neuheiten

Brigade Models präsentieren neue Miniaturen für ihre 15mm Sci-Fi Range vor.

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It’s a Rough Galaxy


It sure is a tough life, roaming the spacelanes in search of action, adventure, or maybe just your next meal. But we have just the people (creatures ?) to do it ! The first of our Salute releases to hit the website are four packs of Adventurers, ready for whatever the universe throws at them. They make ideal figures for games such as Stargrave, Five Parsecs from Home or the one that started it all, Traveller. Or perhaps they’d make great armed civilians for Hammer’s Slammers, or a rag-rag bunch of mercenaries for whatever game system you fancy.

There are four packs of six figures, each a random mix of humans and aliens (and some unknowns – who knows what’s under those helmets ?). There’s lots of blasters, the odd prosthetic limb, and even a force sword or two.

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SF15-017 – Adventurers Pack 1 – £3.50
SF15-018 – Adventurers Pack 2 – £3.50
SF15-019 – Adventurers Pack 3 – £3.50
SF15-020 – Adventurers Pack 4 – £3.50

In other news – we’ve caught up with orders, everything up to and including April 17th (except one order that needs a couple of 3D prints). The includes EU orders, a box of which went off to the shipping hub this morning.

Backgrounds by Jon Hodgson


Civilian Runabouts

Next on the release pipeline are our two 15mm civilian vehicles, part of what we hope will grow to be an much larger range of civilian and paramilitary vehicles. The Avery Etesian is a small, 4-seater hovercar that uses a semi-rigid skirt to act as a plenum chamber, driven by three powerful fans. The interior of even basic models is fairly well-appointed, and it carries its passengers in air-conditioned comfort. Although designed as family runabout for more civilised worlds, its simplicity and ease of repair means many models, especially older ones, have ended up on the frontiers.

The Ilingi grav truck is derived from Durrant Automotive’s Dundas military load carrier. Stripped of much of its military-specific equipment and lightened by the removal of the Dundas’ reactive armour panels, it carries a much larger load than the original vehicle. Although billed as a grav vehicle, it’s only capable of minimal lift, little more than a ground-effect vehicle. Ilingas are incredibly robust and can take a tremendous amount of rough handling, as evidenced by the battered example shown below, although the two grav node clusters at the rear of each skirt need careful looking after.

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SF15-9001 – Avery Etesian Hovercar – £2.50
SF15-9002 – Durrant Ilinga Grav Truck – £7.50

Quelle: Brigade Models


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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