von BK-Bob | 18.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Winter Neuheiten und mehr

Bei Warlord Games sind unter anderem US Airborne in Winteruniform und Fallschirmjäger Waffenteams in Winteruniform aktuell in der Vorbestellung.

WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) HQ 1 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) HQ 2

Fallschirmjäger (Winter) HQ – 14,00€

Get some leadership for your Fallschirmjäger today!

Fallschirmjäger officers underwent the same rigorous training as the men they commanded, and some of the best combat leaders in the German military came from the ranks of the paratroopers. Accompanied by other specialists, they were a vital part of the Fallschirmjäger in battle.

Officers, medics, and spotters are an essential part of any Bolt Action collection, supporting their troops with both leadership and powerful special abilities. Every Platoon needs a commander, and this set provides you with a pair, both clad in thick winter gear. One surveys the battlefield through a cloud of cigar smoke, while the other directs his men into the heat of battle, ready to lead them to victory. Alongside them, a medic tends to a wounded comrade, while a forward observer gets on the radio to call down air or artillery support.

Lead from the front today!

Contains four Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medium Mortar Team 1 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medium Mortar Team 2 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medium Mortar Team 3

Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medium Mortar Team – 14,00€

Call up indirect fire support for your Fallschirmjäger!

Mortars were some of the most extensively used support weapons of the Second World War, with their relatively light weight and ability to fire indirectly over a wide variety of ranges making them incredibly useful in virtually every combat situation. Germany’s 81mm ‘medium’ mortar was used by all arms of the Wehrmacht, including the Fallschirmjäger paratroopers, who made good use of them in the snowy Ardennes forest.

A vital part of Heavy Weapons Platoons in Bolt Action, medium mortars provide commanders with the ability to arc indirect fire over the heads of their troops, and crucially ignore cover when they hit their targets. Ranging in on the enemy, directed by spotters, medium mortars can control huge areas of the battlefield when well-used.

Targets sighted – start ranging in today!

Contains one metal medium mortar with three Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger (winter) crew, and plastic base.

WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) MMG Team 1 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) MMG Team 2 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) MMG Team 3 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) MMG Team 4

Fallschirmjäger (Winter) MMG Team – 18,00€

Give your Fallschirmjäger some covering fire!

The legendary MG 42 was arguably the best machine gun of the war, and saw service with every arm of the German military – the Fallschirmjäger paratroopers were no exception! When deployed on its complex mounting system, the MG 42 served as a very capable medium machine gun in the direct-fire role, supporting attacks and bolstering defences in the bitter conditions of the Battle of the Bulge.

MMG teams are the backbone of Heavy Weapons Platoons in Bolt Action, providing lethal anti-infantry fire that can sweep units from the board. German machine guns are even better, benefiting from an extra shot, making MMG teams a great choice to support your Fallschirmjäger in battle.

Get that gun up and on target today!

Contains one metal medium machine gun with three Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger (winter) crew, and plastic base.

WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 1 WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 2 WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 3 WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 4 WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 5 WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 6 WG Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 7

Flakpanzer IV Ostwind – 38,50€

Enforce a no-fly zone over the Bolt Action battlefield!

A modification of the ubiquitous Panzer IV chassis, the Ostwind anti-aircraft vehicle served in the final months of the Second World War. 44 were produced by marrying the Panzer IV hull and running gear with a single 37mm automatic cannon in a hexagonal, open-topped turret, and the design was intended to provide more effective mobile anti-aircraft fire than its Wirbelwind predecessor.

Heavy autocannon are a lethal weapon on the Bolt Action tabletop, particularly when combined with the mobility and protection of a tank! A great choice for any late-war German Armoured Platoon, the Ostwind is capable of punishing enemy infantry, light vehicles, and aircraft alike!

Targets sighted – open fire!

Contains one Flakpanzer IV with Ostwind Turret, cast in resin & metal, with waterslide decal sheet, Bolt Action Order Die, Bolt Action: Third Edition vehicle stat card, and vehicle damage markers.

WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 1 WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 2 WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 3 WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 4 WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 5 WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 6 WG Kangaroo APC (Priest) 7

Kangaroo APC (Priest) – 33,50€

Get your British and Canadian infantry moving in style!

Developed by Canadian engineers in Normandy from the M7 Priest self-propelled gun by the simple expedient of removing the gun and adding some extra armour plating, the Priest Kangaroo was designed to carry infantry right into combat while providing them significantly more protection than a lorry or half-track.

A fantastic option for any British Bolt Action player in need of armoured transports for their Rifle Platoons (or indeed any Platoon that needs to go somewhere dangerous!), the Priest Kangaroo combines good carrying capacity with decent armour, and can also lay down some supporting fire, courtesy of the pintle-mounted heavy machine gun!

Infantry, mount up!

Contains one Kangaroo APC, cast in resin & metal, with waterslide decal sheet, Bolt Action Order Die, Bolt Action: Third Edition vehicle stat card, and vehicle damage markers.

WG US Airborne (Winter) 30.cal MMG Team 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) 30.cal MMG Team 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) 30.cal MMG Team 3

US Airborne (Winter) 30.cal MMG Team – 14,00€

Get the machine gun forward!

The .30 calibre M1919 Browning machine gun served as America’s primary medium machine gun throughout the Second World War, and far beyond. A lightweight, air-cooled weapon it proved extremely popular and effective against enemy infantry, whether fired from its tripod, a vehicle pintle mount, or even from the hip in extreme cases. American Paratroopers found the M1919 perfectly suited to their needs with its light weight and high rate of fire, and used it extensively.

Medium Machine Gun teams are a mainstay of Bolt Action Heavy Weapons Platoon, particularly in for players fielding US forces as they can take more of them than anyone else! One of the most points-efficient ways to lay down anti-infantry fire and cover crucial areas of the tabletop, they’re a great way to bolster the firepower of your otherwise lightly equipped US Airborne. With the crew in warm winter gear, they’re just what you need to hold the line in the Battle of the Bulge!

Open fire!

Contains one metal medium machine gun with three Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) crew, and plastic base.

WG US Airborne (Winter) 50.cal HMG Team 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) 50.cal HMG Team 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) 50.cal HMG Team 3

US Airborne (Winter) 50.cal HMG team – 18,00€

Bring up that .50 cal, now!

The beloved Browning .50 calibre heavy machine gun would see extensive service with US forces throughout the Second World War – the Airborne Divisions were no exception! Rugged, reliable, and capable of dealing with enemy infantry, aircraft, and light vehicles, it remains in service to this day across the world. American forces in WWII used the ‘.50 cal’ in huge numbers, with the weapons proving a huge boon to US troops in need of immediate direct fire support.

HMGs are seriously useful bits of kit in Bolt Action: Third Edition, and with the Americans being their most significant user, no US force is complete without at least one team! Able to take out even the toughest infantry, and a very real threat to soft-skin and lightly armoured vehicles, they’re a mainstay of Heavy Weapons Platoons in American armies. With US Airborne forces relatively light on big guns, this HMG with its winter-clad crew will be a welcome addition to any Battle of the Bulge-themed army!

Get that gun working!

Contains one metal heavy machine gun with four Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) crew, and plastic base.

WG US Airborne (Winter) 57mm Anti Tank Gun 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) 57mm Anti Tank Gun 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) 57mm Anti Tank Gun 3

US Airborne (Winter) 57mm Anti-tank Gun – 23,00€

Bring up that anti-tank gun!

The 57mm anti-tank gun was the mainstay of US infantry divisions in North-West Europe during the latter period of WWII, including the Airborne forces. A license-produced version of the British 6pdr, it was a capable gun that could effectively engage all but the heaviest German tanks, and was excellent when emplaced defensively.

A great choice for American Bolt Action players looking to deal with enemy armour, the 57mm gun is a versatile option for an Artillery Platoon in need of anti-tank punch. As a Medium Anti-Tank gun, it’s more than able to threaten the vast majority of armoured vehicles in Bolt Action, and also brings a respectable High Explosive shell to the tabletop. With its crew bundled up in winter clothes, it’s perfect for holding the line during the Battle of the Bulge!

Enemy armour incoming – take aim!

Contains one metal 57mm Anti-tank gun with three US Airborne (Winter) crew, and oval MDF base.

WG US Airborne (Winter) FOO Team 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) FOO Team 2

US Airborne (Winter) FOO Team – 9,00€

Supporting fire inbound!

Dropping behind enemy lines often left US paratroopers in need of urgent fire support beyond the limited weaponry they could bring with them in the initial stages of an engagement. Fortunately, they could rely on the might of the USAAF to back them up, with strafing fighter-bombers on hand to neutralise enemy positions, and once the ground campaign got underway they could also call on emplaced artillery far to the rear of the battle to rain down high explosives. All of these weapons needed to be co-ordinated by a forward observation officer, armed with binoculars, maps, and radios, to ensure that they arrived when and crucially where they were needed!

Forward Observer teams are a powerful asset to any Rifle Platoon in Bolt Action, able to call in powerful artillery or air strikes, and acting as Spotters for any indirect-fire weaponry in your force. American Air Observers are even more capable, being able to call in two air strikes per game, and as such no US force is complete without at least one! With US Airborne often being somewhat light on supporting equipment, the firepower provided by this team can be a vital part of your strategy, and their warm winter clothing means they can lay in a snowy vantage point all game long!

Target marked – pour it on!

Contains three Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

WG US Airborne (Winter) Heavy Weapons Platoon 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) Heavy Weapons Platoon 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) Heavy Weapons Platoon 3

US Airborne (Winter) Heavy Weapons Platoon – 44,50€

Bolster your battleline with extra firepower!

Heavy Weapons Platoons are a vital component of any Bolt Action force, providing you with the anti-infantry firepower needed to support the rest of your army. This box gives you everything you need to add a Heavy Weapons Platoon to your winter US Airborne collection!

With a Medium Mortar team raining down high explosive on the enemy, a .30 cal Medium Machine Gun blasting infantry, and a .50 cal Heavy Machine Gun threatening foot soldiers and light vehicles alike – and with a Platoon Commander to lead them – this set gives you a plug-and-play formation that can be added to any existing force. Cast in crisply detailed Warlord Resin and metal, these new winter Airborne figures are perfect for re-fighting the Battle of the Bulge!

Box contains one Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) officer, one metal medium machine gun with three Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) crew, one metal heavy machine gun with four Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) crew, and one metal medium mortar with three Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) crew. Also contains four Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.

WG US Airborne (Winter) HQ 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) HQ 2

US Airborne (Winter) HQ – 14,00€

Take charge and move out!

US Airborne officers went through the same rigorous training program as their men, producing leaders who were just as tough as the troops they commanded. Heavy emphasis was placed on aggression and initiative, as platoon commanders would often be expected to operate away from senior leadership for extended periods of time – this would prove essential during the intense but often localised fighting during the Battle of the Bulge. Specialists attached to headquarters units such as radiomen and medics would also receive the same training – they were paratroopers first and foremost.

Leadership is absolutely essential in Bolt Action, with the platoon system meaning you’ll always be in need of good officers! You get two in this set, along with an always-useful Medic, plus a radio operator – perfect for serving as a Forward Observer or as a Spotter for one of your indirect-fire weapons. Your US Airborne deserve the best leaders possible, and these men, suitably equipped for cold weather, are the ones for the job!

Rally up!

Contains four Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

WG US Airborne (Winter) Medium Mortar Team 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) Medium Mortar Team 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) Medium Mortar Team 3

US Airborne (Winter) Medium Mortar Team – 14,00€

We’ve got targets – get the mortar ready!

Mortars, particularly the 81mm ‘medium’ variety, were some of the most effective anti-infantry weapons of the Second World War, and US forces made extensive use of their capabilities. Able to lob explosive shells over the heads of friendly troops, they were particularly effective at digging out enemies from entrenched positions. The US Airborne often found themselves without heavy artillery support, making the lightweight and portable mortar an invaluable part of their battlefield tactics.

The Medium Mortar is a true icon of Bolt Action, providing your Heavy Weapons Platoons with a deadly indirect fire capability, perfect for blasting enemy troops out of heavy cover – remember, indirect fire ignores cover saves! If you add a Spotter, it becomes even more dangerous, able to engage targets that would otherwise be safely out of sight. With US Airborne forces relatively light on big guns, this Medium Mortar team with its winter-clad crew will be a welcome addition to any Battle of the Bulge-themed army!

Target marked – start ranging in!

Contains one metal medium mortar with three Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) crew, and plastic base.

WG US Airborne (Winter) Pathfinder Squad 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) Pathfinder Squad 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) Pathfinder Squad 3

US Airborne (Winter) Pathfinder Squad – 32,00€

Mark out that drop zone!

An elite volunteer force drawn from the ranks of the American Airborne divisions, the Pathfinders had the dangerous responsibility of dropping into parachute landing zones up to half an hour before the arrival of the main force, in order to set up a variety of specialist equipment to guide the rest of the aircraft on to the target. Once the main jump was completed, the Pathfinders would join up with the rest of their unit, and fight on as regular infantry.

With tons of specialist equipment and plenty of warm clothing, these Pathfinders are a great way to add even more character to your winter US Airborne collection, as they can serve as NCOs, Spotters, Forward Observers, or in your Airborne squads. Of course, this is just in the ‘get you by’ army list found in the Bolt Action: Third Edition rulebook – who knows what special rules they’ll get in Armies of the United States!

Remember – it’s better to drop early than late!

Box contains ten Warlord Resin US Airborne Pathfinder (Winter) figures, one Bolt Action Order die, and plastic bases.

WG US Airborne (Winter) Weapons Teams 1 WG US Airborne (Winter) Weapons Teams 2 WG US Airborne (Winter) Weapons Teams 3

US Airborne (Winter) Weapons Teams – 19,00€

Support your boys now!

US Airborne forces, by their very nature, tended to travel light – this meant that they were often heavily reliant on what they could carry for their supporting firepower immediately after jumping, before heavier reinforcements could arrive. Once off the drop zone and fighting as normal infantry, these weapons would continue to be put to good use, ensuring that the paratroopers were able to take on any adversary.

This set gives you three great supporting options for your US Airborne Rifle Platoons – a Sniper Team that can pick out enemy officers with ease, a Light Mortar Team to rain down high explosives, and a Bazooka Team ready to stop enemy armour in its tracks – all great ways to reinforce a simple Rifle Platoon and enable it to perform a far wider range of tasks on the Bolt Action tabletop.

Call in the specialists!

Box contains six Warlord Resin US Airborne (Winter) figures, three Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.

WG US Army (Winter) Bazooka Team (Prone) 1 WG US Army (Winter) Bazooka Team (Prone) 2

US Army (Winter) Bazooka Team (Prone) – 7,00€

Get the Bazooka to the front!

Designed to provide American infantry with a man-portable anti-tank weapon, the Bazooka was a simple tube-launcher firing a shaped charge projectile. Capable of defeating most Axis armoured vehicles at short and medium ranges, the Bazooka was a popular weapon that would be used in great numbers, particularly in North-West Europe.

The go-to option for Anti-Tank team slots in American Bolt Action platoons, the Bazooka team is a powerful and versatile weapon and a great choice for US players wanting low-cost anti-tank firepower – no American Bolt Action collection is complete without a few Bazookas! This team, bundled up in winter clothing for the bitter fighting in the Ardennes, is in a prone firing position, taking aim against attacking German tanks – just what your GIs need to stop the Axis advance!

Take out that tank, now!

Contains two Warlord Resin US rmy (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

WG US Army (Winter) Casualties 1 WG US Army (Winter) Casualties 2

US Army (Winter) Casualties – 6,00€

Man down! Man down!

Casualties are inevitable in battle, and the Second World War was a dangerous place to be for an infantryman, no matter which side they were on. The duty of comrades, medics, and field hospitals to save, casualties would benefit from numerous advances in medical technology throughout the war – provided they could be reached in time.

These casualty figures, clad in thick winter clothing, are great and characterful additions to any late-war US Bolt Action force. Whether used as part of a Medic team in a Rifle Platoon, as part of a scenic base or diorama, or to represent pin markers, they’re a fantastic part of any American collection!

Never leave a man behind!

Contains three Warlord Resin US Army (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 1 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 2 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 3 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 4 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 5 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 6 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 7 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 8 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 9 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 10 WG US Army (Winter) Starter Army 11

US Army (Winter) Starter Army – 125,00€

Holding the Allied line in their thick winter clothing, these determined American Infantry are ready to take on the might of the Wehrmacht in the Battle of the Bulge.

This starter army gives you everything you need to field a battle-ready force of US Army troops in winter equipment for games of Bolt Action. At its core is a strong Rifle Platoon with two full-size and one understrength infantry squads, supported by a Medic and led by their Platoon Commander – this flexible formation is perfect for taking and holding objectives, and is the heart of any Bolt Action force.

Backing up the Rifle Platoon is a trio of powerful supporting formations. The Heavy Weapons Platoon provides both direct fire in the form of a brace of Medium Machine Guns, and high-explosive death from on high with its Medium Mortar, while the small but powerful Artillery Platoon gives the force even more Indirect Fire capability with its 105mm Medium Howitzer.

Rounding out the force is the Armoured Platoon, comprising the iconic ‘Easy Eight’ variant of the ubiquitous M4 Sherman, and the M18 Hellcat tank destroyer. These two vehicles are a serious threat to enemy armour with their powerful anti-tank guns, and are sure to make any Panzer commander think twice about a frontal assault!

With these four platoons, you get a great core force that can be used on the tabletop right away, and serve as the basis for a large and versatile collection. The US Army is an incredibly flexible and versatile force in Bolt Action, and can make use of a wide variety of tactics and units – this set is the perfect way to start your collection!

The US Army (Winter) Starter Army contains:

  • 36 multi-pose hard plastic US Army (Winter) Infantry
  • One US Army (Winter) officer (Metal)
  • One US Army (Winter) NCO (Metal)
  • One US Army (Winter) Medic (Metal)
  • One US Army (Winter) Radio operator (Metal)
  • Two US Army (Winter) Medium Machine Gun Teams (Metal)
  • One US Army (Winter) Medium Mortar Team (Metal)
  • One US Army (Winter) 105mm M2A1 Anti-tank Gun (Metal)
  • One Sherman M4A3E8 ‘Easy Eight’ Medium Tank (Hard Plastic)
  • One M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer (Hard Plastic)
  • Enough plastic/MDF bases for all miniatures, Waterslide Decals, Vehicle Stat Cards and Vehicle Damage Markers

WG US Army (Winter) Stretcher Team & Casualties 1 WG US Army (Winter) Stretcher Team & Casualties 2

US Army (Winter) Stretcher Team & Casualties – 14,50€

Get the medics to the front!

Medics and stretcher-bearers played a vital role in World War II, providing immediate first aid to wounded men and conveying them to triage centres behind the lines – time was of the essence in their lifesaving work. In Bolt Action, they’re no less important!

This set makes a fantastic Medic team for any winter US Army Rifle Platoon, as well as adding great character to your collection. The stretcher team is perfect for representing the Medic himself, while the casualty figures make fantastic additions to any infantry squad, and can see service as table dressing, or on scenic bases or pin markers! In their warm winter kit, they’re perfect for the Battle of the Bulge and other cold climes, making them ideal for any late-war American force.

Make sure your GIs get the care they need – add a stretcher team (and casualties!) today!

Contains six Warlord Resin US Army (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Heavy Weapons Platoon 1 WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Heavy Weapons Platoon 2 WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Heavy Weapons Platoon 3 WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Heavy Weapons Platoon 4

Winter Fallschirmjäger Heavy Weapons Platoon – 44,50€

Support your Fallschirmjäger with heavy firepower!

Benefiting from their inclusion in the Luftwaffe supply system, the Fallschirmjäger paratroopers were well-supplied with supporting weaponry, particularly later in the war when they found themselves fighting as conventional light infantry, such as in the wintry conditions during the Battle of the Bulge.

This box gives you everything you need to add a Fallschirmjäger Heavy Weapons Platoon to your German Bolt Action collection, in their iconic winter uniforms. A pair of legendary MG 42s provide deadly direct-fire support in their medium machine gun configuration, while the 81mm medium mortar rains high explosives in lethal arcs. Leading them is their Platoon Commander, vitally important both on the tabletop and in the army list!

Bring those heavy weapons up now!

Box contains one Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger (winter) officer, two metal medium machine guns with three Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger (winter) crew each and one metal medium mortar with three Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger (winter) crew. Also contains four Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.

WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Weapons Teams 1 WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Weapons Teams 2 WG Winter Fallschirmjäger Weapons Teams 3

Winter Fallschirmjäger Weapons Teams – 19,00€

Deploy specialist firepower to support your Fallschirmjäger!

Well-supplied and trained in the use of a wide selection of weaponry, the Fallschirmjäger paratroopers who fought in the bitter wintry conditions of the Ardennes made good use of a large range of infantry support weapons, both in attack and defence.

This box provides you with three infantry weapons teams to reinforce your Bolt Action Fallschirmjäger collection, all clad in thick winter kit. A lethal Panzerschreck anti-tank launcher menaces Allied armour, while a flamethrower team, the backbone of Engineer Platoons, stands ready to incinerate anything before them. Supporting both from afar is the sniper team, armed with a unique scoped variant of the FG 42 paratrooper’s rifle, the bane of enemy officers!

Bring up the specialists today!

Box contains six Warlord Resin Fallschirmjäger figures, three Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Argh, wenn ich schon warlord resin lesen muss und dann diese preise sehe. Wie ist die erfahrung der mitleser hier mit dem „neuen“ warlord resin?

    • Finde es ok. Hatte bisher keine arg krummen oder verwaschenen Sculpts, gerade bei BA oder Napo-Minis waren die Güsse echt super.

  • Meiner Meinung nach übertreibt es WG mit den Preisen gerade deutlich. WW2 ist der Bereich im historischen Tabletop, für den es mit Abstand die größte Auswahl von Miniaturen aller möglichen Hersteller gibt. Ein erheblicher Teil ist in deutschen Onlineshops erhältlich die 3D-Sachen klammere ich mal aus. In Sachen Qualität und eben zusammengenommen Preis/Leistung müssen sich viele Konkurrenten nicht vor WG verstecken, im Gegenteil. Vielleicht sehen Stallard & Co. das anders, aber WG ist nicht GW. Ihre Marktmacht beruht nicht auf einem lizensierbaren Universum und der Fähigkeit atemberaubende Plastikkits zu produzieren. Ein gut beratener Einsteiger holt sich das Regelbuch, die Befehlswürfel und macht dann einen großen Bogen um so etwas wie MG-Teams für 18€, zumal in der neuen Version des Spiels der Einsatz gleich mehrerer Teams naheliegend ist. Auch das HQ/Spezialwaffen-Klimbim ist heruntergerechnet auf die einzelne Miniatur zu teuer. Man kann hier als begleitender Spieler oder netter Ladenbesitzer darauf hinweisen, dass Offiziere, Sanis, Panzerschreckschützen etc problemlos aus dem Fundus der regulären Zugboxen gebastelt werden können. Wenn’s der Verkäufer nicht tut, ergibt sich das für den Kunden eben mit Blick auf die Rückseite der Box („oh, da sind auch Bazookas dabei – muss ich dann für 19€ die Spezialwaffenteams dazuholen?“) oder durch gängige Hobbyvideos.

    Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: WG’s Preise sind einerseits zu hoch, andererseits verzerrt sich deren Relation zunehmend. Wenn die Zugbox etwa 40€ kostet und etwa 30 Miniaturen enthält, kann ich nicht für ein Waffenteam mit drei Miniaturen 18€ verlangen. So etwas schreckt ab. Bestenfalls greift der Kunde zu alternativen Herstellern und spielt damit problemlos und ohne den Druck sich erklären zu müssen trotzdem Bolt Action, im schlimmsten Fall legt er die Sachen nach kurzer Überlegung zurück ins Regal. So erkläre ich mir zumindest den Berg von Team-Boxen beim Händler meines Vertrauens…

    • Kannst du ja auch halten wie du magst. BA ist ja prinzipiell auch Hersteller-agnostisch, also da kann ja jeder selbst entscheiden …

    • Diese Preisdiskussion ist einfach nur völlig drüber. Die Waffenteams haben einen absolut angemessenen Preis mit 18 Euro und die Box mit 30 Miniaturen ist einfach sehr günstig. Das dauernde Hinweisen auf vermeintlich zu hohe Preise nervt extrem. Diese BilligheimerAttitüde führt letztlich dazu, nur noch billigen Schund zu bekommen.

      • Ich finde auch, Warlord ist das letzte Unternehmen, dem man da Vorwürfe machen kann. Die rabattieren sogar hin und wieder selbst ihre Produkte und schlagen damit sogar teilweise dt. Retailer. (Z.B. November Madness, aktuell). Und gerade bei den Plastikboxen der Infanterie … Wie viele Units das ingame sind, da können andere britische Minihersteller aus Nottingham sich ja nur verkriechen, da bekommt man für 30-40 Euro in der Regel ein (zugegeben hübsches) Vitrinenmodell ohne entsprechenden Wert auf dem Spieltisch.

      • @Wilke
        Kannst Du mir einen Hersteller nennen, der speziell für WW2-Tabletops billigen Schund anbietet? Oder – wie man das bei dir zwischen den Zeilen rauslesen könnte – das gezielt tut um die teure Konkurrenz zu unterbieten? Die Zugboxen von WG liegen im regulären Handel stellenweise mittlerweile weit über 30€, die US-Ranger etwa kosten bei Miniaturicum 37,95€. Gut, nehmen wir das mal als gegeben hin, immerhin sind in der Box 30 Minis mit allerhand Optionen, also alles cool. Dann sind 18€ für ein schweres Waffenteam halt in Relation zur Zugbox nicht günstig. Du kannst das ja für angemessen halten, aber mein Kommentar bezieht sich explizit auf Einsteiger im historischen TT. Das sind idealerweise junge Leute, bei denen der Euro nicht so locker sitzt und die das nachvollziehbarerweise mit anderen Boxen von WG und schließlich alternativen Herstellern abgleichen. Und wenn dann das MG-Team bei Empress oder Perrys (ist das der billige Schund, den du meinst?) nur 12€ kostet, sollte die Entscheidung klar. Und wenn man das dann aus Sicht eines Hobbyladen-Verkäufers sieht, der zwar das WG-Sortiment anbietet, aber eben nicht mit 10-20 Prozent Rabatt (und in der Regel auch nicht die Range kleinerer Hersteller vorhält), dann muss man sich über’s Ladensterben nicht wundern.

        In diesem Kontext steht meine Einschätzung oben.

      • @ Cody

        Unabhängig davon, in welchem Kontext Du Deine Äußerung verstanden sehen willst, ist es einfach sachlich faslch, die 18 Euro für die Teams als teuer anzusehen. Und das ist eben dieses Jammern um des Jammerns willen, der preis sei zu hoch, wenn der Preis realiter einfach absolut angemessen ist – außer man hat eben diese billigheimer Attitde oder spricht im Namen jener, denen man eben auch eine solche BilligheimerAttitüde unterstellt.

        Schrfeib den Hersteller doch an, er soll die Teams für 12 Euro unters Volk knüppeln – wahrscheinlich immer noch zu teuer. Mann, mann, Mann

    • Ich finde es mit den Preisen bei WG mittlerweilen sehr ernüchternd, hab Cruel Sea, Victory at Sea und Bolt Action, seit die Preise um 40 % angestiegen sind wiege ich genau ab, schaue eher bei Flohmärkte u. a….

      • Wem es zu teuer ist … Man kann Bolt Action auch mit Revell/Italeri 1/72 zocken, da kosten ca. 40 Figuren um die 10-12 € 😀 Das macht sogar richtig Laune in dem Scale. aber dann heißt es, oh mein Gott, die Qualität … Bla bla …

  • Die Neuheiten sind insgesamt schon sehr schön geraten … Klar, auch Warlord hat etwas an den Preisen geschraubt, aber dafür passt auch der „Wert“ fürs Spielfeld mMn. Sobald meine Italiener vollumfänglich fertig sind, werd ich wohl ins Winterthema eintauchen – gerade die Startersets sind da ja absolut großartig.

  • Also gebe auch mal meine ideen für den Gedankenaustausch dazu
    1. Ich finde die Figuren häufig sehr hässlich und lieblos modelliert. Ich komme darauf, weil sie für mich häufig unnatürlich aussehen. Die napoleonischen Figuren haben zum Teil sehr steife Posen (Landwehr Preußen) und, wenn man bei diesem Set bleibt, Gorilla ähnliche Hände.
    2. Finde ich ihre historische Genauigkeit nicht immer gut. Auch hier sind sie zu schnell dabei. Schnell kopieren und dad brauche wir auch. Habe ich dad Gefühl.
    3. Der Preis Ihrer Produkte finde ich regulär zu hoch. Ww2 Plastikboxen. Der perrys sind günstiger mit mehr Figuren und Basen und netten Beipackzettel. Bei anderen Epochen sind sogar Fahnen dabei.

  • Glaube, die Miniaturen wären deutlich schöner, wenn sie ordentlicher bemalt wären. Können die sich nicht einen Stephan Huber oder einen Sascha Herm holen?

  • Dem Airborne FOO Team fehlt der wichtigste Ausrüstungsgegenstand: das Funkgerät. Wie wollen die Kontakt zu den Flugzeugen oder dem Artilleriekommandeur herstellen? Per Handzeichen, laut schreien, Ausdruckstanz?
    Das sind die Schludrigkeiten, die mich bei WG immer so nerven!

    • In den Schnee pinkeln, das sieht dann ein Aufklärungsflieger und gibt die Koordinaten direkt an die Feuerleitstelle.

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