von BK-Bob | 07.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Ungarische Neuheiten

Von Warlord Games kommt Verstärkung für Ungarn.

WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 1 WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 2 WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 3 WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 4 WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 5 WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 6 WG 38M Toldi I II Light Tank 7

38M Toldi I/II Light Tank – 33,00€

Armoured vehicles are a crucial component of a Bolt Action force, giving you mobile, protected firepower to deal with enemy vehicles and troops alike!

The Hungarian Toldi I was based on a Swedish light tank design, and entered service in 1940. Armed with a 20mm Solothurn anti-tank rifle, it was perfectly capable of dealing with the kinds of light tank commonplace at that point in the war. The Toldi II was essentially a refinement of this design, with a more reliable engine, stronger suspension, and increased crew comfort in the turret. Proving an incredibly rugged and reliable vehicle, it would continue in light reconnaissance and training roles long after the introduction of heavier vehicles had made it obsolete in the main line of battle. A great choice for a Hungarian Armoured Platoon looking for light support, particularly in the earlier phases of the war, the Toldi I and II are ready to serve!

Box contains one 38M Toldi I/II Light Tank, cast in resin & metal , with waterslide decal sheet, Bolt Action Order Die, Bolt Action: Third Edition vehicle stat card, and vehicle damage markers.

WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 1 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 2 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 3 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 4 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 5 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 6 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 7 WG 42M Toldi IIa Light Tank 8

42M Toldi IIa Light Tank – 33,00€

Armoured vehicles are a crucial component of a Bolt Action force, giving you mobile, protected firepower to deal with enemy vehicles and troops alike!

A 1942 modification of the successful Toldi light tank series, the IIa mounted a 40mm main gun in a larger turret than its predecessors, and boasted greatly improved frontal armour for increased survivability. With both greater firepower and protection, the Toldi IIa gave Hungarian forces a very capable light tank, and it’s a great choice for a Bolt Action Armoured Platoon in need of some armour!

Box contains one 42M Toldi Iia Light tank, cast in resin & metal , with waterslide decal sheet, Bolt Action Order Die, Bolt Action: Third Edition vehicle stat card, and vehicle damage markers.

WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 1 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 2 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 3 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 4 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 5 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 6 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 7 WG 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun 8

43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun – 36,00€

Armoured vehicles are a crucial component of a Bolt Action force, giving you mobile, protected firepower to deal with enemy vehicles and troops alike!

Based on the successful Turan medium tank chassis, the Zrínyi was designed to replicate the prowess of the legendary German StuG. Armed with a powerful 105mm howitzer, the Zrínyi II provided direct fire support to Hungarian infantry, blasting aside enemy strongpoints and troops. Capable of delivering significant high explosive power courtesy of its Medium Howitzer, the Zrínyi II can dish out both Pins and casualties with ease on the Bolt Action tabletop, making it a great choice for a Hungarian Armoured Platoon!

Box contains one 43M Zrínyi II Assault Gun, cast in resin & metal, with waterslide decal sheet, Bolt Action Order Die, Bolt Action: Third Edition vehicle stat card, and vehicle damage markers.

WG Hungarian Army Border Guards Infantry Section 1 WG Hungarian Army Border Guards Infantry Section 2 WG Hungarian Army Border Guards Infantry Section 3

Hungarian Army Border Guards Infantry Section – 32,00€

Infantry form the core of every Bolt Action force, providing you with the bodies needed to engage the enemy, take and hold objectives, and complete your mission!

Hungarian Border Guards were, as the name suggests, intended to patrol Hungary’s borders in times of peace, while in times of war they would provide ‚fortress companies‘ to guard strategic mountain passes, often being equipped with a higher than usual complement of anti-infantry weaponry for this task. A great choice for Hungarian players who want to make sure their borders (and tables!) are safe from invasion, the Border Guards make an excellent inclusion in any Rifle Platoon.

Box contains ten Hungarian Army Mountain Infantrymen (NCO with SMG, one man armed with LMG, one man armed with flamethrower, seven riflemen), cast in metal, with Bolt Action Order Die, and plastic bases.

WG Hungarian Army Gendarmerie Battalion Section 1 WG Hungarian Army Gendarmerie Battalion Section 2 WG Hungarian Army Gendarmerie Battalion Section 3

Hungarian Army Gendarmerie Battalion Section – 32,00€

Infantry form the core of every Bolt Action force, providing you with the bodies needed to engage the enemy, take and hold objectives, and complete your mission!

The Hungarian Gendarmerie, or Csendőrség, was a paramilitary force intended to maintain law and order, particularly in rural areas. With Hungary’s entry into the Second World War, they would be increasingly deployed in support of the regular army, fighting under their motto “Híven, Becsülettel, Vitézül” (faithfully, honorably, valiantly). Equipped much the same as their regular counterparts, with the exception of their feather-trimmed bowler hats, they’re a great option for the Hungarian player looking to add some variety to their Rifle Platoons!

Box contains ten Hungarian Army Gendarmes (NCO with SMG, one man armed with LMG, eight riflemen), cast in metal, with Bolt Action Order Die, and plastic bases.

WG Hungarian Army Mountain Infantry Section 1 WG Hungarian Army Mountain Infantry Section 2 WG Hungarian Army Mountain Infantry Section 3

Hungarian Army Mountain Infantry Section – 32,00€

Infantry form the core of every Bolt Action force, providing you with the bodies needed to engage the enemy, take and hold objectives, and complete your mission!

As befits a rugged, mountainous country, the Hungarian Army would field specialised mountain warfare units throughout the Second World War. Often recruited from men with previous experience at altitude, and put through a gruelling training regime, these units were among the most determined that Hungary could field. Equipped with all manner of specialised climbing gear, these mountaineers are a fantastic addition to any Hungarian Rifle Platoon that expects to run into any rough terrain!

Box contains ten Hungarian Army Border Guards Infantrymen (NCO with SMG, one man armed with LMG, one man armed with SMG, seven riflemen), cast in metal, with Bolt Action Order Die, and plastic bases.

WG Hungarian Tank Crew 1 WG Hungarian Tank Crew 2

Hungarian Tank Crew – 17,50€

Bail Out! This Hungarian tank crew has been lucky enough to escape their destroyed vehicle, but must now brave the dangers of the battlefield as they try to make it to safety on foot!

Ideal for both Bolt Action and Achtung Panzer!, these characterful crewmen make a great addition to any Hungarian collection, and are perfect for use as objective markers or scenario pieces.

Pack contains four mounted and three dismounted Hungarian tank crew, cast in metal.

WG Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck 1 WG Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck 2 WG Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck 3 WG Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck 4 WG Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck 5 WG Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck 6

Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck – 36,00€

Transport vehicles are an essential part of any Bolt Action force, allowing you to get your troops to exactly where they’re needed on the battlefield, and providing a degree of mobility that a canny commander can use to their advantage.

The Rába 38M Botond was the standard Hungarian all-terrain truck of the Second World War. Over two and a half thousand of this 6×4 machine would be made, and used in a variety of roles from troop carrier to artillery tow to mobile command post. For the Hungarian player in need to motorised transport for any of their Platoons – look no further than the Rába 38M Botond!

Box contains one Rába 38M Botond 1.5 Ton Truck, cast in resin & metal, with waterslide decal sheet, Bolt Action Order Die, Bolt Action: Third Edition vehicle stat card, and vehicle damage markers.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Diese Minis wurden schon in Italy and the Axis und in Fortress Budapest angekündigt 2019. Ich bin hoch erfreut da die Ungarn mittlerweile meine liebste Fraktion sind. Ist mal was anderes und verfügt trotzdem über deutsche Waffentechnik.

    Die Gendarmerie gibt ja einen Bonus auf Moraltests für sich und umliegende Einheiten und die Hüte errinnern an die Bersaglierie.

    ich freue mich riesig über die Fahrzeuge.Die neuen Resinmodelle sind wirklich besser, nur über den Preis läaast es sich gut meckern.


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