von BK-Bob | 31.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Pre-Release Winter Infanterie

Aktuell gibt es die neuen amerikanischen und deutschen Truppen in Winteruniform zeitlich limitiert bei Warlord Games bevor sie 2025 offizielle verööfentlicht werden.

WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 1 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 2 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 3 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 4 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 5 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 6

Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon – 44,50€

The elite paratroopers of the German Luftwaffe, the Fallschirmjäger would find themselves fighting exclusively as ground troops as the Second World War progressed, where their intense training and esprit de corps stood them in good stead and earned them a fearsome reputation as determined and deadly combatants. As a part of the German air force rather than the army, their equipment was unique and highly specialised – from their uniforms to the iconic FG 42 assault rifles – making them an instantly recognisable force on the battlefield.

This box gives you everything you’ll need to build thirty plastic German Fallschirmjäger in their distinctive quilted winter uniforms, perfect for the unforgiving snowy woodland terrain of the Battle of the Bulge. Each sprue contains:

  • Six dynamically posed bodies in the iconic winter uniforms of Germany’s elite paratroopers.
  • Twelve unique head options, including covered and uncovered helmets, peaked caps, and furry winter hats!
  • A wide range of weaponry, including the unique FG 42 paratrooper assault rifle (including one with marksman’s scope), legendary MG 42 machine gun, Kar 98K rifle, MP 40 submachine gun, Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers, and more.
  • Tons of extra details – arms carrying ammunition and equipment, webbing and belt kit, pistols, flare guns, grenades and entrenching tools used as close-combat weapons!

With their distinctive camouflaged jump smocks and quilted winter oversuits, Fallschirmjäger armies look unique and absolutely fantastic on the table, and offer a brilliant opportunity to show off your painting skills. Whether in defence of the Fatherland or on the attack in the Ardennes, you’ll have a force of die-hard paratroopers that looks great and can do some serious damage on the tabletop!

WG US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon 1 WG US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon 2 WG US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon 3 WG US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon 4 WG US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon 5 WG US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon 6

US Army Infantry (Winter) Platoon – 44,50€

As the US Army advanced through France towards Germany, they would be faced with not only fierce German resistance, but also increasingly harsh weather. The winter of 1944-45 was a cold one in north-west Europe, and the GIs who would find themselves in desperate combat during the Battle of the Bulge in the forests of the Ardennes would discover that the weather was almost as much of a foe as the enemy troops. Digging into the frozen ground became incredibly difficult, and the men were grateful for every piece of winter clothing they could get their hands on.

This box gives you everything you’ll need to build 30 US Army infantrymen in winter uniforms, ideal for representing the men fighting in the freezing conditions of the Battle of the Bulge. Each sprue contains:

  • Six dynamically posed bodies in thick winter greatcoats.
  • Twelve unique head options, including helmets with camouflage covers and netting.
  • A wide range of weaponry including the iconic M1 Garand rifle, Thompson and ‘Grease Gun’ submachine guns, Bazooka anti-tank rocket launcher, and Springfield sniper rifle – and more!
  • Loads of extra details, including binoculars, water bottles, ammunition pouches, rifle grenades, and many more.

US forces are fantastically simple to paint, and these men in their long winter greatcoats are no exception. With only a few colours, you can quickly and easily bring your collection to life on the tabletop, and the awesome detail on these plastic sprues provides a fantastic opportunity to really show off your painting skills!

Quelle: Warlord Games


Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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