von BK-Bob | 25.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Einführungsset & Alpini Neuheiten

Von Warlord Games gibt es ein Starter Set light und italienische Unterstützung.

WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 1 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 2 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 3 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 4 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 5 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 6 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 7 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 8 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 9 WG Bolt Action Introductory Set 10

Bolt Action Introductory Set – 51,00€

Wage World War II on your tabletop!

The Bolt Action Introductory Set guides you through your very first steps into the world of tabletop wargaming, and welcomes you to the world of Bolt Action, the ultimate World War Two wargame! Designed specifically to introduce the fundamentals of the hobby in fun, simple steps, you’ll learn how to assemble and paint your first models, play your first games, and introduces you to the wider world of Bolt Action.

Inside the box, you’ll discover finely detailed, plastic miniatures – tough German Grenadiers and fearless US Rangers – and a double-sided battle mat with plastic scenery to set the stage for your games. The included Bolt Action Field Manual takes you through every stage of the hobby with simple, easy-to-follow instructions. Learn how to build your new models, then take them straight into the action! Through a series of fun, introductory missions, you’ll familiarise yourself with the key mechanics of Bolt Action. In no time at all, you’ll be leading your forces into battle!

The Bolt Action Introductory Set contains:

  • Full colour, 68 page book – The Bolt Action Field Manual
  • 12 Plastic German Grenadiers (28mm)
  • 12 Plastic US Rangers (28mm)
  • Plastic Ruined Farmhouse Scenery
  • Game Token Punchboard
  • Double-sided Gaming Mat (30” x 22.4” approx.)
  • Six Bolt Action Order Dice (3 Grey / 3 Olive Drab)
  • Eight six-sided dice
  • Dice Bag
  • Cardboard Insert that doubles as an in-game Bunker

WG Italian Alpini 100 17 Modello 14 Medium Artillery 1 WG Italian Alpini 100 17 Modello 14 Medium Artillery 2 WG Italian Alpini 100 17 Modello 14 Medium Artillery 3 WG Italian Alpini 100 17 Modello 14 Medium Artillery 4 WG Italian Alpini 100 17 Modello 14 Medium Artillery 5

Italian Alpini 100/17 Modello 14 Medium Artillery – 29,00€

Do your Alpini need fire support? It’s time to break out the big guns!

During World War I, Italy would capture a significant number of Skoda-produced Austro-Hungarian 10cm howitzers, and make good use of them for decades afterwards. Renamed the Obice da 100/17 Mod. 14 in Italian service, these guns would see service on all fronts, including with the Alpini Mountain Troops.

Medium Howitzers are powerful and versatile weapons in Bolt Action: Third Edition, often forming the backbone of Artillery Platoons. Capable of delivering both accurate direct fire and ignoring cover with the Indirect Fire abilities, they can punish enemy infantry, particularly when calling on the abilities of spotters to shoot targets out of their line-of-sight!

Beef up your Artillery Platoons today!

Pack contains one metal 100/17 Modello 14, with four Italian Alpini crew and an MDF base.

WG Italian Alpini Elefantino 47mm Anti Tank Gun 1 WG Italian Alpini Elefantino 47mm Anti Tank Gun 2 WG Italian Alpini Elefantino 47mm Anti Tank Gun 3 WG Italian Alpini Elefantino 47mm Anti Tank Gun 4

Italian Alpini Elefantino 47mm Anti-tank Gun – 23,00€

Need versatile firepower halfway up a mountain? Get an Elefantino!

The Cannone da 47/32 mod. 1935, known as ‘Elefantino’ (‘little elephant’) by its crews for the tusk-like arc of its carriage, was a lightweight dual-purpose gun used throughout WWII by the Italian military, including the Alpini mountain troops. Often pulled by mule teams, it was effective against lighter armoured vehicles and in a direct-fire role against dug-in infantry, and could be effectively transported across truly rugged terrain when disassembled.

Light Anti-Tank Guns offer great value for their low points cost in Bolt Action: Third Edition, where their lighter shells are offset by just how many you can field! Even larger vehicles will need to beware, as the AT Gun bonus to hit vehicles and the chance of a flanking shot can spell disaster for all but the heaviest tanks!

Add some anti-tank punch today!

Pack contains one metal Elefantino 47mm anti-tank Gun, with three Italian Alpini crew and a plastic base.

WG Italian Alpini Forward Observer Team 1 WG Italian Alpini Forward Observer Team 2 WG Italian Alpini Forward Observer Team 3

Italian Alpini Forward Observer Team – 8,75€

Make good use of the high ground to range in your indirect fire with these Alpini Forward Observers!

Fighting in mountainous terrain frequently meant that indirect-firing artillery and mortars were the only way to engage dug-in enemy troops. This required spotters and observers, who would need to be equally skilled mountaineers as soldiers – luckily, the Italian Alpini mountain troops were both!

Indirect fire and spotters are absolutely vital components for any Bolt Action: Third Edition force, allowing you to rain down high explosive firepower on your foes – ignoring cover into the bargain – and call upon powerful artillery and air strikes!

Get eyes on the target today!

Pack contains with three Italian Alpini figures and a plastic base.

WG Italian Alpini Mule Teams 1 WG Italian Alpini Mule Teams 2 WG Italian Alpini Mule Teams 3 WG Italian Alpini Mule Teams 4

Italian Alpini Mule Teams – 14,00€

Want to haul a gun up a mountain to support your Italian Alpini? You need mules!

Surefooted and strong (although often rather stubborn!), mules have been used to haul heavy loads up and down mountains for centuries. The Alpini, elite mountain troops of Italy, made good use of them in this capacity in World War II, finding them particularly useful for hauling disassembled artillery pieces.

In Bolt Action: Third Edition, a horse (or mule!) team is about the cheapest towing option for your Artillery Platoons that you can get your hands on – great for making sure you can get your big guns moving when you need them, but don’t count on them to stick around in a firefight!

Get your artillery on the move today!

Pack contains two metal Italian Alpini figures, and two metal mules, with plastic bases.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Regeltechnisch hätte ich ja immer Lust auf Bolt Action, aber das Szenario verursacht bei mir leider Bauchschmerzen. Da ist es schade, dass Gates of Antares nicht mehr so wirklich weitergeführt wird.
    Vielleicht wird ja die neue Edition von der Weird War Version gut, das wäre mir entfremdet genug.

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