von BK-Bob | 27.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Armies of Germany & Startersets

Das erste Armeebuch für die dritte Bolt Action Edition steht in den Startlöchern zusammen mit Starterset für die Winter-Fallschirmjäger und Veteranen.

WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 1 WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 2 WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 3 WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 4 WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 5 WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 6 WG Armies Of Germany Third Edition With Josef Sepp Allerberger Special Figure 7

Armies of Germany: Third Edition with Josef „Sepp“ Allerberger Special Figure – 30,00€

Your essential guide to fielding the forces of Germany in Bolt Action has arrived!

The essential handbook for any Bolt Action player looking to field the forces of the Wehrmacht on the tabletop, Armies of Germany is packed with unit profiles, special rules, and historical background. With this book, you can turn your collection of German miniatures into a deadly fighting force in the world’s greatest World War II wargame, and find plenty of inspiration for new projects!

From the first campaigns in Poland and beyond, through the baking deserts of Africa and frozen tundra of the Eastern Front, to the streets of Berlin itself, Armies of Germany allows you to create Bolt Action forces for any period and engagement of the war, encompassing the whole of the vast German war machine. The new era selection guidelines help you create a truly historical army, while the special rules enable you to tailor your entire force to your chosen theme, be they regular Heer troopers, die-hard Fallschirmjäger paratroopers, and a whole lot more besides!

Special Figure: Accompanying Armies of Germany is the exclusive special figure – Josef “Sepp” Allerberger! A member of the elite Gebirgsjäger mountain troops, Allerberger would become one of Germany’s most lethally effective snipers on the Eastern Front. This figure depicts Allerberger lining up to take a shot. His shooting stance is right out of the Wehrmacht’s sniper school textbook, and his portable camouflage screen – both lightweight and effective – is cunningly made out of an umbrella frame and foliage!

Dressed in the specialist uniform of the Gebirgsjäger, and wearing the Edelweiss flower badge with pride in his cap, Sepp Allerberger is a fantastic choice to represent part of a Sniper Team in one of your German Rifle Platoons – with him on the table, none of your opponents’ officers are safe!

WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 1 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 2 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 3 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 4 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 5 WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon 6

Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon – 44,50€

The world’s first paratroopers to be used in large numbers, the German Fallschirmjäger were at the tip of the spear when war broke out in 1939. They led daring assaults on strategic targets, such as the fortress at Eben Emael, enabling the following Panzers to overrun Europe. The Fallschirmjäger’s greatest achievement would be the seizing of Crete in the face of more numerous British and Commonwealth forces during 1941. This pyrrhic victory meant that they were never again used in airborne operations, but instead fought as highly motivated infantry, their special equipment making them tenacious.

This box contains 30 infantry models with a range of weapons and equipment, wearing quilted winter uniforms, perfect for the unforgiving snowy woodland terrain of the Battle of the Bulge, the bleak steppes of the Eastern Front or the mountains of Italy. Each frame includes a range of heads including their distinctive helmets, peaked caps and officer’s cap, Kar 98K rifle and both StG 44 and FG42 assault rifles, a variety of German and captured sub machine guns, both MG34 and MG42 light machine guns with ammunition belts and boxes, plus a Panzerfaust.

The following units from Armies of Germany can be assembled:

  • Platoon Commander
  • Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War) with light machine gun and submachine gun options
  • Fallschirmjäger Squad (Late War, including Green units) with light machine gun, assault rifle, submachine gun & Panzerfaust options

You can also make spotters for indirect fire units and other infantry squads such as Spähtruppen, or combine them with other infantry kits – the possibilities are endless!

WG Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Starter Army 1

Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Starter Army – 125,00€

Clad in their thick winter gear, ready to fight the Allies in the snowy forests of the Ardennes, these die-hard German paratroopers are a force to be reckoned with!

This starter army gives you everything you need to field a battle-ready force of Fallschirmjäger in winter equipment for games of Bolt Action. At its core is a strong Rifle Platoon with three full squads of paratroopers, backed up by Sniper and Panzerschreck teams – this flexible formation is capable of taking and holding objectives, and is the heart of any Bolt Action force.

Backing up the Rifle Platoon is a trio of powerful supporting formations. The Heavy Weapons Platoon provides both direct fire in the form of a brace of Medium Machine Guns, and high-explosive death from on high with its Medium Mortar, while the small but powerful Artillery Platoon gives the force some serious anti-tank punch from the PaK 40 anti-tank gun!

Rounding out the force is the Armoured Platoon, bringing both wheels and tracks to the battlefield. The Sd.Kfz 223 command armoured car has excellent mobility, and leads the way for the mighty StuG III G assault gun, equally capable of blasting enemy infantry and vehicles.

With these four platoons, you get a great core force that can be used on the tabletop right away, and serve as the basis for a large and versatile collection. The Fallschirmjäger are a powerful, determined army in Bolt Action, and can make use of a wide variety of tactics and units – this set is the perfect way to start your collection!

The Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Starter Army contains:

  • 36 multi-pose hard plastic Fallschirmjäger (Winter)
  • One Fallschirmjäger (Winter) officer (Warlord Resin)
  • One Fallschirmjäger (Winter) NCO (Warlord Resin)
  • One Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medic (Warlord Resin)
  • One Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Radio operator (Warlord Resin)
  • Two Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medium Machine Gun Teams (Metal Gun with Warlord Resin Crew)
  • One Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Medium Mortar Team (Metal Gun with Warlord resin Crew)
  • One Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Pak 40 Anti-tank Gun (Metal Gun with Warlord Resin Crew)
  • One Sd.KFz 222/223 Armoured Car (Hard Plastic)
  • One StuG III Ausf. G Assault Gun (Hard Plastic)
  • Enough plastic/MDF bases for all miniatures, Waterslide Decals, Vehicle Stat Cards and Vehicle Damage Markers

WG German Veteran Infantry Platoon 1 WG German Veteran Infantry Platoon 2 WG German Veteran Infantry Platoon 3 WG German Veteran Infantry Platoon 4 WG German Veteran Infantry Platoon 5

German Veteran Infantry Platoon – 44,50€

The savage battles of the Eastern Front and the bitter city-fighting over the ruins of Stalingrad turned raw German recruits into hardened veterans in mere week. Forged in the crucible of battle, these men had learned to survive and fight in the harshest conditions imaginable, and their experience was invaluable in combat. Utilising a wide variety of specialist equipment, and with a definite focus on close-quarters battle, these German Veteran Infantry are a force to be reckoned with on the Bolt Action tabletop.

This box contains 30 infantry models with a range of weapons and equipment. Each frame includes a selection of heads including helmeted and bare, field and officer’s cap, Kar 98 rifles, MP40 and captured Russian sub-machine guns, Luger and flare pistol, two MG34 light machine guns with ammunition boxes, GrB-39 grenade launcher, anti-tank rifle & flamethrower, as well as accessories for specialist troop types and commanders.

The following units from Armies of Germany can be assembled:

  • Platoon Commander
  • Heer Infantry Squad with light machine gun and submachine gun options
  • Sturmpionere with light machine gun, flamethrower, grenade launcher and submachine gun options
  • Feldgendamerie/Feldjagerkorps (gourget and signal accessories) with light machine gun and submachine gun options
  • Anti-tank rifle team
  • Flamethrower team

You can also make spotters for indirect fire units and other infantry squads such as Spähtruppen, or combine them with other infantry kits – the possibilities are endless!

WG German Veteran Infantry Starter Army

German Veteran Infantry Starter Army – 125,00€

Get ready for close-quarters battle with this amazingly versatile starter army!

Perfect for fighting in the ruined cities of World War II, these hard-bitten veteran German troopers are packed with specialist equipment and ready to do battle!

This starter army gives you everything you need to field a battle-ready force of German veterans for games of Bolt Action. Based around a Rifle Platoon of two Heer Infantry squads, supported by an Anti-Tank Rifle team, which can take and hold objectives and provides a strong core to the army, it packs a significant punch with its specialist supporting platoons. It’s also accompanied by a Medic, whose intervention can keep your troops in the fight when the going gets tough.

The first of these is the Heavy Weapons Platoon, providing the force with strong anti-infantry firepower courtesy of a brace of Medium Machine Guns and a Medium Mortar. Ideal for creating defensive strongpoints and supporting your attacks, it’s a great counterpoint to the small but powerful Engineer Platoon. Made up of a pair of Pionier squads, each outfitted for short-range fighting and packing a lethal flamethrower, plus a separate Flamethrower Team, this platoon looks to get up close and personal, burning enemies out of their positions!

Finally, there’s the Armoured Platoon, bringing both wheels and tracks to the battlefield. The Sd.Kfz 223 command armoured car has excellent mobility, and leads the way for the powerful Panzer IV with its deadly and efficient short-barrelled howitzer!

With these four platoons, you get a great core force that can be used on the tabletop right away, and serve as the basis for a large and versatile collection. Ideal for an army themed around the bitter fighting at Stalingrad, this force can be built in numerous different ways to represent dozens of units, and is the perfect way to start your collection!

The German Veteran Infantry Starter Army contains:

  • 36 multi-pose hard plastic German Veteran Infantry
  • One German Veteran Infantry Officer (Warlord Resin)
  • One German Veteran Infantry NCO (Warlord Resin)
  • One German Veteran Infantry Medic (Warlord Resin)
  • One German Veteran Infantry Radio Operator (Warlord Resin)
  • Two German Veteran Infantry Medium Machine Gun Teams (Metal Gun with Warlord Resin Crew)
  • One German Veteran Infantry Medium Mortar Team (Metal Gun with Warlord resin Crew)
  • One Sd.KFz 222/223 Armoured Car (Hard Plastic)
  • One Panzer IV Ausf. A/b/c Medium Tank (Hard Plastic)
  • Enough plastic bases for all miniatures, Waterslide Decals, Vehicle Stat Cards and Vehicle Damage Markers

Quelle: Warlord Games


Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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