von BK-Jonah | 04.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Moderne

Bloody Miniatures: Neue Preview

Bloody Miniatures teilen eine erste Vorschau für ihre neuen Artillerie-Modelle.

Introducing the Bloody Guns – being final piece in the jigsaw of our next release…

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Well we obviously weren’t going to do all the same old guns that everyone else makes 😊

Instead ‘The Bloody Guns’ pack includes a battlement gun with both stationary frame and truckle wheeled options, plus a nifty little robinet on a truckle carriage. Perfect companion pieces for skirmishes, raids, sallies and small running battles using Bloody Miniatures.

Some 25 major, set-piece ‘field’ battles took place across the course of the English Civil War. Many of these big battles saw the use of the enormous artillery pieces beloved of ECW wargamers – cannon royale, demi-cannon and culverins, as well as the ubiquitous sakers. These guns fired balls weighing from 6lb (saker) to 60lb (cannon royale), required teams of up to 24 horses to pull them, and large numbers of men to serve them. Once positioned, they didn’t move.

But the Civil War also saw thousands of smaller, localised clashes and encounters, involving a few hundred (or even just a few dozen) men. Enormously heavy, difficult to move guns had no role in these sorts of engagements. If anything, they were a liability. Smaller calibre ordnance – minions, falcons and falconets – were of much more use.

Both sides used whatever guns they could lay their hands on, however old or decrepit, and however big or small. Trundled out of town armouries, dusted down, and put to use. Hence small calibre, Heath Robinson looking contraptions, such as robinets and battlement guns.

Battlement guns, as the name suggests, were small calibre ‘swivel guns’: light cannon on adjustable mounts (fixed frames or wheeled trundles), used on defensive works to repel attackers. With barrels up to six feet long, they fired balls of around 0.75lb – although smaller civil war era cannon with short ranges were just as likely to be used to fire anti-personnel case shot.

The robinet (occasionally ‘rabinet’, and also known as a ‘base’) was the smallest calibre gun in the mid-Seventeenth Century arsenal. With a three to four foot long bronze barrel, it fired a small ball from 0.5lb up to 1lb, or small charges of case shot. It could be manhandled by two men and easily pulled by a single horse.

Our robinet is mounted on a solid beam truckle carriage. Primarily used in a defensive capacity, a ‘garrison gun’ of this type could still be dragged out into the streets or countryside for use as a diminutive field piece. Even mounted on a cart – an early example of propelled artillery perhaps. Many arsenals would have included this sort of very small calibre ordnance – relatively simple to construct and easy to move.

Note. The battlement gun comes with both a stationary frame and a truckle wheeled frame. The rear barrel support can be cut to the desired length and positioned to adjust the elevation of the barrel.

Guns modelled by James Sharpe of OSHIRO Models. Thank you to Adam O’Brien for source material and inspiration.

These are, of course, also eminently suitable for the Thirty Years War.

Quelle: Bloody Miniatures auf Facebook


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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