von BK-Sebastian | 15.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Horror

Black Site Studios: Night Thirst

Black Site Studios starten die Vorbestellung für Night Thirst.

Das Spiel lässt einen in die Rolle eines Vampirs schlüpfen un gegeneinander nach Blut jagen.
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What is Night Thirst?
Night Thirst is a game of bloody competition in a world in which Vampires of all generations and clans put differences aside to participate in a long-honored tradition of battle royale, called the Night Thirst. Vampires representing their clans utilize various strategies and special abilities in an attempt to outhunt their fellow Vampires and consume the most blood before the sun rises! Overseen by the secretive S.T.A.K.E Agents, Vampires will attempt to eliminate their Prey before their fear and commotion rises to a level that gets S.T.A.K.E involved!
While Night Thirst is intended to take place in near modern times, players are encouraged to utilize terrain and models they already have or would like to have, the Night Thirst has existed for centuries and shows no signs of stopping! Night Thirst can take place in the Old West, a Medieval Castle, or a Cyberpunk future! Why not? Vampires in space!
A game within a game, Night Thirst will have players strategizing the best way to drink the most blood while dealing with the rising panic of their Prey as well as potential attacks from S.T.A.K.E Agents and each other!
Das Regelwerk allein kostet in physischer und digitaler Form 29,99$
  • Softback rulebook 85+ pages
  • PDF is included (Backers will get access to a Beta PDF immediately, final PDF delivered before print))
  • The Night Thirst rulebook contains all the rules needed to play a game, including simplified versions of the Vampire cards and tokens for players to photocopy and use. If you are interested in physical copies of the tokens and sheets, grab the tier I bundle here

Das Tier I Bundle aus Buch, Tokens und Karten kostet 47,99$


  • Softback rulebook 85+ pages (Book size is 9.75h x 7.5″w)
  • PDF is included (Backers will get access to a Beta PDF immediately, final PDF delivered before print)
  • 7 Vampire Cards (for all 6 Vampire, plus the Thrall)
  • 1 Token Sheet

Im Tier II Bundle für 142,95€ sind zusätzlich die Figuren enthalten


  • Softback rulebook 85+ pages (Book size is 9.75h x 7.5″w)
  • PDF is included (Backers will get access to a Beta PDF immediately, final PDF delivered before print)
  • 7 Vampire Cards (for all 6 Vampire, plus the Thrall, cards are 6×4″)
  • 1 Token Sheet
  • All 6 Core Vampire minis (plus Thrall)
  • Civilians Vol 2 – Designed for Night Thirst
  • S.T.A.K.E Agents

Dazu gibt es das Witty Limited Collectors Edition Bundle für 229,38$, die zusätzlich die Witty Figur enthält.(Die Figur alleine kostet 39,99$)


Das Limited Fair Ground Bundle kostet 154,99$


Das City Streets Bundle 159,99$


Quelle: Black Site Studios


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Hola die Waldfee 😲😲😲
    Da werden ja echt große Preise aufgerufen.
    Da sag noch mal einer GW sei teuer 🤔

    Zu den Figuren sage ich mal , eigentlich nicht schlecht 😃

  • Übersehe ich das „Digital Bundle“ für 66,95 €
    This is a 100% digital product. No physical items will be included in this product.
    This product includes
    1 rulebook PDF
    PDF versions of the cards and token sheet
    STL files of all the miniatures releases (Supported and unsupported supplied)
    Miniatures will be supplied as single part models.
    ALL NON-PHYSICAL Unlocked stretch goals
    No Physical items are included in this product.

  • Habe nach dem Kauf das Regelbuch in der Beta Variante erhalten. Das sind knapp 80 Seiten und die lesen sich sehr witzig.
    Scheint ein lustiges Partygame zu werden, oder was was man mal auf einer Con vorstellen kann.
    Versand und Zoll sind zusammen ungefähr 35,- € aus den USA. Kenne ich auch schlimmer.

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