von BK-Jonah | 12.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Black Site Studios: Gelände-Sets

Noch bis zum 25. Oktober gibt es bei Black Site Studios exklusive Gelände-Sets zu holen.

Black Site Studios SPAM Day

Amazon has prime day, we have SPAM day

  • Subway (Arklight Metro)
  • Pavlov’s House
  • Asylum
  • Mall

These items are all available until October 25th as made to order kits.

Don’t sleep on these, we only run them about once per year at this point.

Marketing is hard

The Arklight Subway – Limited Bundle – 399,99€

Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 1 Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 2 Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 3 Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 4

Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 5 Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 6 Black Site Studios Arklight Subway 7

The hollow echo of trains arriving, the trash and rats piled in corners, and the distinct smell of urine all help to make up the list of things people in Midnight City loathe about their subway system. Carrying over 10 million riders annually, the Arklight Metro System is the envy of most other developed cities (except the trash, urine and the rats). Sporting over 450 stations and branching into Upstate and Millers Island, the system’s main flaw is that it’s constantly in a state of disrepair.

Our Arklight Metro Kits come pre-painted and ready to assemble, it features printed easy to use peel and stick graphics (Check the descriptions for more info)

Each kit is designed to work with all the other kits in the range. The modular design makes it easy to construct a massive subway complex with as much detail as you want! These kits are scaled for use in 40mm games, but can be easily used for 32-28mm

In this bundle of 32 kits, you will receive:

  • 1x Turnstile Room
  • 1x Long Corridor
  • 1x Half Straight Corridor
  • 1x Corner
  • 4x Long Platforms
  • 6x Track Sections
  • 4x Center Corridor
  • 6x Escalators
  • 6x Dead Ends
  • 1x Subway Car
  • 1x Stairs
  • Printed sticker sheets are included but to not come pre-cut.

You can assemble this kit without the stickers and use the standard engraved parts instead.

This bundle covers an area between a 3×3 and a 4×4 foot board. And can be arranged in hundreds of different configurations!

All of the Arklight Metro kits come with top and bottom clips as well as laser cut holes for 1/4″ magnets (magnets not included)

Pavlov’s House – Made to Order – 329,99€

Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 1 Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 2 Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 3 Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 4

Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 5 Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 6 Black Site Studios Pavlov's House 7

Pavlov’s House was a fortified apartment building during the battle of Stalingrad that the staunch Red Army defenders held for 60 days against a heavy German offensive, On November 25th, 1942, the building was relieved and the Soviet lines moved forward. Pavlov and some of his men were awarded the highest citation in the Red Army, known as the „Hero of the Soviet Union“ medal.

This kit comes packed with a ton of pre painted details, it features removable floors, working doors and the building breaks into 3 large sections for modular storage or use.

This is a 28mm 1:56th scale building kit. It comes pre-painted on sprues and once assembled its ready to use! This is perfect for games such as Bolt Action, Chain of Command and many other 28mm game systems.

With almost 12 square feet of playable space across all the floors and rooms, this monster kit is the largest prepainted building we have ever done!

This building is approximately 32″ x 12″ x 11″

28mm miniatures and other kits are shown for scale purposes only. Some colors may vary slightly from photos.

Northwood Asylum – Made to Order – 239,99€

Black Site Studios Northwood Asylum 1 Black Site Studios Northwood Asylum 2

This is a 28-32mm building kit. It comes pre-painted on sprues and once assembled its ready to use! It has working doors and working decorative window shutters.
In this product you will receive the following:

  • 1 Pre-painted Admin building – The building measures approx [12×10″13″ tall]
  • 2 Pre-painted side wings [10″ tall]
  • Removable stairs
  • When placed in one large building, the overall length is 30″ long!

The Northwood Mall – Made to Order – 399,99€

Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 1 Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 2 Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 3 Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 4

Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 5 Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 6 Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 7 Black Site Studios Northwood Mall 8

Built in 1975, the Northwood Mall has been home to various shops and restaurants over the years. After the 90s passed, the malls has seen a year-over-year decline in traffic and sales. Can Northwood Mall be saved?

The Northwood Mall is a 100% pre-painted modular kit that is designed to build out gaming tables with large buildings (Mall, office, hotel, hospital etc) Each kit is designed to work with all the other components to make this process as simple and quick as possible. These kits are intentionally designed to be simple and very fast to build.

In this kit you will receive the following

This kit will cover an area of approx 34 x 25.5″

  • 1x Entrance
  • 1x Atrium
  • 2x Main Shops
  • 1x Stairs and Elevator
  • 1x Restroom and Storage
  • 2x Escalators and Bridges
  • 2x Details Pack

Quelle: Black Site Studios auf Facebook


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Man Blacksite hat soo gute Geländesets! Vor allem die realistischen Größen (nicht nur von obigen Sets, sondern auch das andere Gelände in deren Sortiment). Ich würde da echt gerne mal bestellen, aber aktuell kann man es ja leider nur direkt aus dem USA ordern und das wird dann mit Porto, Steuern und Zoll einfach absurd teuer.

  • Ich liebe Black Site Studios. Morgen spiele ich endlich meine erste Runde Hametsu mit einem japanischen Dorf.

    Kennt jemand ein Tutorial für Reisfelder als Gelände?

      • Ich hab mich für Hametsu was Gelände angeht komplett bei TTCombat eingedeckt, die haben echt schönes japanisches MDF Gelände. Als Figuren nehme ich welche aus dem 3D Drucker.
        Für das Japanese Village würde ich halt noch gerne Reisfelder haben 🙂

    • Flache Reisfelder würde ich bei der Ernte darstellen. Zb, Fußmatte, grün anmalen, mit Rasierer bahnen schneiden und dort mit einem Wassereffekt arbeiten.

      Oder man baut halt Terassen, aber das beeinflusst das Spielfeld natürlich mehr.

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