von BK-Rafael | 22.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Moderne, Pulp

Black Site Studios: Breacher Preorder und Bundles

Wie bereits vor ein paar Tagen berichtet, bringen Black Site Studios mit Breacher ein neues Modern Warfare Tabletopspiel raus. Dazu hier weitere Details:

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BREACHER IS LIVE! Link in the comments
We are so excited to kick off our 2024 game line up with Breacher by Matt Burns.
Head on over to the Backroom launch page to check out all the tiers, products and terrain bundles.
We cannot thank you all enough for the amazing support Breacher has received so far! We’ve continued to knock off a ton of stretch goals.
We are currently SUPER close to the big 25k goal, which is Solo rules! 🙂



Sarie is a unique sub-agency that operates mostly in the Middle East and northern Africa. Breachers within Sarie gravitate toward Operations that see them fighting both political and religious extremists and this can bring them to operate outside of their normal geographic preferences. Sarie Breachers often consult for small Unit missions or direct confrontations in hostile areas. Sarie Breachers do not operate with the same level of destruction as CORE Breachers, believing that they need to maintain the local infrastructure for the people who are inevitably caught up in conflicts. Sarie also offers the most diverse mix of combat expertise among its members.
Think you’d want to go up against a Sarie Breacher?




CORE as a sub-agency focuses on the use of heavy weapons and heavy armor. Operations that are usually undertaken by CORE Breachers often involve open hostilities or direct warfare between two or more countries or groups. Not known for their subtlety, CORE strategy involves dominating and controlling the A.O. through heavy firepower and usually a high level of property damage. Unsurprisingly, Core Breachers are known for their use of explosives and demolitions.


Wolf Pack is a fairly small sub-agency, usually maintaining between 20 and 30 members. Known for their brutality, members of the Wolf Pack are willing to take on the most brutal and questionable Operations on offer. Because of the nature of these Operations, the Wolf Pack brings in the highest earnings within the TBP while also being the smallest. Breachers within this sub-agency are usually unconcerned with collateral damage and while not against entering an A.O. with a single Breacher, they usually work in pairs.


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Did you know we did two terrain bundles for the Breacher launch? This is a really good time to get in on a bundle deal and grab some savings!
Breacher is available until Feb 9th!
Quelle: Black Site Studios auf Facebook und Breacher Pre-Order Seite

Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Ist das so ne Art Pre-order Kickstarter? je mehr vorbestellen umso mehr Goodies gibt es?
    Also quasi Kickstarter ohne Kickstarter? Ist ja schon fast Meta-Kapitalismus 😛

    Egal, die Zivilisten finde ich sehr schick, da bin ich direkt am überlegen.

    • Ja so kann man das verstehen.

      Das haben andere Firmen aber auch schon gemacht
      sie sind mit der Idee nicht die ersten.

    • Ich finde es aber eine schöne alternative Vorgehensweise. vor allem weil viel des Risikos für den Besteller wegfällt, bis auf den Aktiven Herstellungsprozess ist alles fertig, keine mäandernden weiteren Entwicklungswochen oder Monate etc. und auch der Hersteller hat ein dramatisch herabgesetztes unternehmerisches Risiko. Win Win.

  • Ich fände es erfreulich wenn es mal einen deutschen oder mindestens EU Anbieter gäbe da mir deren andere Systeme besser gefallen ich aber keinen Bock auf den Direktversand habe

  • Also ich kenne wenigstens einen der zumindest Lunar und Yafsiga im Programm hat. Ich bin mir aber gerade nicht sicher ob der hier Partner ist…

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