von BK-Bob | 18.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Black Powder Epic Battles: American Civil War Iron Brigade

Die Unionstruppen bekommen Verstärkung.

WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Iron Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Iron Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Iron Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Iron Brigade 4

Black Powder Epic Battles: American Civil War Iron Brigade – 29,00€

The forces of the Union march to war on the Epic Battles tabletop, with the Iron Brigade at their head!

Formed of regiments from Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, and clad in the stylish and unique black ‘Hardee’ hats, the Iron Brigade would earn its nickname at the Battle of South Mountain in 1862, where supposedly Major General McLellan would state to Major General Hooker that the brigade “…must be made of iron” and consisted of “the best troops in the world”. Disciplined, stubborn, and brave troops, the Iron Brigade suffered the highest percentage of casualties of any brigade during the war, a testament to their fighting spirit and determination in the face of danger.

These brave men are ready to join your Epic Battles: American Civil War Union force, marching proudly beneath their standards – and their fancy hats!

This box contains two regiments of the Iron Brigade in Epic Battles scale, cast in finely detailed Warlord Resin and supplied with a full colour flag sheet.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • McClellan hieß der Mann…

    Okay, bevor jetzt jeder drei Boxen kauft und dann ein Regiment über hat, es spricht nichts dagegen, auch ein paar normale Streifen darunter zu mischen, denn auch in der Iron Brigade trug nicht jeder Soldat den Hardee Hat.

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