von BK-Bob | 23.04.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Bestiarum Miniatures: Remade & Blessed Automata [NSFW]

Diesen Monat gibt es bei Bestiarum Miniatures zum einem eine mechanisch orientierte Fraktion und zum anderem kehren The Remade für eine zweite Runde zurück.

BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 1 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 2 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 3 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 4 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 5 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 6 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 7 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 8 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 9 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 10 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 11 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 12 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 13 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 14 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 15 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 16 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 17 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 18 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 19 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 20 BM Return Of The Remade & Blessed Automata 21

April Release – Return of the Remade & meet the Blessed Automata

April’s Collections are ready to be revealed, and here’s the place for all the gristly details! The Remade return once again with a decidedly elvish roster, and the strange creations of an Allsteiner exile are bursting onto the scene.

Joining these two collections, there’s a decidedly stinky set of Lone Heroes – the Underdwell, 3 characters who call the dank sewers and spoil heaps under Doaden home.

Now, with the preamble complete, lets dive into the April drop!

The Remade Part 2

The ancient elves of Doaden, immortal and once-immaculate beings, are now a desperate subterreanean race, clinging desperately to the vestiges of their lost ascendancy. The Elven Remade have warped their forms through strange and brutal surgical arts, gifted to them by their blessed Artisan-Godess herself, the Fleshsmith.

If you’re itching to learn more about the Elves of Doaden, their relationship with the dreaded Fleshsmith, and their place in our twilight world, you’ll find plenty more information in the Lore & Stat books, available on the All-In Tier.

Blessed Automata

The Blessed Automata are April’s second collection, featuring a host of strange mechanical marvels, outwardly intricate and beautiful to behold, you need only take a closer look to see the dark secrets hiding at the core of these creations!

Joining the set, we’ve included some scatter terrain elements, broken automata. These are perfect if you’re planning an encounter with the mighty Engine Eve, who, in her 5E Encounter, furiously fabricates new Automata to defend her mighty frame.

Penitent Heroes – The Underdwell

Under the Empire’s more metropolitan cities lie networks of ancient tunnels and sewers. Deep channels to collect myriad detritus and effluvia, societies leavings. The folk who dwell in such places are cast-offs too, strong enough to maintain a bitter grip on their place, no matter how hard the surface dwellers might flush…

5E Stat Books & Lore

Our All-In Tier Subscribers will receive the Faction Booklets for the Remade & Blessed Automata, containing more details on the collections, plus 5E Statblocks. Each of these books expound upon some long standing mysteries in Doaden – the nature of the Elves, and just what is the deal with those lofty Spires of Allstein?

Don’t forget, in addition to these books, you’ll also receive the whole RPG Adventure Archive – Over 30 Adventures for 5E and Forbidden Psalm, alongside the Path of Penitence Campaign System!

Thanks so much for your continued support, this wonderful community is what allows us to continue our path down this dark and strange road of evils & wonder!


Bestiarum Team

Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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