von BK-Pascal | 06.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Bestiarum Miniatures: November Patreon [NSFW]

Bestiarum Miniatures haben im November wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Folk of the Realm

The Folk of the Realm release shines a light upon life amongst the citizenry of the Empire. This collection is centred around a holy procession led by a member of the Azerai Priesthood, surrounded by a panoply of Holy Relics, and a collection of citizens to watch in religious fervour.

Alongside the miniatures, All-In Subscribers will receive the 5E Faction Book. Alongside Statblocks and inspiration to bring this vignette to life in your 5E Campaigns, you’ll find a wealth of information on common life within the Azerai Empire.

Mycena Mortifera Part Two

The next Collection is a sequel to one of 2023’s most popular factions – Mycena Mortifera. This set is designed to expand upon the foundations laid in Part 1, turning the fungal freaks into a well rounded collection to meet a variety of needs.

Joining the miniatures, we’ve also got the 5E Faction Book – which, this time, includes rules for ALL the miniatures from the Mycena Mortifera Faction – including Part 1, and a few further fun guys drawn from Goblin Grotto.

Penitent Heroes – Apex Predators

November’s Character Trio is decidedly beastly – the resurgence of the Leonines, a race that we’ve previously shown a few times in the early days of Bestiarum – now they’re back and bigger than ever – a Ranger, Tank & Shaman – these evocative characters could be run as variety of different characters in your campaigns or warbands.

Quelle: Bestarum Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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