Bestiarum Miniatures: Dezember Patreon [NSFW]
Im Dezember haben Bestiarum Miniatures wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.
It’s time again! The last collection of 2024 is ready to be revealed – and we’re closing out the year on a high note with a peek at the custodians of Doaden’s broken natural order, an absolute plague of rodentous creeps, and as always, a trio of weird and wonderful ‘heroes’ waiting to stand firm against these horrors.
This post contains the full rundown of everything that’s coming your way this December, so let’s dive in!
Kin of the Rat
The Kin of the Rat are a family. A bucktoothed, malformed and probably-enthralled-to-a-demon family, but still, a family – can’t choose your blood eh? There’s a tonne to unpack with this set – 6 Foundlings, 3 Giant Rats, 4 Rat Swarms, plus the lead characters – these guys really put the ‘plague’ into ‘plague of rats’.
And we’d be remiss if we didn’t point them out – how about those enthralled urchins?
As always, All In subscribers will receive the faction book alongside the miniatures, containing 5E-ready statblocks, plus a wealth of lore, explaining the Kin’s place in the Empire, and a glimpse at the dank and ancient tunnels that lie below Azerai’s greatest cities.
Wrath of the Wild Part 2
Our second collection is a sequel to a truly ancient Bestiarum Collection – Wrath of the Wild, and close companion to our Dark Forest Range – Wrath of the Wild Part 2 presents those who stand in defence of Nature, against the face of Baphomet’s dread influence, and the ever-creeping corruption seeping from the site of the Cataclysm.
Again, All-In Subscribers will receive the accompanying faction book, which unveil further secrets about Doaden itself, and the natural order suborned by mankind’s quest for control and the Cataclysm’s terrible effects.
We’re running a little behind on this book, expect it to arrive a bit later in December, thanks for your patience!
Penitent Heroes – Misbegotten Dhampir and a Beastly Priest
December’s Penitent Heroes are a mix of inhuman characters from beyond the Empire, first up, we’ve got the Priest of Mologh, joining our Wilderfolk heroes to fill an empty support/healer role. Joining him are two Misbegotten Dhampir, who alongside the previous trio and mighty Vrykolas form a decidedly sanguophilic party of six bloodsuckers!
Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures auf Patreon
Hab das nur wegen dem NSFW tag angeklickt und bin schwer entäuscht…
Me too 😉
Ja irgendwie war das bei den letzten beiden malen auch so. Bin froh, dass ich nicht der einzige bin der bei sowas auf Suche geht. 😄
Es sollte an mehr Beiträgen dran stehen, die würde ich dann auch lesen. 😀
Qualitätssiegel, sind auch nichts mehr wert. :/
Ich mag ja eigentlich dieses morgendliche Suchspiel.