von BK-Jonah | 25.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Neuheiten [NSFW]

Artel „W“ Miniatures bringen neue Releases in den Webstore.

Gore-Vulture Maidens – $59,99

Artel W Neuheiten 1 Artel W Neuheiten 2

Artel W Neuheiten 3 Artel W Neuheiten 4

Collection/Faction: Forces of Abyss

The rawness of these insanely furious neophytes is compensated by their brutal force and horrific weapons. Gore-Vulture Maidens are everyone’s nightmare, turning every battlefield into a whirl of spurting blood and shreds of flesh

Scale: 28mm.
Average Size: about 29mm from the feet to the eyes.
Material: high quality resin.

The kit contains 89 parts for 10 models

Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 9х28.5mm, 1x32mm bases included.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

Slaughter Maidens – $59,99

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Artel W Neuheiten 5 Artel W Neuheiten 6

Collection/Faction: Forces of Abyss

They don’t need any strong armor or long range weapons. All they need is to dive into a bloodbath by the will of the Dark Gods and on command of the Overseeress. They live to kill and die, but they won’t die without taking as many enemies’ lives as they can!

Scale: 28mm.
Average Size: about 28mm from the feet to the eyes.
Material: high quality resin.

The kit contains 105 parts for 10 models

Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 9х28.5mm, 1x32mm bases included.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

Skullraiser Headsman – $19,99

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Collection/Faction: Forces of Abyss

He is an all-seeing eye that vigilantly watches the doing of Abyss will. The Dark Gods’ bloody harvest has to be collected by their adepts in full and in time – or else… Or else the adepts themselves will have to pay this toll. He does not care whose heads will roll and whose blood will be shed

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

Consists of 15 parts, including options:

– 2 Heads

– 2 Shoulder plates

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 40 mm from the feet to the eyes; 70 mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Gorespike Overseeress – $19,99

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Collection/Faction: Forces of Abyss

A whip, an indomitable will and extreme cruelty are her weapons. And she uses all of them masterfully and without hesitation when it comes to controlling a bloodthirsty pack of ferocious converts who spare neither an enemy nor themselves. After all, they are supposed to slash their dangerous opponents, not each other.

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

Consists of 20 parts, including:

– 2 heads

– 2 torsos

– 2 pairs of back details

– 2 right hand weapons

– 2 left hand weapons

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 34 mm from the feet to the eyes; 43 mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 32mm base included.

Da Boss of diz Gym – $14,99

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Collection/Faction: Iron Horde (Space Orcs)

Orkz iz da strongezt! An’ Bossez iz da strongezt ov all Orkz! An’ only da mozt brutal wun ov all Bossez can become da Boss of diz Gym! Even da slave lad can rize ta da Boss of diz Gym pozishun! Wot? Trainin an’ fightin ‘ard gonna get ya dere!

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

Scale: 28mm

Size: 37 mm to the eyes; 40 mm total;

The kit contains 6 parts:

– Bare left hand

– Left hand with pistol

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 32mm base included

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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