von BK-Jonah | 21.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Alternative Armies: Neuer Skelett-Riese

Alternative Armies bringen einen neuen Skelett-Riesen mit Retro-Flair in ihrem Webstore.

HOT154: Skeleton Giant released

The mighty HOT 15mm Fantasy Range adds its one hundred and fiftieth fourth code and to give it its due it’s an Undead release of some height. A new Skeleton Giant with battleaxe; a behemoth to lead your horde of Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies and others in a game system of your choosing.

Under a blazing sun High Elves ready themselves to take on what was once flesh clothed and is now through necromancy given animation. Will their cavalry and bows be a match for so much bleached bone?

This is our last 15mm scale release news before the massive Winter Mega Event commences 24th October.

Thanks for your Time!

HOT154: Skeleton Giant – 7,95€

Alternative Armies Skeleton Giant 1 Alternative Armies Skeleton Giant 2

Alternative Armies Skeleton Giant 3

The serried ranks of the dead instill fear in mortals and while skeletons, zombies and wraiths make the flesh pale in fear nothing chills like a once mortal giant now no more than animated bone…

This code contains one metal miniature. Approx 40mm tall and perfect for use as a behemoth in the service of a mighty Necromancer or such.

Quelle: Alternative Armies


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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