von BK-Sebastian | 27.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines, Fantasy, Science-Fiction

OnePageRules: Update

OnePageRules aktualisieren ihre Regeln auf Version 3.2


Hi everyone,  Today we’re launching our first quarterly update of the year, with v3.2.0!  This patch is not a huge game overhaul, but rather a ton of tweaking for better balance and more interesting gameplay. There are many tiny changes that you can read about later, but first I want to focus on explaining a few of the most important things that come with this patch.

There are a few general rules updates that we want to touch on specifically, to give you a better idea to why things are changing.  First, we’ve added a new page to the terrain section to the Beginner’s Guide, giving guidelines on how to select terrain and prepare your table. We noticed that many players seem to be a bit insecure about setting the table up correctly for their first games, so we wanted to offer some help.  Then for skirmish games, we have changed the Routing rules a little. Stunned units auto-rout as usual, but units that are still standing and fail a morale test are not going to flee anymore, but will only be Stunned instead. This will make sure that they will be on the table a bit longer, hopefully holding their objective. We know that for some players the Routing rules seem quite unforgiving, so we toned them down a little.  We also updated a couple of special rules that were a bit unclear. We changed how Impact is worded to be more explicit about its intended effect, and we added a new special rule called Limited, which is used for weapons that can only be fired once per game. Poison and Rending were updated to ignore regeneration completely (instead of giving just -1 to regeneration), making them a little more useful. Stealth and Entrenched were also modified, giving them a better protection range of 9″ now.  Finally, we updated all Debuff spells by giving them +6″ range, making them a little more useful.

Außerdem wurden auch die einzelnen Armeen angepasst und im Army Builder aktualisiert.

Im Stream wurden die Änderungen beschrieben, das aktualisierte Regelwerk kann bereits heruntergeladen werden.

Quelle: OnePageRules 


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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