von BK-Nils | 18.11.2023 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

World Championships of Warhammer Preview

Im Rahmen der World Championships of Warhammer Preview haben Games Workshop wieder einen Ausblick auf kommenden Neuheiten für Warhammer 40.000, Age of Sigmar und mehr gezeigt.

World Championships of Warhammer Preview – All the Reveals

Welcome to the World Championships of Warhammer Preview, beamed directly from the huge Warhammer event happening in Atlanta right now. We’ve got loads of incredible reveals to look forward to today, for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, Necromunda, Kill Team, and Warhammer: The Old World.

World Championships Preview – Orikan Divines a Crusade-Filled Future in the Pariah Nexus

The ancient Necrons put much stock in the arts of mysticism and astromancy, and among its practitioners none are as notorious as Orikan the Diviner. He made his first appearance over a decade ago in the 5th edition of Warhammer 40,000, and now a new miniature is finally written in the stars.

This cantankerous Cryptek has an unmatched command over the arts of prediction and prophecy, and in the rare occasions where his divinations prove inaccurate, he employs secretive chronomantic skills to go back in time and ‘nudge’ events in the right direction.*

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Orikan is just one of the characters set to appear in the next narrative supplement, Crusade: Pariah Nexus. This becalmed region of space has already been the site of one grand campaign so far, and the Silent King is redoubling his efforts as the Indomitus Crusade pushes legions of Guardsmen, Battle Sisters, and Space Marines into its disquieting depths.

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The portents of an upcoming catastrophe are so dire that Orikan declines an audience with Szarekh, and the Silent King’s former astrologer doesn’t need to wait long before the first flickers of that apocalyptic flame appear. The Adeptus Mechanicus – led by Belisarius Cawl – have brought some of their most fearsome technological relics to the Pariah Nexus, and an all-out maelstrom of unrestrained destruction is sure to follow.

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Like Crusade: Tyrannic War before it, this new expansion for Warhammer 40,000 contains loads of content for your narrative Crusade campaigns, challenging your armies with 15 missions and unboxing a treasure trove of upgrades as they score victories against their rivals.

This book is also an essential stop for loremasters keeping up to date on the most recent events of the 41st Millennium, with important characters from across the galaxy pitching in to make their mark on the Nephilim Sector, and more than one unexpected turn throwing carefully laid plans into turmoil.

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* A talent he used to great effect in his aeons-long feud with Trazyn the Infinite.

World Championships Preview – Deathwing Knights Deep Strike from the Shadows

The Deathwing are feared throughout the galaxy, known for arriving without warning in a crackling haze of teleporter energy. Now they’ve done it again – though happily this time without gunning down every last witness.

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The Dark Angels are masters of Tactical Dreadnought armour – and while the bone-crunching new Terminator Squad is a worthy addition to any First Company, true veterans of the Inner Circle demand more than bolters and fists. Patience is a virtue of the Unforgiven, and that patience has paid off. The Deathwing are here.

And not just any Deathwing – Deathwing Knights, the elite of the elite. These indomitable paragons of war are worthy of a completely separate kit, replete with cowls, tabards, shields, swords, and maces large enough to crush a small tank.

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There’s considerable variety in the box. You can arm all five Knights with either swords or maces, and there are sufficient hooded or helmed heads to run the whole squad in your preferred style, mix-and-match headgear, or keep up the variety even with a second squad of Knights. It’s enough to make even the most resolute member of the Fallen spill the beans…

You also get a teleport homer to guide your unexpected arrival from the empyrean, and a Watcher in the Dark billowing fragrant incense from a censer held aloft.

There are yet more secrets to come from the Dark Angels, but you acolytes must bide your time.

World Championships Preview – Asmodai Demands to Know Which Codexes are Coming Next

Of all of the horrible fates that await the enemies of the Dark Angels, being taken alive is undisputedly the worst, as it can only mean that a meeting with an Interrogator-Chaplain is on the cards.

Even then, one name above all strikes terror into the hearts of the most resilient Fallen – Asmodai, the Master of Repentance.

And with the Primarch returned and his Chapter resurgent, Asmodai is ready to put his sinister skills to the test with an awesome new miniature.

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As the Dark Angels’ Master of Repentance, it’s Asmodai’s job to secure confessions from those Fallen who are far beyond the redemption offered by Lion El’Jonson, and he performs the job with unsurpassed zeal. Wielding the sword Catechist and the crozius Censure, he hits the battlefield like a force of nature, rousing his comrades’ fighting spirit with bellows of pure hatred while seeking out enemy leaders for a not-so-friendly chat.

He even has a few kit options. He has a choice of heads – hooded and with a halo, and two backpacks – one pouring out clouds of enigmatic smoke.

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Asmodai is set to arrive with the upcoming Codex: Dark Angels – first revealed on our previous Warhammer 40,000 roadmap – and now that we’ve got a few codexes under our belt, it’s time to update the schedule. Codex: Necronsand Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus are almost over the horizon, and we can just about hear the distant Waaagh!s of an approaching Ork horde.

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Which Codexes are you looking forward to the most?

Warhammer Championships Preview – Night Lords Put the Kill in Kill Team

The Traitor Legions of Heretic Astartes have been corrupted into savage and malevolent beings by their time exiled in the warp, but few have fallen as far as the Night Lords. Their appetite for cruelty knows no bounds, and their unchecked mastery of fear makes them some of the most effective terror troops in the galaxy.

Now, it’s your turn to wield their wicked blades on the fields of Kill Team.

Even amongst their vicious and sadistic brothers, the Night Lords that make up the kill teams known as Nemesis Claws are brutal, unhinged murderers who commit the darkest atrocities for fun, draping themselves in the flayed skins of their victims and eking out every drop of fear and pain from those unfortunate enough to face them.

This dedication to the arts of terror and ambush makes them shockingly effective special operatives – few opponents can remain focused on the mission at hand while the screams of the dying echo across the vox net. Though they are valuable terror weapons, no warlord would truly trust the monsters that make up a Nemesis Claw – most are simply unleashed upon a world’s defenders and left to their own devices, as they seek out vital targets on which to slake their unholy appetites.

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Despite their insatiable bloodlust, these are not roaring Berzerkers – the Night Lords are one with the shadows they inhabit, and prize stealth just as much as savagery. Their faction ability, In Midnight Clad, obscures them from enemy fire while lurking around terrain, only to burst from concealment in a whirlwind of blood and blades.

These twisted killers have a clear predilection for close combat, sporting weapons designed for bloody carnage – lightning claws, Nostraman chainglaives, and lethal poisoned blades. Even those who opt for ranged weapons like plasma guns and missile launchers find ways to festoon them in hooks, blades, and barbs.

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The kit itself uses the phenomenal Chaos Space Marines as a base and adds an extra-large upgrade sprue full of macabre tchotchkes, from draped skins and trophies to winged helmets and flensing blades.

You’ll also find new wargear for building unique Nemesis Claws operatives – like the Ventrilokar icon bearer, who carries a sorcerous totem built from the ruined corpse of a murdered Space Marine. His puppet’s corrupted omophagea can mimic the voices of anyone whose flesh it consumes – a truly unnerving party trick.

World Championships Preview – The Enforcer Tauros is in Hot Pursuit

As the sanctioned and completely unbiased defenders of law and order in the hive spires, the Palanite Enforcersget access to some of the best equipment around. When it comes to crossing the treacherous expanse of Necromunda’s ash wastes, the Enforcers opt for the rugged and dependable Tauros Venator ATV, and now your patrols can mount up too with a brand new plastic kit.

The Tauros is a reliable workhorse, found on frontier worlds and hazardous outlands across the Imperium. It’s adapted as a far-ranging scout vehicle by certain regiments of the Astra Militarum, such as the Elysian Drop Troops – and the bigger, six-wheeled Tauros Venator variant can support a rear turret mounted with even heavier guns.

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This nimble all-terrain vehicle allows Palanite Enforcers to police Necromunda’s vital ridgeways at high speed, while carrying serious firepower. Out of the box, the turret can mount either twin heavy stubbers or twin concussion cannons, and its Dedicated Gunner allows the Tauros Venator to Move and Shoot at full speed.

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The miniature is also covered in loads of intricate details, from stowage and ash wastes supplies to the distinctly Enforcer-styled armour and cosmetic options of its Palanite Ranger crew. Rules for this vehicle can be found alongside extensive lore and additional Necromunda rules in the Ruins of Jardlan expansion book.

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World Championships Preview – Bow Low for the Return of Ushoran

Rejoice! Rejoice, noble lords and ladies, meek citizenry and low-born peasants! Rejoice, one and all – Sumeros Summerking has returned! Archregents stand proudly atop their battlements, humble serfs dance merry jigs, and loyal subjects take up arms with fire in their hearts, for his radiance blankets the land once more.

Bow deep and low, for you are in the presence of Ushoran, the Mortarch of Delusion, the most august and revered monarch in all the Mortal Realms.

Ushoran is a being of most regal nature, known by many epithets. He is the Lord of Masques, the First Exemplar, Sumeros Summerking, the Sombre Paladin – he is Ushoran the Bold, finest blade of the Mortarchs.

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Once the greatest and noblest champion of Nagash, Ushoran was brought low by some cruel twist of fate, transfigured into a swollen goliath afflicted with an unquenchable thirst. It took the combined might of the other Mortarchs to subdue their cursed comrade and return him to their master.

Nagash, in his beneficence, sequestered Ushoran within a mysterious temple named the Shroudcage – doubtless to heal his faithful servant. Yet vile rumours had already begun to spread that Ushoran’s sophistication and fair countenance had never been anything but a mere illusion, masking the visage of a blood-mad ghoul of unimaginable power.

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Those lay eyes on Ushoran are welcomed by a most grand and dignified form. A fine crown of bone sits atop his brow, gifted by the Undying King and set with a glittering gem vitrified grave-sand. Upon his broad shoulders is draped an elegant cloak trimmed with finest ermine, decorated with a cornucopia of baubles and trinkets. In one hand, he holds the ornate sceptre of his office, and at his hip hangs the sanctified chalice from which flows crimson wine of great vitality and magic.

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This fine pomp and storied history matters little to the barbaric Dawnbringers, who find themselves assailed by the forces of Death on two fronts in Dawnbringers Book IV – The Mad King Rises. In Aqshy, the crusade runs afoul of Lauka Vai’s Vengorian Courts, and in Ghyran it marches deep into Ushoran’s domain of New Summercourt.

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A slave to valiance and propriety, Ushoran extends hospitality to all who enter his kingdom, imploring guests to participate in extravagant feasts. Trauma has not impinged his sense of gallantry and virtue, but the limits of his magnanimity are being tested – which may spell disaster for the Twin-Tailed Crusade…

The Mad King Rises is the next chapter of Dawnbringers, bringing exciting plot developments, rules for every Death faction, and the return of Triumph and Treachery, a battlepack in which multiple players vie for success.

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Ushoran has not arrived without the appropriate pomp and pageantry – he is trailed by a magnificent entourage befitting one of such redoubtable standing.

World Championships Preview – The Chivalrous Armies of Ushoran

The Mortarch of Delusion has returned to the Mortal Realms. Freed from his long isolation, the liege lord of the Flesh-eater Courts has once more thrown open his doors to the orphaned nobility and exiled peoples of the realms, inviting vassals to sup from his sacred chalice and pledge their allegiance to New Summercourt.

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Devoted servants, bold knights, and other esteemed members of the court accompany the Summerking to battle – a noble company on a righteous mission to rescue the Mortal Realms from the grip of war, and establish a utopia of honour and majesty.


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The Cryptguard are tenacious guardians of their monarch’s estates, lowborn serfs who have earned great privileges through their valour and loyalty. They enjoy the most comfortable hovels, the chance to dine on leftovers from noble banquets, and may even wield a weapon from their majesty’s private armoury.

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These finely-maintained swords and halberds are each imbued with a trace of the divine majesty inherent to a true sovereign – even a shallow cut can cause an enemy to lay down their arms, weeping in admiration.

Morbheg Knights

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Cavaliers of the most chivalric persuasion require powerful winged steeds to carry them into battle, descending from the heavens to sunder enemy ranks with a pulverising charge.

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Many lords maintain stables of proud and noble pegasi, while others boast of fearsome draconith steeds, or claim to have mastered even stranger heraldic beasts. These all make fine mounts for the Morbheg Knights, their charges accompanied by a joyous, ringing laughter that stupefies the gutless and craven.

Varghulf Courtiers

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Not every noble is meant for the burden of command. Others are destined for a purer purpose, and find themselves blessed with preternatural fervour and strength. These souls become hallowed templars, wandering champions who eschew the court to battle evil wherever they find it.

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They spend much time contemplating this sombre duty, praying in secluded cloisters beneath the earth. They emerge only on the eve of battle to be adorned in beautiful garlands by the clergy, their saintly presence working the masses into a religious fervour.

Abhorrant Cardinal

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Those noble scions who exhibit the touch of divinity are sent to the Cardinal order, where they learn the precepts of the Summerking’s faith – and eschew any claim to material power, keeping their sires safe from a potential priestly rival. These spiritual leaders must pledge loyalty to Ushoran alone, and endure a sip of rich kingsblood wine from his consecrated chalice. Those whose faith is strong enough find themselves able to enforce the Summerking’s divine will with wondrous miracles, and lead great missionary efforts into the barbaric wilds.

Royal Decapitator

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Even the lowliest of villains are deemed worthy of an honourable death by the Grand Justice and his court – but the Royal Decapitators who carry out such judgements do so with little hesitation. These merciless executioners are thought to be touched by the hand of Nagash, and take up massive axes to deliver justice with terrifying zeal. In battle, these hooded headsmen march with single-minded focus, shrugging off arrows and lead shot as if warded by the Undying King himself.

Flesh-eater Courts Army Set

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The first place to get some of these miniatures is in the Flesh-eater Courts Army Set. This box contains a diligent Abhorrant Gorewarden, a blessed Varghulf Courtier, 20 Cryptguard eager to seek approval from the court, and three valiant Morbheg Knights. The army set also contains an exclusive edition of Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts, which lays out the full chivalric traditions of the kingdoms that pay fealty to the Lord of Masques, and a set of warscroll cards, enhancement cards, and tokens exclusive to the box.

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World Championships Preview – Claim Heads With Daggok’s Stab-Ladz

A vast bounty of trapped souls and arcane treasures lies buried deep in the frozen tunnels of Deathgorge, attracting fighters from around the Mortal Realms, eager to carve their reward from the glacial depths. One wily orruk has his eyes on a different prize…

Daggok Finksteala has one simple goal: to decapitate as many champions as he can, steal their know-wotz to increase his own kunnin’, and become the most conniving Killaboss ever. He’s assembled his Stab-Ladz – a band of Kruleboyz in thrall to their boss’s vision – to krump anyone who gets between him and his next noggin.

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Daggok is a bit of a bruiser, possessed of a sinewy strength. His Krule Kunnin’ reaction exemplifies his underhanded fighting style – allowing him to jab at enemies who are distracted by his Ladz – and also ties neatly into his Inspire condition.

His herald, Hurrk Da Howla carries a horn that sounds out the Roar of Kragnos when blown, granting support for allies within two hexes. Like, say, Daggok. We smell a kunnin’ kombo…

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The meat of the warband isn’t its fighters, but rather their underhanded plotting. Daggok’s Stab-Ladz have a tricksy little plot card which enables the use of Schemes – gambit cards which you play in the power step of one turn, to reap the rewards next turn.

You play Schemes face-down – meaning your opponent won’t be able to prepare – and each Scheme also has a specific condition under which it is “completed”, allowing you to score objectives by executing your sneaky shenanigans.

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Outfink ’Em to draw two power cards when your opponent plays one, Rush ’Em to grant your warband a burst of speed that synergises brilliantly with their aggro playstyle, and then Gut ’Em with some Grievous attacks once you’re in close.

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With finkin’ muscles that are more developed than a garden variety orruk, Daggok’s Stab-Lads can garner glory points by exercising their Legendary Kunnin’ to complete three or more Schemes. Despite all the brainpower they expend on scheming, these orruks are still Deceptively Brutal, and a sequence of savage reactions will score this Surge card.

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The Stab-ladz will be heading to the Deathgorge soon, where they’ll need to contend with scheming ratfolk and delusional gitz in order to harvest a bouquet of bonces.

World Championships Preview – MKVI Assault Marines Rocket into the Age of Darkness

Do you want to cross the battlefield at blistering speeds? Do you want to leap over hapless foes like a soaring ceramite eagle? Do you want to get your chainsword whirring before the enemy has even raised a bolter? Then you need the latest 31st Millennium innovation in jump pack technology – the MKVI Assault Squad.

Clad in sleek Corvus power armour built to incorporate a powerful jump pack, these aggressive Legionaries are a favourite of the speedier Legions. As a Line unit that can move 12″ with their jump packs active, they excel at capturing objectives deep within enemy lines.

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Much like their comrades in the MKVI Tactical Squad, this box of 10 plastic Assault Marines includes a variety of poses and accessories. You’ll also find enough combat shields for the entire squad, plus options for the Assault Sergeant – including a choice of helmeted and unhelmeted heads, a melta bomb, a power fist, and lightning claws for both hands.

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These Assault Marines are fully compatible with the current range of Legion MKVI upgrades, and are a key component of the powerful Angel’s Wrath Rite of War, a high-flying formation available to any Legion. Start planning your hyper-mobile assault force now.

World Championships Preview – Awaken an Ancient Terror From Beneath the Sands

The noble lords and ladies of Bretonnia have already put in a good showing for Warhammer: The Old World, but any questing knight needs vile enemies to vanquish and terrifying beasts to slay, in order to fulfil their troth.

The Tomb Kings of Khemri are more than willing to oblige. Their Liche Priests perform dark rituals to resurrect bony relics of ancient beasts into a morbid and malodorous new monster – the Necrolith Bone Dragon.

Long ago, when Nehekhara was at the height of its power, its rival kings clashed with each other – and with the mighty Dragons that stalked its eastern mountains. Many were slain, and others bound to their will as beasts of battle. Millennia later, the sand-blasted corpses of these regal behemoths have been reanimated by the Mortuary Cult, once more bending them to the will of the Tomb Kings.

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The Necrolith Bone Dragon is a totally new plastic kit, featuring an osseous overlord sitting upon a throne decorated with Khemrian paraphernalia.

This kit builds either a Tomb King or a High Priest on Necrolith Bone Dragon, each with their own palanquin. The High Priest has a tasteful canopy, shielding his delicate mummified skin from further bleaching in the sun – and if you choose him, you can also make a Monarch of Nehekhara on foot, to lead the charge from terra firma.

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This kit will be available when the Tomb Kings launch alongside the valiant Bretonnians in early 2024. We’ll have more details to share about Warhammer: The Old World before the end of the year – including another investigation of the rules on Monday.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich finde, da ist Einiges interessantes dabei. Vor allem die Guhle bekommen endlich einmal interessante Einheiten. Fast einzig das Khemri modell will mir nicht so richtig gefallen. Der sieht mir irgendwie zu zusammengewürfelt aus, auch wenn die Katze genial ist.

  • Khemri Katze is super, mini werde ich mir vielleicht kaufen, aber nicht die Armee im Trailer sieht man das die Khemri infantrie gleich bleibt… nix für mich.

    • Also die neue/ überarbeitete
      Ushoran Armee ist echt super geworden.
      Der Buggy auch ist ja aber ursprünglich von Forgewold.
      Trotzdem cool das der jetzt in Plastik kommt.
      Schade dass nicht alle Minis von necromunda in Plastik kommen.

      Der Rest na ja nix für mich. Aber ich freue mich für andere 😃👍

      Upps fast keine Space Marine 🤔🤔 😁😁👍

  • Die Ghule sind cool, wobei mir Ushoran eine Nummer zu groß ist. Die Nightlords finde ich auch ziemlich schick und der Necromunda Buggy ebenso.

    Die Dark Angels wollen mir so gar nicht gefallen – die sehen für mich einfach zu knubbelig aus.

    Mein persönliches Highlight hier ist der Tomb Kings Drache – der Drachenkörper als solches hat keine verrückten Verzierungen abbekommen (die paar Verzierungen im vorderen Bereich sind finde ich ganz passend und das passt ja auch zu der Ästhetik, falls Sobek / die ägyptische Mythologie hier eine wenig Inspirationsquelle war). Das der hohe Priester oder dergleichen da ein entsprechenden opulenten Palanquin da rauf packt, passt für mich ebenso. Ich befürchte jedoch, dass die alten Pferde kommen werden und damit sind meine Ambitionen eine Armee zeitnah aufzubauen, sehr gering. Kommt dann wohl eher darauf an, ob mich dann der Kaufrausch zu der Fraktions-Starter Box packt.

  • Ich gehe immer gleich die Bilder durch, ohne zu wissen, was kommt. Viele schöne Sachen dabei. Nur bei den „Minis“ des MKVI Assault Squads wurde ich bei den Proportionen stutzig. Die kommen mir recht kleinwüchsig vor.

    Interessant finde ich vor allem die Morbheg Knights, den Necrolith Bone Dragon und auch den Tauros, der schön neutral ist und fast in jedes SF-Setting als Fahrzeug passt.

  • Bahnbrechend durch die Bank. Objektiv einfach die beste Firma was Lore und Miniaturendesign angeht, der Konkurrenz meilenweit voraus. Regeln können sie leider weitgehend nicht, man kann nicht alles haben.

  • Also die Ghule gefallen mir mal richtig gut! Aber auch die neuen AoS Orks sehen eigentlich richtig toll aus.
    Und den Necromunda Buggy würde ich auch nehmen.
    Schick, schick!

  • Der Dicke gefällt mir ganz gut. und sein kriechender Kollege (vargulf?) auch.
    der rest ist so mittelprächtig.
    die beiden charakterghoule sind auch schön.

    die marines sind .. marines.

    die nightlords sind mir leider viel zu kitschig.
    in den 90ern war das okay, heute würde ich mir da was mehr „richtigen“ horror wünschen.

    könnte schlimmer sein, wars auch schon.
    immerhin mal nicht nur marines in unterschiedlichen geschmacksrichtungen 😉

  • Ein paar Modelle gefallen mir wirklich gut. Glücklicherweise werden die Preise bestimmt meinen „Haben-Wollen-Reflex“ zu Nichte machen.

  • kein AoS Fan aber die Flesheater courts haben mir doch die Kinnlade runterfallen lassen, sehen echt geil aus
    des Nightlords killteam ist auch super
    der Khemri Drache sieht mir etwas zusammen gewürfelt aber muss ich mal in Natura sehen
    und natürlich die Deathwing Terminatoren sehen auch super aus (hab ich noch 25 aus Zinn)

  • Ushoran ist schon ein verdammt geiles Modell. Freue mich schon darauf den mal von anderen angemalt zu sehen… Der bietet auch viel Umbaupotenzial…mal sehen ob man einen Megaboss, Dämonenprinz oder gar Trollkönig draus machen kann…

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