von BK-Bob | 19.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

White Werewolf Tavern: The Forge

White Werewolf Tavern sind diesen Monat in kühlen Höhlen unterwegs.

WWT The Forge 1

Open Post – July Release ‚The Forge‘!

Greetings Friends!

Last month we visited stories from a time far gone, today we will be looking down below. In recent days, the King of the dwarves passed and the race for succession has begun. The two main contenders for the throne are from historically opposing clans; The Royal Gunslingers and the Mountain Dwarves. One clan embracing progress and the other sticking with tradition.

The main aggressor in this situation however, is Tronk Loony Eye, a young, talented but extremely arrogant dwarf. “If the Council of Elders doesn’t pick me, I’m going to be sure to reduce this whole system to rubble!”. The only hope right now to avoid civil war among the dwarves is for Ferrag the Runemaster to step in and cull the fire in Tronks heart, but she has not been seen since before the former King’s death.

So let us see what lays down under the mountains below and what fire burns there. In July’s monthly release: „The Forge“ (37 unique miniatures for Adventurers and Merchants).

The Forge + Summer bonus set + Welcome Chest = 55+ STL’s in this month!

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Ferrag Runemaster 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

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Tronk Loony Eye 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

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Galwyn BriskFeast 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

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Dwarven Armored Goat huge creature pre-supported

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Dwarven Goats set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

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Dwarf Gunslingers set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

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Heavy armored dwarves set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

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Dwarven female warriors set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

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Mountain dwarf warriors set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

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3 Busts pre-supported

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13 Bases

We hope that you will enjoy this release! Thank all of you amazing people for supporting us, we really couldn’t have done any of this without you.

Stay safe and take care out there!

Sincerely yours
White Werewolf Team

Quelle: White Werewolf Tavern bei Patreon



Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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