von BK-Bob | 08.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

White Werewolf Tavern: Impassable Swamps

Diesen Monat geht es bei White Werewolf Tavern in den Sumpf.

May Release ‚Impasamble Swamps‘!

Greetings Friends!

Gather around the fire, for we have another story to tell you. In the impenetrable swamps to the northwest of our tavern, doom is much easier to find than anything of value or interest. Few people know that those swamps are actually the breeding grounds for the Lizardfolk. A weird kind that never found the need for greater society and have chosen to stay secluded to their swamps living in small tribes and fighting each other to try claim the better spot in the swamp. Strangers to them are nothing more than food and even if you have the realms most precious treasures or knowledge, seldom you won’t end up on their dinner plates.

So let’s have a look at these odd folk and the “Impassable Swamps” where they live!

May monthly release „Impassable Swamps“ (25 unique miniatures for Adventurers and Merchants)

WWT Impassable Swamps 1

Serpentine Poisoned Flower 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

A gifted lizardfolk, Serpentine protects the swamp from invaders and defilers. While she is still young and new to the role, she has already proven herself capable and, where necessary, deadly. Although she never kills for pleasure, Serpentine allows no outsiders to move freely within her swamp.

WWT Impassable Swamps 2

Klooh-Klooph Muddy-Eyed 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

Centuries ago, Klooh-Klooph was a human woman, but traded her humanity for the boon from an ancient dragon but in a lust for power, she sought out an ancient dragon, which in exchange for her humanity, would grant her powers beyond her imagination. She has the ability to turn her foes into stone and once victory is hers, she will desecrate the statues.

WWT Impassable Swamps 3

Lizardfolk Sorcerer 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

WWT Impassable Swamps 4

Lizardfolk Warlord 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature pre-supported

WWT Impassable Swamps 5

Lizards set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

WWT Impassable Swamps 6

Swamp monster huge creature pre-supported

WWT Impassable Swamps 7

Lizardfolk warriors set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

WWT Impassable Swamps 8

Lizardfolk Woman warriors set 6 miniatures 32mm pre-supported

WWT Impassable Swamps 9 WWT Impassable Swamps 10 WWT Impassable Swamps 11

3 Busts pre-supported

6 unique bases pre-supported

Some of these models (at time of writing) come with their pre-supported versions. Missing pre-supports are going to be available in the coming days as they are done and print verified. They are available to Adventurer (Discoverer) tier Patrons and higher.

We hope that you will enjoy this release! Thank all of you amazing people for supporting us, we really couldn’t have done any of this without you.

Stay safe and take care out there!

Sincerely yours
White Werewolf Team

Quelle: White Werewolf Tavern bei Patreon



Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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