von BK-Bob | 21.10.2023 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Warlord Games: Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Schotten

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WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 3 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 4 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 5 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 6 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 7 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 8 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 9 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 10 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 11 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 12 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 13 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 14 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 15 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 16 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 17 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 18 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army 19

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Montrose’s Scottish Royalists starter army – 96,00€

The Royalist Scots army of Montrose has always been a favourite with wargamers. A small force almost entirely dependent on its infantry, this army was usually outnumbered, but rarely outfought on the battlefield. The Irish Brigade and Highland clans give the army its unique feel, and the limited access to good cavalry and artillery make it somewhat unorthodox, but all the more iconic for it.

  • 3 regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic)
  • 1 Scots Covenanter regiment of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic)
  • 1 Scots Covenanter frame gun (plastic)
  • 1 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commander (plastic)
  • 5 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic)
  • 4 regiments of 40 Highland Clansmen (Warlord Resin)
  • 3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic)
  • 3 ensigns (plastic)
  • 20 harquebusier cavalry (plastic)
  • 8 commanded shot (plastic)
  • 4 Cuirassiers (plastic)
  • 2 mounted cornet (plastic)
  • 6 Dragoons (plastic)
  • 10 dismounted Dragoons (plastic)
  • 2 Saker medium guns (plastic)
  • 2 Falconet light guns (plastic)
  • The Marquis of Montrose (Warlord Resin)
  • 1 Mounted herald (Warlord Resin)
  • Alisdair Mac Colla and 2 bodyguards (Warlord Resin)
  • Plastic bases
  • Full-colour flag sheet

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 3 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 4 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 5 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 6 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 7 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 8 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 9 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 10 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Battalia 11

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Battalia – 35,00€

The Covenanters were those in Scotland who had signed the National Covenant in 1638 which opposed King Charles I’s interference in religious matters when he attempted to impose changes on the Scottish Church. Although siding with Parliament in the Civil Wars, it was never their intention to remove King Charles from power, as they were supportive of the royal line and would later fight against Parliament in support of the Stuarts. The Covenanter army was well equipped and motivated. They were led by officers who had served in the Thirty Years War and were an imposing sight in their Hodden Grey uniforms.

This boxed set contains three plastic Scots Covenanter combined Pike & Shotte regiments (40 pike and 40 musket, including command), 6 Scots lancers, 6 mounted Scots dragoons, 15 dismounted Scots dragoons, 3 Scots Covenanter frame gun teams, 3 Scots Covenanter battalia commanders on horseback, plastic bases and a full-colour flag sheet for Scots Covenanters.

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 3 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 4 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 5 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 6 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 7 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 8 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 9 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 10 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 11 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 12 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 13 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 14 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 15 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 16 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 17 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 18 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 19 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Starter Army 20

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters starter army – 132,00€

The Covenanters were those in Scotland who had signed the National Covenant in 1638 which opposed King Charles I’s interference in religious matters. The Covenanters were well equipped and motivated, led by officers who had served in the Thirty Years War, and were an imposing sight in their Hodden Grey uniforms.

This boxed set contains:

  • 12 Scots Covenanter regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic)
  • 12 Scots Covenanter frame guns (plastic)
  • 12 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commanders (plastic)
  • 24 Scots Lancers (plastic)
  • 24 Scots Dragoons (plastic)
  • 60 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic)
  • 3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic)
  • 3 ensigns (plastic)
  • 30 harquebusier cavalry (plastic)
  • 18 commanded shotte (plastic)
  • 6 Cuirassiers (plastic)
  • 3 mounted cornets (plastic)
  • 9 Dragoons (plastic)
  • 15 dismounted Dragoons (plastic)
  • 3 Saker medium guns (plastic)
  • 3 Falconet light guns (plastic)
  • Lord Leven (Warlord Resin)
  • Marquis of Argyll (Warlord Resin)
  • Calvinist Minister (Warlord Resin)
  • 9 casualty markers (Warlord Resin)
  • Plastic bases
  • Full-colour flag sheet

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Casualty Markers 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Casualty Markers 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Montrose's Scottish Royalists Casualty Markers 3

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Montrose’s Scottish Royalists casualty markers – 22,00€

While acrid gun smoke obscures the battlefield, men and horses fall dead as musket and pike carry out their bloody work. The din of battle and rising losses threaten even the most steadfast regiment’s ability to remain in the field.

This boxed set contains 18 Warlord Resin casualty markers.

WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Casualty Markers 1 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Casualty Markers 2 WG Pike & Shotte Epic Battles Scots Covenanters Casualty Markers 3

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters casualty markers – 22,00€

While acrid gun smoke obscures the battlefield, men and horses fall dead as musket and pike carry out their bloody work. The din of battle and rising losses threaten even the most steadfast regiment’s ability to remain in the field.

This boxed set contains 18 Warlord Resin casualty markers.

Produkte von Warlord Games sind unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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