von BK-Pascal | 30.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Wargames Atlantic: Neue STL-Pakete

Wargames Atlantic haben über MyMiniFactory die Miniaturen ihres April Tribes gezeigt.

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Wargames Atlantic delivers a huge collection of files each month to our members. Each month we feature a new theme with a mix of full multi-part sets, single-piece figure sets, characters, vehicles, terrain, and conversion parts for our existing plastic ranges. Hundreds of files every month!

Along with having all the figures as multi-part models we will also include posed single figure versions and each body will have an option for either no attached base or an integral „puddle“ base. And the files are fully supported as well.

Throughout the month we will preview what’s coming, take requests, and run polls to let you decide what we should make. We’ll also let you help choose the upcoming monthly themes. Become a member below and join the fun!

Quelle: Wargames Atlantic auf MyMiniFactory


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Ja die Landsknechte finde ich gut oder z.B. die Cultisten oder die Jäger des verlorenen Schatzes

    Aber es gibt auch wirklich gruselige Sachen wie die Skelette oder die Blood Oaths, die sind das Resin nicht wert sie zu drucken

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