von BK-Christian | 11.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Vortex Studios: Forest Guardians Kickstarter [NSFW]

Vortex Studios finanzieren auf Kickstarter mystische Waldkreaturen.

Vortex Forest Guardians 1

Most of Faerun’s forests are bathed in faerie magic, where entities are called upon to protect and maintain the balance of that place.

Legends and stories spread across the Realms through adventurers who experience the presence of these beings. Although some testify to fear, due to the power of the Guardians of the Forest, many of they report pleasant experiences where they empty their body and soul, where they are lulled into a safe rest.


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„Long ago, in one of the oldest and most sacred forests in Faerun, there lived a magical entity known as Sylvestra. She is a satyr, a mystical creature resembling a beautiful elf who has horns and a half-sheep body, with a vibrant golden skin covered by fine fur and your eyes glittering like emeralds. Her long, flowing hair is the color of autumn leaves, always gently dancing in the forest breeze.

Sylvestra’s most notable ability was her passion for music. She dominated the flute art with magic, producing enchanting melodies that echoed through the woods and enchanted all beings who heard them. Her music had the power to soothe wild animals, awaken joy in the hearts of weary travelers, and even heal illnesses and wounds. With her deep love of nature and her connection to the magic of the forest, Sylvestra was chosen to be the guardian of these pristine lands. She had the responsibility to protect the forest from dangers that could threaten its balance. 

Over the years, Sylvestra has become a legendary figure in the region. Tales of her presence spread among the different races that inhabited Faerun. Some believed she was a forest deity, while others considered her to be a kind of protective fairy. Be that as it may, everyone agreed that her music was a blessing from nature.

Sylvestra lived in perfect harmony with the forest. She knew every tree, every creek and every creature that inhabited the place. When harmony was disturbed, she used her flute to invoke the powers of nature. The vegetation came to life, the creatures of the forest joined it and together they protected that sacred place against any threat.

However, there was a mystery surrounding Sylvestra. Some believed she was immortal, an eternal presence destined to watch over the forest for centuries to come. Others said that when she felt her duty done and the forest was truly at peace, she would simply mysteriously disappear, leaving only the memory of her music and her legacy behind.

The legend of Sylvestra echoes through the centuries, enchanting generations and inspiring the connection between music, nature and the magic of all who live near that forest and those who have had the opportunity to pass through to find it. Such a legend is told by many bards and fortunate adventurers.“


Vortex Forest Guardians 3

„In a distant and mysterious forest of Faerun, hidden among the shadows of the trees, resides Volpi, the guardian of an extensive wild grove. She is a unique creature, with the feral features of a three-tailed fox and pointed ears. Her long, straight hair flows like the forest breeze, and her eyes sparkle in red and yellow expressing with a mixture of wit and cunning.

It is said that Volpi was created by nature itself as an entity born from the spirit of the forest. She has been chosen to protect a sacred grove, where wild creatures find refuge and the ancient secrets of the land are preserved. Her connection with animals is deep and special, and she is able to communicate with them naturally.

Volpi is an enigmatic figure, often appearing as a specter in the mist or a fleeting flames among the trees. She is agile and quick, able to move silently through the most impenetrable corners of the forest. Her presence is both feared and revered by the creatures that inhabit the surroundings, for she is the implacable guardian of harmony and balance in that sacred land.

Although she is protective by nature, Volpi does not hesitate to use her magical and feral abilities when the forest is threatened. She is capable of unleashing powerful blasts of elemental energy and also masters druidic magic, able to take the form of a Flame Spirit of a Kitsune.

The legend of Volpi has reached the ears of adventurers and the curious. Those who seek the wisdom of nature or are willing to protect the purity of the woods are often drawn to her presence. Some are lucky enough to meet her in person, but before that, she tests these people’s real intentions before revealing herself.

Volpi is a lone protector, dedicated to her duty to protect the forest and its secrets. She does not seek recognition or worship, but the preservation of nature’s beauty and balance. Those who earn his trust and respect can receive his guidance and teachings about connecting with the woods and the spiritual world.

Volpi is predestined to keep a constant vigil over the forest, protecting its domain and preserving the balance between wildlife and the ancient magic that permeates those lands. She is a real force of nature, a fierce, a wise guardian who embodies the wild and completely untamed essence.“


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The STL of this model was given as a gift to anyone who made any pledge in the first 72 hours. It is now exclusively available as an optional add-on and includes its stat block!

„In the most lush forests of Faerun, hidden in its wilds and deepest recesses, dwells a legendary creature. For centuries, this mystical fox has been a spiritual guardian of the wild woods, protecting them with its unique ability to manipulate magical fire.

With its bright orange coat, sparkling eyes and pointed ears, Kitsune embodies the essence of wild nature. It is believed that it was born from the combination of a powerful elemental entity of fire and an ancestral spirit of the forest.

Kitsune is recognized for its unique magical capabilities in the firebending. However, unlike the other beings who manipulate flames, the magical fire she creates does not have the power to devastate or consume nature. Instead, its dancing flames are controlled and welcoming, bringing light and warmth to the forest’s shady corners without harming the trees, plants or animals that live there, yet these flames are capable of devastating those who threaten nature. His holy and spiritual flames can create fiery blasts, involve itself in a fiery aura that gives a formidable defense, and even be able to cauterize and heal the deepest wounds, and even bring withered plants back to life and also convert worldly flames into spiritual flames.“

All our miniature models are:

  • Two Scales: 32 mm and 75 mm
  • Professionally pre-supported STL
  • Unsupported STL models available
  • Easily rescalable
  • Super detailed and realistic design

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All our miniatures come with an original and illustrated stat blocks for DnD 5e so you can insert and contextualize these special characters and their unique traits for epic and strategic combats in your games and RPG adventures.

Stretch Goals:

After we fund this project by reaching the $800 goal, we will be releasing some variations of the models in this campaign, such as busts and NSFW versions.

► After we fund this campaign, all backers will receive the following models: Sylvestra, the Protective Harmony and Volpi, the Wild Spirit, both models in 32mm and 75mm scales and ready to print and will also receive each UNLOCKED STRETCH GOAL of this campaign.

► If we reach the stretch goal of $4000, we will sculpt a new miniature: Azalea, the Dryad of Flowers and it will be available also in both 32mm and 75mm scales already with pre-supports following the proposal of its variants according to the additional extended goals. It stat block will also be provided.

► All Stretch Goals are in the following list:

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In this field we will try to show you our results with our models in their final phase which is 3D printing with our pre-supports.

All our models are pre-supported and tested to ensure good quality of the models, check the details and possible print failures to fix them before making them available to our backers.

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Settings and results may vary according to 3d printer and resins used. However, any questions or problems encountered, please contact us so that we can support you to get the best possible results.

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Soon, we’ll post pictures of the busts and other models shown in the stretch goals.

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: Forest Guardians Vol. 1 – Printable STL Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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