von BK-Thorsten | 17.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Victrix: Neue Previews

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Victrix RomanCataphracts Prev02 Victrix RomanCataphracts Prev01

More Late Roman cataphract renders!
Here we have the final 2 figures for the Late Roman Cataphracts.
The set is all sculpted now and off to join the tooling queue.
The set Depicts Late Roman Cataphracts from the 4th to 6th Centuries. There is a real mix of armour and helmet styles showing the influences of the Eastern and Western half of the empire. The riders armour styles vary from Lamellar, articulated ring armour and mail and they carry the long Kontos making them a wall of steel to ride down your opponents.
The horses are in walking and trotting poses as Cataphracts did not gallop into action as they were too heavy to keep this up for long. They are clad in scale armour and each horse has two head options to allow a great amount of variety in your units.
These will be following behind the forthcoming Late Roman light cavalry and Late Roman horse archers making for a pretty much complete range for your Late Roman forces.

Quelle: Victrix Miniatures auf Facebook


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