von BK-Johannes | 25.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

Vanguard Miniatures: Neuheiten

Vanguard Miniatures hat ab sofort neue Gebäude und Einheiten für 6-8 mm, zum Selberdrucken.

Tech Shanty 018a Vanguard Miniatures

6-8mm Tech Shanties Set 2 (STL Download) – £3,33

The second set of the Tech Shanties is finally out, and they’re a bit more elaborate now!

Designed for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Epic, or Battletech in mind, these crude structures will give your battlefield some extra character. This kit includes 3 highly detailed 6mm/8mm scaled structures.

Here are the dimensions of the buildings (approximately, includes stuff sticking out such as billboards and what not):
– Building 7: 65mm (wide) x 61mm (deep) x 71.5mm (tall)
– Building 8: 57mm (wide) x 37.5mm (deep) x 64mm (tall)
– Building 9: 43mm (wide) x 44mm (deep) x 61mm (tall)

The buildings have billboard signs that are flat. This would allow you to design your own signs. I’ve also included versions of the STLs with added three dimensional signs.


Saw Crew 009b Vanguard Miniatures Saw Crew 009a Vanguard Miniatures Saw Crew 009 Vanguard Miniatures Saw Crew 008 Vanguard Miniatures

6-8mm Saw Crew Set – (STL Download) – £2,50

Designed for 6mm/8mm gaming in mind. Compatible with games such as Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech.

This kit contains the following miniatures:
– 15 workers


Quelle: Vanguard Miniatures


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, mit Unterbrechung^^ Aktuelle Systeme, vor allem Freebooters, Frostgrave, Stargrave, Star Wars Legion, Star Wars X-Wing und 30k.

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