von BK-Thorsten | 01.10.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: Rumbleslam Neuheiten

TTCombat haben einige neue Stars für den Ring im Shop.

OfficerRadiansFrontBackgrounded OfficerRadiansBackBackgrounded SuperstarCardsforProductListings


Officer Radians was honourably discharged from the navy after suffering an injury in the line of duty. Despite a series of back injuries, he walked the road to recovery and then some. Wanting to inspire others that are going the same he signed up to fight in the RUMBLESLAM ring.

Radians is an athlete like no other, Grappling comes to this wrestler as second nature. His Olympic Slam is a Crowd Pleasing favourite that deals a base 3 Damage, following this up with the Naval Suplex will Knockdown Radians‘ feeble competitors.

Flag Held High is a Crowd Pleaser that is hard to miss, bringing all freindly wrestlers to their feet and arousing them to consciousness. Being of Radians‘ caliber comes with some Exacting Standards meaning he will re-roll dice to execute his moves.

Contains 1 resin multi-part miniature with square acrylic base.

FrontBackgrounded BackBackgrounded SuperstarCardsforProductListings2


Cap’n Thatch used to be the Captain of a large casino fleet. That was until one fateful day where his second in command staged a mutiny and shaved off his beard! After dealing with the shame (and growing his beard back) Thatch entered the ring, vowing to sink every single mutineering ship.

The wrestler that all wrestlers fear, Cap’n Thatch brings his explosive personality to the ring. The Hooked Facehook is a powerfull grapple ability that allows Thatch to hit with a free Brawl attack. Thatch’s Turnbuckle ability the Powderbomb slams with Devastating affect.

Cap’n Thatch is the only wrestler seen to bring litteral bombs to the ring, not normally allowed but who’s gonna argue. Powder Keg Explosion is always a favourite, who doesnt like explosions, anyone whos caught in the blast takes tremendous damage. Barrels full of gunpowder in your beard does give one an Explosive Disposition meaning nobody is winning when attacking Thatch.

Contains 1 resin multi-part miniature with square acrylic base.

MakaraFrontbackgrounded MakaraBackBackgrounded SuperstarCardsforProductListings3


Makara has had a long and successful career in RUMBLESLAM. As a Leviathan, Makara has existed since the seas were fresh. It’s said the tears of his opponents are the reason for all the salt in the sea.

Makara is a force to be reckonded with, 2 Gold and a Silver in a ATT is a mighty stat that makes Makara a monster brawler. Don’t think his grapple is weak for one second, Destroyer Powerbomb comes in with 3 base Damage and Knockdown, making it an impressive grapple ability that most would envy. Tsunami crashes the waves through the rope pushing everyone from it.

When the crowd gets behind the Lord of the Deep, this wrestler treats all blank results on dice roles as 1, making him a very reliable wrestler. Makara’s Literal Minded means nothing is going over his head and anyone who tries better be prepared to feel the Destroyers wrath.

Contains 1 resin multi-part miniature with square acrylic base.

CaptainLouisFrontBackgrounded CaptainLouisBackBackgrounded SuperstarCardsforProductListings4


Captain Louis once managed to get into trouble with the entirety of the Rostani dwellers in the Diamond Oasis. They managed to smooth things over eventually, but I don’t think he’s getting that boat or that bear back any time soon.

The wrestling VIP is a master at traversing the ring, rope rigger means he can walk outside the ropes and climbing turnbuckles as the King of the Jungle takes not effort at all. Ape escape is a rope ability that will have Louis Bounceback and deliver huge pain with 2 Gold and a base 3 Damage.

Simian Slamdown is a Grapple that will drop any wrestler to the canvas with ease. Showing some authority in the ring Louis can use his Prima Planning to send wrestlers back to the starting turnbuckle, almost resetting a match.

Contains 1 resin multi-part miniature with square acrylic base.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Wäre das Spiel nicht so unglaublich gut, müsste man sich die Figuren nur holen, weil sie so witzig sind.
    Schade, sooo schade. 😉

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