von BK-Thorsten | 30.10.2023 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neues Gelände

TTCombat haben neues Sci-Fi-Gelände im Shop.

TTCombat RIBDBar 01 TTCombat RIBDBar 02 TTCombat RIBDBar 03 TTCombat RIBDBar 04

RIBD BAR – 14,00 GBP

„I only work here, I don’t decide the prices.“

Your colony has grown pretty big now, the MULEs are full and you have got enough workers that shifts are down to just 16 hours per day. Good job, but now those labourers have got themselves some leisure time, they need more than just a Foodbooth order wolfed down on their way to the cryptocoin mines! So we present to you, COSTALOT! Stuff you drink. First in a line of quick stop pop ups.

One Costalot will get your day started right, 2 Costalots will keep you extra productive, 3 Costalots will leave you a gibbering mess twitching on the floor, 4 Costalots will end your day right. What that beverage contains.. Well the days are long, there is no judgement.

It is a great scenery kit to use in Sci-Fi skirmish games, will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures, and look great on any Sci-Fi inspired game board.

TTCombat Surgeryshack 01 TTCombat Surgeryshack 02 TTCombat Surgeryshack 03 TTCombat Surgeryshack 04


„Using the MRI machine to remove bullets is NOT recommended… But it is quick.“

Training new soldiers is a lot more expensive than keeping trained ones alive. Invest in the Surgery Shack today and save immediately. Featuring the latest in street-ready medical technology, you can walk in and walk out* (*No Guarantees) the same day.

Laser cut from 3mm MDF and featuring engraved acrylic detail parts, the Surgery Shack features removeable roof and doors. Providing multiple access points and cover.

It is a great scenery kit to use in Sci-Fi skirmish games, will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures, and look great on any Sci-Fi inspired game board.

TTCombat Foodbars 01 TTCombat Foodbars 02 TTCombat Foodbars 03 TTCombat Foodbars 04


„What are you feeling, sweet or savoury?“

Found on every planet, from harsh terraforming colonies to dazzling composite-ceramic urban sprawls, pop-up Foodbars keep workers and citizens alike supplied with their favourite brand of recycled protein products! With consumer tastes becoming ever more extreme, franchises constantly compete to offer the most outrageous menus!

Laser cut from 3mm MDF and featuring engraved acrylic detail parts, the Foodbars feature fully detailing interiors with removeable doors and roof.

It is a great scenery kit to use in Sci-Fi skirmish games, will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures, and look great on any Sci-Fi inspired game board.

TTCombat Refuse 01 TTCombat Refuse 02 TTCombat Refuse 03 TTCombat Refuse 04 TTCombat Refuse 05 TTCombat Refuse 06


„This was not what I had in mind when we were doing the clean up… I thought we’d see action, not the aftermath.“

When it is time to cleanup the „cleanup“ the Quick Deployment Barriers and Refuse skips are ready for the situation at hand. Quickly contain an area or block off access to places no one should be going.

Laser cut from 3mm MDF, the QDB’s and Refuse kit is perfect scatter terrain for any tabletop game and will work great with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

TTCombat Pallets 01 TTCombat Pallets 02 TTCombat Pallets 03 TTCombat Pallets 04 TTCombat Pallets 05 TTCombat Pallets 06 TTCombat Pallets 07


„I could probably build a wall with these if I had enough…“

The SIR (Stackable Intermodal Resource) Pallets are the ideal way for moving tools and resources across the galaxy. Found behind Foodbars and blocking Mod-Con corridors across the federation, these provide excellent cover, scatter terrain and even walkways if you are feeling brave.

Laser cut from 3mm MDF, the S.I.R Pallets are perfect scatter terrain for any tabletop game and will work great with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Das sind die Gebäude eines anderen britischen MDF Geländeherstellers. Ich nehme mal an das dieser seine Sachen an TT Combat verkauft hat. Wie hieß der Laden nochmal…ah Warmil .

    • Ja das ist richtig. Warmill hat schon vor längerem an TTCombat verkauft weil sie es als 1 Mann Hobby Projekt nicht mehr geschafft haben.

      Und wir haben auch schon länger hier darüber gesprochen das es sich bei einem Großteil der SciFi – Releases von TTCombat im Moment um Warmill Re-releases Handelt.

      Teil des Deals war es das TTCombat alle Warmill Designs anbieten wird. Und bisher scheinen sie sich dran halten zu wollen.

  • Mega! Ich wollte schon lange ein Straßenrestaurant für meine 5 Parsecs-Platte und wegen der Karnevals- und Asiensachen sowieso demnächst bei TTCombat bestellen. Wie perfekt!

    • Den Humor hatte Warmill auch bei einer Menge anderer Shops und Stationen. Sind jede Menge dunkler Anspielungen in Richtung Körperrecycling und Soylent-Green etc. vorhanden

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