von BK-Thorsten | 19.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale

TTCombat: Carnevale Previews

TTCombat hatten in ihrem Adventskalender noch einige schicke Previews für Carnevale-Fans.

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For the 3rd day of Christmas, TTCombat gave to me… an echolocation monster!
*Now remember, this monster will be BIG*
The latest of Vlad’s experiments. The Monstrous Stryx is a Strzyga that has forcefully been fed a variety of meat by Vlad; the results of which have been truly horrifying. Far, far larger than anything previously seen from the Strigoi, the Stryx can tear through shop fronts with its bulk, rip a horse to shreds with its claws and bite a man in two with a single bone-crunching snap of its jaws. Vlad likes to tell his followers that he has found a way to ascend his forces into higher, more powerful entities If this is true or not, none can say. What is sure however is the resounding success from this latest experiment.
The Stryx has no eyes to speak of, which gives its face a rather morbid look. It does however use a form of echolocation whilst gliding in the skies to find its prey, sharply descending to attack once it’s honed in on food. This echolocation does give out a screeching sound which terrifies nearby citizens near enough to hear the piercing shriek.
With such a monster descending upon Venice, surely the city’s other factions will have something in mind to combat it? We’ll have to wait and see…

Carnevale 2024 Prev03

Horses in Carnevale? It must be the 6th day of Christmas and the Vatican has a gift for its loyal servants.
The crusade against unbelievers has taken its toll on the vatican forces, none more so than those that martyr themselves. Having fought against monsters, Strigoi, and all manner of heathens, these holy servants have been shaken to the very core of their souls. Now, no longer able to communicate in real words, they speak solely in tongues. Those knights that still show exemplary zeal get inducted into ranks of the Knights of Silence to aid the Exorcists in their divine work. To prevent unbelievers from hearing their holy words, heavy helms are placed over lips sown shut. It is only through a graceful death can these holy warriors speak freely once more.
The Knights of Silence are unknown to most except to the Exorcist sect of the Vatican. They make a purpose of keeping it that way through committing genocide on anyone that views them. It’s even said that a small masquerade was found butchered in the streets as sun rose, the unfortunate party spilling out at the wrong time. Due to their heavy handedness and they’re distinct lack of care for life they’re known by some Exorcists as ‚The Reapers‘, death incarnate and the most literal manifestation of the sins of humanity made manifest.
These Knights of Silence are led by a Knight of The Holy Sepulchre flaunts the laws of Venice to bring swift justice to the heathen masses atop a mighty steed. A Martyr raised to Knighthood, they bear armour akin to an Avignon Guard, though all the ornate elements have been replaced by a cloak made from their old robes. Now they wield a devastating flail, attached directly to their arm in the same painful way as a Martyr replaces a lost limb.
Its crazy to think the Vatican would allow such evil among their ranks.

Quelle: TTCombat auf Facebook


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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