von BK-Thorsten | 15.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Carnevale Gebäude Preview

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For the 2nd day of Christmas, we’re thrilled to reveal a new MDF kit for Carnevale Miniatures Game.
Now if we’re being honest this kit should have made an appearance some time ago given the building’s importance in Carnevale lore to its faction. Our talented designer Ben has brought the ‚House of Virtue‘ to life and we know you’ll be excited for this kits release. A grand structure home to Venice’s Harlots and Ladies of the Night, this kit encourages traversal across its multiple balconies, exposed eaves, and a climbing staircase. Split into two central buildings, you can arrange this kit in a variety of ways or even split it across your tabletop into separate parts.
Made from 3mm MDF, this kit is intended to be incorporated into our other Streets of Venice range and we’re hoping to offer a small bridge to connect the balconies to other kits in the future.

Quelle: TTCombat auf Facebook


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