von BK-Bob | 01.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Titan Forge: Sylvan Elves Vol.1

Diesen Monat gibt es den ersten Teil eines zweiteiligen Waldelfen Patreon Release bei Titan Forge.

TF Sylvan Elves 1 TF Sylvan Elves 2 TF Sylvan Elves 3 TF Sylvan Elves 4 TF Sylvan Elves 5 TF Sylvan Elves 6 TF Sylvan Elves 7 TF Sylvan Elves 8 TF Sylvan Elves 9 TF Sylvan Elves 10 TF Sylvan Elves 11 TF Sylvan Elves 12 TF Sylvan Elves 13 TF Sylvan Elves 14 TF Sylvan Elves 15 TF Sylvan Elves 16 TF Sylvan Elves 17 TF Sylvan Elves 18 TF Sylvan Elves 19 TF Sylvan Elves 20

May Full Preview – Sylvan Elves (Part 1)

Hello everyone!
We have some exciting news today for all fans of Elves and Hobby Gaming!

In May, and continuing in June with Part 2, in Wargaming Corner you will receive a full and absolutely stunning collection of Sylvan Elves. With these models, you will be able to run an army compatible with many tabletop systems.

We are extremely happy to announce the beginning of Titan Forge’s collaboration with the creators of The Ninth Age!

The goal of this collection is to supply you with all wargaming models from Sylvan Elves Army Book. We hope this is great info for all current 9th Age fans and all those who were considering joining this classic fan-made system with a large player base.

Let us know how you find this new venture, as we are open to creating more full armies compatible with The Ninth Age!

As the next two releases will feature many Elven miniatures in the Wargaming Corner, we would like to assure you that RPG Corner will remain full of diverse heroes and monsters not connected to the main theme. We want all our Patrons to be able to find something for themselves among all the fantasy miniatures we offer and present you with many options and inspirations for your hobby.

This release is also great news for Bloodfields players, especially Redleaf Elves fans, as this army will be getting a lot of new reinforcements that will alter the roster choices. The number of new models over these two releases will be exceptional and the Bloodfields Team is testing them together in order to provide you with balanced gameplay. As a result, the release of the Bloodfields Unit Cards will come a bit later than usual, in the middle of the month.

Bloodfields will be getting a balance update this month, in the aftermath of the Season 2 TTS League Play-Offs. If you are interested in the current meta and strong competitive options, the full review with the winning rosters is coming next week to bloodfields.net

Next week, we will also be publishing the Tournament Guide for Bloodfields Grand Tournament that will take place at UK Games Expo this year. If you are planning to attend the show, bring your Bloodfields minis and enter the event with a 1000€ main prize! Sing up here!

„From the greatest forests to the humblest desert oasis, wherever trees take root, there you may feel the weight of unseen eyes, or sense a tremor of movement among the boughs. Yet raise a blade to those sacred groves and you may feel the wrath of their protectors – the Sylvan Elves.

Believing themselves the oldest and truest of the Elven civilisations, the woodland Fae are a source of frightening stories across the world. Proud and merciless, their ancient magics and mastery of their primordial homes grant the Sylvan Elves a reputation of mystery and treachery that is well deserved. It is said the elves nurture the very spirits of the wood, who follow them to war beneath the canopy. Those same spirits are murderous when roused, and terrifying when combined with lethal Sylvan archery and a human borders.“ – www.the-ninth-age.com

As always, we thank you for your relentless support and for sharing the passion for tabletop miniatures. We hope you will be here with us for this next exciting release!

TF Team

Quelle: Titan Forge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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