von BK-Christian | 06.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Napoleonisch

The Roaring Lions: Kickstarter läuft

Historische Bayern machen Kickstarter unsicher!

The Roaring Lions 1

Welcome to Bavaria Miniatures‘ first Kickstarter!

Bavaria Miniatures is a company founded in Germany in 2023 that focuses on historical wargaming and is designed for collectors, painters, and hobbyists in general. Initially, German states in the historic conflict of the Franco-Prussian War are to be covered as a supplement to other existing ranges. To help finalize that, Bavaria Miniatures need your help! As the name might suggest, we want to start doing the Bavarian army of 1870 and this Kickstarter is just the beginning! Starting with the rank & file of the infantry. If this campaign is a success, we are planning to add cavalry and artillery as well as General sets.

This Kickstarter features the mighty Royal Bavarian army that contributed the second largest force after the Prussians to fight the French for the to-be-formed German Empire.

Even after a defeat against the Prussians in 1866, the Kingdom of Bavaria remained partially independent and autonomous. In times of war, however, the King of Prussia was in supreme command of all German armies, which should all be trained and organized after Prussian guidelines. To Prussia’s great astonishment, the Bavarians fought bravely from the start and fought in the bloodiest battles of the entire war and prevailed: Wissembourg, Wörth, Toul, Sedan, Beaumont & Sceaux just to name a few.

Bavarian troops fought from the beginning against the French Empire to the bitter end of the French Third Republic. As a reward for her heroic deeds, the Kingdom of Bavaria continued to exist within the German Empire until 1918.

Part of this Kickstarter is the Bavarian infantry: There were a total of 16 Regiments of the Line (one „Leib“ Regiment, which had a somewhat guard status, plus the regiments numbered 1 – 15 and named after their owner), 10 battalions of light Infantry as well as 16 Landwehr battalions of which many fought in France. All Bavarian infantry went to war in the M48 helmet, except a couple of light infantry battalions. Piece by piece, however, the M68 helmets were delivered. First to the other light infantry battalions, then to NCOs, and then to the rest of the troops. So to give you a free hand whether you want to represent an earlier or later army, you can choose between the two helmet types.

All of the above can be created by using the infantrymen featured in this Kickstarter. You can simply use the Line infantry sets for the Landwehr.

When will the miniatures be shipped?

If the Kickstarter is successful, all miniatures will be shipped asap. Depending on the success, the casting will take its time. I do think that the end of August 2023 is possible, but we remain true to our motto „It’s done when it’s done“. That’s why we state October 2023 in all pledge levels that include physic miniatures.

Digital files will be sent in June – August 2023.

All stretch goals will be delivered with either digital files or metal miniatures.

It’s your turn!

I would be very happy if you actively supported me in this project to realize the Bavarian Army for us in Wargaming. By pledging to this campaign you will help contribute new miniatures, coloring guides, flags, and uniform guides to our great hobby scene and earn my deepest thanks forever.

Please take your time going through the following words and pictures so you do not miss any information on this Kickstarter, its shipping, stretch goals and other most important stuff.

The Roaring Lions 2

Und darum geht es konkret:

The Roaring Lions 3 The Roaring Lions 4 The Roaring Lions 5 The Roaring Lions 6 The Roaring Lions 7

Die Starter-Army ist als Grundpledge der Metallmodelle verfügbar und hat folgenden Inhalt:

Bavarian Starter Army (metal castings) – 105 €

This pledge offers you the perfect start for 28mm wargaming. You will receive:

– 2 sets of line command (choose headwear and pose in the description!)
– 6 sets of line infantry (choose headwear and pose in the description!)
– 1 set of light infantry command
– 1 set of light infantry at trail

So a total of ten sets giving you two battalions and a screen of skirmishers.
Plus one set of printed flags if the stretch goal of flags is unlocked.

Please note that you can only choose the type of headwear and pose of the line infantry but not the composition of the army deal.

Generelle Kickstarter-Infos:

The Roaring Lions 8 The Roaring Lions 9

Die Größe der Modelle:

The Roaring Lions 10 The Roaring Lions 11

Und die Stretch Goals:

The Roaring Lions 12 The Roaring Lions 13 The Roaring Lions 14 The Roaring Lions 15

Hinweise zum Drucken:

The Roaring Lions 16 The Roaring Lions 17 The Roaring Lions 18

Und das Porto:

The Roaring Lions 19

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und endet in 14 Tagen.

Quelle: The Roaring Lions


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Bin beim STL pledge dabei. Wunderschöne Figuren, hoffe es folgen bald noch Ari und Kavallerie. Genau für sowas habe ich mir den 3D Drucker zugelegt, super (und BT) 🙂

  • Sehr schöne Figuren, welche ziemlich nah an den Figuren von Piano Wargames angelegt sind.
    Aber die Epoche 1870/71 hat zu Beginn des Konflikts einen anderen Napoleon an der Spitze von Frankreich,
    von daher ist es, zumindest im Moment, nicht meine Zeitperiode.

  • Sehr schöne Figuren und ein interessantes Setting. Ich finde sie sehen auf den Bildern schöner aus als Perrys, mehr detailliert. Ich habe mir die französischen Jäger von den Perrys gekauft und war doch etwas enttäuscht, die Figuren wirken etwas verwaschen.
    Ich kann mir gut vorstellen das es erfolgreich wird. Optisch kommt das ganze dem Auftritt von Piano Wargames nahe und die Jungs machen tolle Sachen.

    • Das mit dem verwaschen wirken, muss ich auch bei den zuletzt erschienenen Russischen Ulanen bestätigen 😕
      Leider nicht mehr so scharf detailliert geprägt, wie zum Beispiel die Österreichische Kavallerie.

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