von BK-Nils | 10.11.2023 | eingestellt unter: Horus Heresy

The Horus Heresy: White Scars Stormseer Consul

Die Legion der White Scars entsendet den Stormseer Consul, einen mächtigen Psioniker mit einer Affinität zu meteorologischen Beeinflussungen der Schlachtfelder der Horus Heresy.

Master the Meteorological With the Mystical White Scars Stormseer Consul

While every Legion has a number of Librarian Consuls in their ranks – warrior-scholars with the ability to bend the warp to their will – the psykers of the White Scars incorporated the long-standing superstitions of Chogoris into their training schema. These Stormseer Consuls are weather-witches who act as advisors and mystics to their Khans, offering wise counsel and unleashing the wrath of the storm on those in their way.

Games Workshop Master The Meteorological With The Mystical White Scars Stormseer Consul 1

With their horizons broadened by the shamanistic customs of Chogoris, Stormseers tap into wisdom beyond the ken of their brothers. This invites much scepticism from the more stringent members of the Legions Astartes, and many viewed their esoteric methods as deviations from the Imperial Truth.*

More fool them, as this ignorance blinds the narrow-minded to the meteorological mastery of the Stormseers. In battle, their subtle applications alter the climate for tactical advantage, calling on the heavens themselves to aid them.

Games Workshop Master The Meteorological With The Mystical White Scars Stormseer Consul 2

By tapping into the empyrean they can obscure their allies’ approach with mist and fog, place a favourable wind behind flanking Golden Keshig, and impede enemy forces with foul tempests and withering hail. When a more direct approach is required, Stormseers will not hesitate to call down bolts of pure white lightning from the skies.

Wearing with the raiments of Chogorian tradition and armed with a force staff reminiscent of the staves wielded by shamans native to the Khan’s home planet, the White Scars Stormseer Consul comes with a bare or helmed head and will be available to pre-order in Forge World Resin soon.

* Some of these more critical Legions would look more than a little hypocritical by the end of the Heresy…

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Netter White Scar. Für Fans der Legion sicher sehr interessant. Und ich denke, dass man den auch gut in 40k als White Scar Skriptor benutzen kann.

  • Der sieht echt gut aus. Wäre schöne wenn jetzt aber mal nach und nach wirklich alle Legionen mit spezifischen Charaktern versorgt werden würden.

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