von BK-Nils | 31.03.2023 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

The Horus Heresy: Alte Panzer mit neuen Seitenwaffen

Forge World rüstet seinen Fuhrpark für die Horus Heresy auf, in der Zukunft wird der neue Gussrahmen für Seitenwaffen den Bausätzen beigefügt.

Heresy Thursday – Old Tanks Learn New Tricks

Huge armoured columns are a common sight in the Horus Heresy, as each Legion fields complements of treaded behemoths in the fires of a galactic civil war.

The new plastic versions of the versatile Predator, shell-spitting Sicaran, and massive Typhon are all now available, with a universal sponson mounting that offers moveable heavy bolters, lascannons, heavy flamers, or volkite culverins.* Meanwhile, the fresh new Land Raider and Spartan transports share a sponson frame laden with heavy lascannon configurations.

The Horus Heresy team have been hard at work figuring out where else they can use these new weapon attachments, and the answer is, of course – more tanks. Some of your favourite resin hulls are being retooled to accommodate these shiny plastic sprues.

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The Legion Arquitor is a hulking artillery platform designed to advance with the front line, pulverising enemy battalions or obliterating fortifications at short range. It can be armed with one of three rear-mounted heavy weapons – the morbus bombard, spicula rocket system, or graviton-charge cannon – all of which will be retooled and repackaged with the new sponson sprue.

Not big enough? If you need to eradicate everything before you, stick in a requisition request for a superheavy tank loaded with the new lascannon sprue. Deflagrate enemy hordes with the Glaive’s volkite carronade, blow a variety of targets to smithereens with the Fellblade accelerator cannon, or tear the thickest armour asunder with the Falchion’s volcano cannon.

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Big guns accounted for, how about moving large cohorts of heavily armoured Legionaries right up to the enemy lines and disgorging them into the heart of combat? Even the mighty Mastodon is having its hull tinkered with to suit these new plastic sponsons.

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Rapid response is just as crucial as heavy firepower, and little else is as fast as a Javelin attack speeder. These flying firestorms are also being retooled to work with plastic sponsons – and both the Javelin and Mastodon will soon receive new rules and army list entries to accommodate the new options they are to receive.

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Guns are all well and good, but battlefield logistics are even more thrilling – relaying commands to your platoons is the stuff tabletop generals dream of. A new resin upgrade kit will let you outfit your plastic Deimos-pattern Rhino with a trusty vox relay and geo-locator beacon, transforming it into a Damocles Command Rhino from which your commanders can display their tactical brilliance.

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All eight revamped vehicles will soon be available from Forge World as resin kits with plastic sprues, alongside the Damocles Command Rhino Upgrade Kit, also in resin.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • aber man muss ihnen wohl zugute halten dass sie es geschafft haben den Seitenwaffen Gussrahmen sowohl mit den Resin als auch den Spritzgusspanzern kompatibel zu halten.

  • Ja toll, danke GW. Mal wieder ein total underwhelming release für Horus Heresy. Ob ich es in diesem Leben noch mitkriege, wie GW Nahkampf-/Sprungtruppen in Plastik für HH rausbringt? Ich gebe die Hoffnung nicht auf.

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