von BK-Pascal | 30.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Terrible Kids Stuff: The Lost Cavern of Xalathra Kickstarter

Terrible Kids Stuff haben einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet!



Chapter IV

“Brave adventurers, if you read these words, heed my warning. The underground caverns conceal a dark evil, a presence that seeks to corrupt and devour. Do not dare to go into it without being ready to fight against the darkness itself. Its malevolence creeps into every corner and its thirst for power is insatiable. I beg you, if you wish to explore these accursed caverns, be armed with courage and determination. Do not underestimate the danger that awaits you, for it could be your undoing!”

Greenskull Castle is back with chapter IV, expand and upgrade your collection! The Lost Cavern of Xalathra unveils a new twist in the old world. Face the challenges to explore a hidden dungeon under the castle with fiercer goblins and dwarves heroes, evil villains and monsters together with a new race… the gnomes!



We prepared 5 levels of pledges to join the campaign, starting from friendly support, all the way to the purchase of the entire core-set.

In order to join the campaign, please pick your favorite reward on the right column (if interested, add-on whichever amount for the requested extra miniature) insert your information and confirm your pledge! and boom goes the dynamite.

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N.B. Shipping costs are not included (some countries may request extra import duties). You’ll be asked to fill up the survey by Pledge Manager after the campaign, where you’ll find the shipping costs to your address, and you’ll have to specify your selected add-ons. The miniatures will be shipped not-assembled and not-painted, they contain small parts not suitable for children

Stretch Goals

Funding this campaign is the only way to explore the new dungeon. It’s time to get down and dirty in The Lost Cavern of Xalathra. Goblins, Dwarves and Gnomes are ready to fight until the last drop of blood. History will be written by the victors!

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The entire core-set is made of 5 goblins, 5 dwarves and 5 gnomes in 32mm scale. You can see below the entire group.


If you’d like to purchase one or more goblins or dwarves or gnomes from the core-set add 12,00€ per character on top of your pledge (exclusive offer for this campaign).

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If you’d like to purchase one or more batches from the core-set add 55,00€ per group on top of your pledge (exclusive offer for this campaign).

If you’d like to purchase one or more core-set add 150,00€ per core set on top of youpledge (exclusive offer for this campaign).


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Marco and Roberto were in charge of designing the whole new collection, while Lukasz brought to life all the miniatures by digitally sculpting them via ZBrush.


Vittorio covered the 3D print phase of all the masters. Massimiliano is in charge of quality control and cleaning, thanks to him the 3D sculpture and all components fit perfectly and easil


Last but not least Franck, pro of resin casting, positioned perfectly each joint, that it did not require a heavy cleaning of the miniatures before the assembly. We are putting our best efforts to improve the cut and to match each piece in order to make the assembly easier and easier, keeping the top notch quality.


Below you can see our miniatures compared to other well-known brands, to be aware of the actual scale. You can also see the difference in size of goblins, dwarves and gnomes. We paid a lot of attention to the body and muscles ratio of each race.


All miniatures will be delivered not assembled and not painted, sealed in plastic bags.


Expected timeline of The Lost Cavern of Xalathra campaign. This includes from the creative starting point, sketches and drawing, sculpting and 3D printing, to production and finally shipping.



Shipping costs are not included within your pledge, you’ll be able to select your preferred option after the end of the campaign on the Pledge Manager survey. You’ll find two options, standard via International Registered Mail of Poste Italiane, or express shipping as an add-on.

Please keep in mind that shipping costs are based on the weight of the parcel.

You will receive your own tracking number via Kickstarter private message, once your order has been cleared.

You can find below average shipping costs divided by regions (the quotes below might not reflect the exact final shipping costs).


IMPORTANT: we’ll only be able to fulfill pledges confirmed via Pledge Manager and before the deadline provided during the campaign launch. Once the Pledge Manager closes we won’t be able to ship unconfirmed pled


It feels like a blink of an eye but three years ago we did our first successful Kickstarter campaign, and now we are excited to present our 4th one. We can only be grateful. Grateful to all our supporters, both from the very beginning and to the most recent ones. All this wouldn’t be possible without you. And grateful to our team who helps us every day to realize our wildest ideas. So Thank You!

Illustrator: Roberto Cirillo

Sculptor: Lukasz Krysa

Production Manager: Massimiliano Richiero

Resin Caster: Franck Graneix

Quelle: Terrible Kids Stuff auf Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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    • Die Preise sind ordentlich, aber die Qualität der Miniaturen ist auch sehr, sehr gut. Ich habe an den letzten drei Kickstartern von denen teilgenommen und die Qualität der Resinminis ist fantastisch. Die Details sind sehr gut, es gibt keine Gussfehler oder Blasen, man findet wirklich keine Gussgrate und die Teile passen perfekt zusammen. Und damit bewegen sie sich im normalen Preisbereich für gute Resinminis. Teuer ja, aber nicht zu teuer für die Qualität die man bekommt.
      Ich bin dieses mal auch wieder mit dabei.

      • Ah, gerade gemerkt, dass ich die falsch zugeordnet habe. Der Gnom ist wohl schon ein gutes Stück kleiner als die Zwerge. Dann sollten die perfekt passen. Sehr schön.

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