von BK-Christian | 19.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop World: Market Kickstarter

Fantasy-Spieltische können bald mit einem wirklich großen Markt belebt werden.

Tabletop World's Market 1

Welcome to our fourth Kickstarter event as we continue our journey of building the city of Altburg! By joining the campaign you are helping us create a new line of tabletop terrain of the highest quality suitable for miniatures that are in 28-32 mm range. With this Kickstarter our goal is to create an ultimate Market kit which will take your gaming experience to a new level and make your gaming tables truly alive!

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The Market kits contain a wide range of highly detailed accessories that can be used in various settings, not necessarily the Market. Things like barrels, crates, sacks, carts, buckets, etc. are perfect to be used in any environment and of course as scatter terrain. These accessories are also perfect for diorama builders! 🙂

It also includes the new Town Square system which allows you to build the Market of any size and shape! These Town Square tiles can also be used for paving alleys and roads!

Pledge Levels

Note that the price of $60 for a single stall ($45 for STL) gets significantly lower depending on your pledge level. Check out the different pledge levels for more details in rewards section. With Altburg Market ALL-IN pledge you will get the best value for your money:

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Market Stalls

So far we have created four core stall sets in order to present you the market as we see it. You can, however, combine parts from different kits and make the Market to your liking. Make it small, or big, with multiple stalls so that it fits with your town square and alleys.

Grains, Veggies & Wine:

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A most common stall in the medieval market. Resources are scarce and mouths to feed are many. Some grain for porridge and some vegetables for brew should be available for all townsfolk.

This Stall kit is valued at $60 (STL $45).

Details on this vegetables show the quality of our 3D print:

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Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Tools, Crates & Barrels

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All who need to sharpen their tools or replace the broken parts or need a barrel for their vine, come to this stall. Here you will find all the tools you need for your trait.

This Stall kit is valued at $60 (STL $45).

All the tools in this kit are individual and you can use them in many ways:

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Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Weapons & Armour

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Medieval times are dangerous. People should have their farm tools ready behind the door. For those who are a bit better suited, there is a Weapon and Armor Stall.

This Stall kit is valued at $60 (STL $45).

Here find the examples of weapons in great detail:

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Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Meat & Dairy

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Butcher is often looked at with envy. All this meat and cheese around him, who wouldn’t be jealous? Welcome to the Meat and Dairy Stall

This Stall kit is valued at $60 (STL $45).

Check out the detail like the knife stuck in cheese and pork legs:

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Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Tabletop World's Market 22

Want to make your market truly alive? What better way than to add a this awesome set of townsfolk. This beautiful set is created by Tiny Furniture and we are offering it to you only as a 3D print. If you wish the STL files, be sure to contact them.

Note that we will make more townsfolk miniatures available during campaign!

This set is valued at $70 and consists of 23 townsfolk.

Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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A perfect transportation means for the medieval rough roads. Many merchants who can afford one have a Market Cart of their own.

This kit is valued at $8 (STL $6).

It’s a nice combination of wood, iron and rope. Check out the details:

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Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Town Square

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Every medieval town has its main square and many roads paved in flagstone. Especially the marketplace. This is a single 2 1/2 In x 2 1/2 In (6,5 x 6,5 cm) tile, very thin so it doesn’t stick from the surface and make a nasty curb. It can be stacked in a square of any size, or even as a road. Tiles should be glued to the firm base. For maximum result, fill the small gaps where tiles connect with modeling putty before painting.

This model is priced at $2, and the STL version is valued at $20.

With the STL version of this item, you can easily create the biggest squares and road systems for your town.

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Empty Stalls

We are also offering you empty stalls which are very versatile and can be used in many ways. For example you can use one of the stalls next to the house to store the firewood or fill the field with numerous tents for your troops during a siege.

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Stretch Goals

We will have five Freebie Stretch Goals that will, if unlocked, provide a real value for your money. Depending on your pledge level, you will be getting 1, 3 or all 5 Freebies!!! They will be smaller Stall kits to fill up the Market even more.

Note that we missed to list all five freebies in „Altburg Market ALL-IN STL files“ reward. It goes without saying that all five freebies (if unlocked) are included in this reward.

Farmer Stall

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Unlocked at $30,000

Farmer Stall kit is an add-on valued at $22 (3D printed) and $14 (STL). This kit is a FREEBIE for all our backers (except Villager level)! Note that the STL kit does not include the human farmer while 3D printed does. Farmer miniature is ©Tiny Furniture and if you want STL file, contact them directly.

Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Potter Stall

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Unlocked at $31,000, this set is an add-on valued at $19 (3D printed) and $12 (STL). It is also a FREEBIE for „Altburg Market 3D printed“, „Altburg Market All In 3D Printed“ and „Altburg Market All In STL files“ backers! Note that the STL kit does not include the human miniature while 3D printed does. Human miniature is ©Tiny Furniture and if you want STL file, contact them directly.

Be sure to check out the kit picture to see exactly what you get with this set:

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Baker Stall

Tabletop World's Market 39

Unlocked at $32,000, this set is an add-on valued at $21 (3D printed) and $13 (STL). It is also a FREEBIE for „Altburg Market 3D printed“, „Altburg Market All In 3D Printed“ and „Altburg Market All In STL files“ backers! Note that the STL kit does not include the human miniature while 3D printed does. Human miniature is ©Tiny Furniture and if you want STL file, contact them directly.

The kit has been designed and the prototype is about to be printed! You can expect the showcase of printed and painted kit early next week! 🙂

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: Tabletop World’s Market – 28-32mm 3D printed terrain and STL



Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich finde dieser KS wirkt etwas aus der Zeit gefallen. 265€ für Marktausstattung in 3D Druck. In dem Bereich bekommt man schon jetzt eine ganze Menge digital und kann sich die Sachen auch woanders drucken lassen, was bei den kleinen Teilchen da nicht diese Summen erzeugen sollte.
    Bei deren Häusern will ich mir die Preise noch gefallen lassen wenn man Guss, Handbau des masters etc. betrachtet, das hier wirkt aber irgendwie nicht mehr zeitgemäß.

    • Yep.
      Hatte das gebacked, aber dann doch die ganze Zeit leichtes Bauchgrimmen gehabt.
      Dein Post hat mich überzeugt, wieder auszusteigen.

    • Jepp. Nicht ganz soviel für einen Markt, dafür Hard Plastic und eine Menge anderen Kram gab es bei D&L 3 von Archon für deutlich weniger Geld.

      Das ist hier wirklich bisschen arg.

  • Die Sachen sehen wie immer super aus. Den Preis finde ich dann auch schon nicht ohne, vor allem, weil mir persönlich die Zeitreserven (oder Prioritäten) fehlen würden, dass dann auch noch auf dem Design entsprechend hohen Niveau umzusetzen. Die Gefahr wäre gegeben, dass das dann nicht als Projekt umgesetzt wird, sondern zu einer (dann sehr teuren) Bits-Box verkommt.
    Und bei dem Stichwort denke ich, dass ich tatsächlich schon viele solcher Teile über die Jahre in meiner Bits-Box angesammelt habe, womit ich eigentlich schon sofort einen eigenen kleinen Markt kreieren könnte. Also sollte ich lieber erstmal damit anfangen, als jetzt noch mehr Teile anzuhäufen.

  • Ich glaube für den Preis der STLs hätte man die Sachen aus bei Thomarillion damals bekommen, wenn ich an meine Sachen so zurückdenke. Die STLs wären interessant, aber nicht für den Preis.

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