von BK-Christian | 30.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Sythopian Wars: Relaunch Preview

Der neue Kickstarter zu Sythopian Wars rückt näher.

Hello all. Now that we have had some time to reflect on our campaign we have begun work on our re-launch plan. Our plans moving forward will hopefully address issues we encountered during our first attempt and build on our community.

Firstly we have put together a rough road map which includes our current goals in regards to stretch goals and addons, which we failed to incorporate into our initial campaign.

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As you can see we have big plans for our re-launch. Please bear in mind this is a current wishlist and may not reflect what we manage to get done before June and our re-launch date. That aside we hope to have a huge amount to offer.

Give Backers More

Stretch Goals

Our stretch goals include the models we had concept for during the first campaign with a couple of exceptions. These units will be brought to life in miniature form with their model images and rules made available on our website before launch so you can see what you will be getting and how it will work in the game. We will also make sure all our minis are multipose and mould ready so you can clearly see what you will be getting hold of.

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Our Addons include an additional 2 forces, The Host and The Order, in addition to a Big Guns pack which will be highlighted later. Each Core kit includes all the models needed to fight against the might of the other forces and like the stretch goals, more info will be available before launch.

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The Host set will feature units of death and destruction. The Corpse Crab, an animated corpse that scuttles across the battlefield will head out in front of the winged Mawgoyles. Closely behind will lurch the massive Megalisk. The Host has an array of new abilities and weapons and is a must have for those who love monsters.

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The Order are an army that consists of giant constructs. With the Baron, a floating fortress of explosive doom, and the maniacal Madam Mirror heading to the table. Each has its own distinct abilities to bring to the battlefield.

Exclusives and Rewards

This part is still being considered but we want to let everyone know that any exclusives will be limited to vanity items as we do not want to lock any part of our game away from future players.

Show, Don’t Tell

During the campaign we had a lot of questions and assumptions around our minis. A lot of these hinged around our minis being single pose or multipose. This time around we intend to employ the ‘show, don’t tell’ mantra where everything will be there to see. This includes our stretch goals, addons, and all our units which will be shown in all their glory.

Increase our community

This is where a lot of our changes will be implemented. With things like a print and play, competitions, community involvement and many more features coming to our site. We know most of our community love our minis but we want you to get immersed in all aspects of this game, from its fast paced gameplay to its intricate lore which will see extensive expansion.

More information on the units and sneak peeks will become available as soon as they are ready and we hope this time, having learned from our mistakes, to succeed.

What’s that coming over the hill…

We are heading back to kickstarter to bring you the next army of the Sythopian Wars, The Host!

The battles have begun as the Confederation face-off against the Asylumists! We’re thrilled to finally have our game available and are looking forward to seeing what our community can do with their sets. So, what comes next?

Anyone that’s been following us for some time knows this is definitely not the end of our ideas. We want to bring more minis, lore and rules to life now. With our small gang, we have managed to self-publish the Founders Set but now that we want to aim further we need a bit of help. So, we are heading back to Kickstarter.

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This new Kickstarter will be aimed at expanding our range with the Host, a biological phenomenon that now takes root worldwide. In the Host force, you will be able to play three new units: the Megalysk, Mawgoyle and Corpse Crab.

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Fans of our other armies need not worry as we also look at introducing the Confederation Arsenal and Asylumists Butcher. We also hope to bring more units and further goodies to our project. The alternate versions of our units are being worked on, and refined and will be available to add to your existing armies. This new set will also be another way to dive into the hobby as the set will work as a standalone starter set.

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Lastly, after the KS, we will be retiring the Founders Set. As an introduction it has served us well but heading forward, we will sadly have to change things around with our sets and of course pricing. Grab them while you can!

More on them, the Host and others keep checking back.

Quelle: Sythopian Wars


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ok, hab denn Artikel gelesen. War sogar auf deren Seite. Trotzdem habe ich quasi nicht über dieses spiel rausgefunden. Es gibt auf der Website Fraktionsbeschreibungen und ellenlange Timelines, aber keinen Satz wie: „Dies ist ein (skirmish/ Masse/was auch immer) tabletop in dem Maßstab x mm, das besonders ist, weil“. Das ist meiner Meinung nach ein Problem.

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