Es gibt wieder neue Miniaturen von Statuesque Miniatures.
Cloth Goblins!
A set of cloth goblin miniatures – lead-free metal castings or STLs – suitable for tabletop gaming, painting and collecting.
„The cloth goblins are the most numerous inhabitants of the Habernagerie and appear to fulfil the role of guards and custodians of the countless halls, passages and courtyards of this place. They carry out this task – or not – with a haphazard zeal for which I have yet to discern any pattern or motive. Indeed, I often find my daily travels interrupted by some novel blockade where previously I passed undisturbed, while hitherto guarded routes are suddenly abandoned. The one constant seems to be their insistence on strictly limiting my access to the kitchens.“
Letters from the Habernagerie, Anon.
Cloth Goblins! is a campaign to fund the production of some high quality, lead-free metal cloth goblin miniatures. Following on from my previous cloth toy miniatures done in a similar style, these cloth goblin are slightly more martial in nature, ready to fearlessly defend any castle, dungeon or fantastical land.
I am the owner and sculptor of Statuesque Miniatures and these wee goblins are a real labour of love. I sculpted them, printed them, moulded and cast them myself. With your help, I can get the casting metal ordered, production started and send lots and lots of cloth goblins out into the world!
The Miniatures
Measuring approximately 18mm tall, the cloth goblin miniatures represent more of the odd cloth creatures I find so satisfying to sculpt. I made the miniatures with tabletop gaming, painting and collecting in mind. They have bold, chunky details meaning they can be easily painted or finished however you wish.
All photos show production castings of the miniatures (either painted or prepped and given a wash of oil paint to bring out the details), so if the Kickstarter is successful I’ll be ready to start casting your miniatures immediately. There won’t be any stretch goals or additional items added during the course of the campaign – I don’t want anything to delay fulfilment.
I am also offering the Cloth Goblins as STLs for home printing. There is an STL-only pledge level, but if you wish to pledge for both physical and digital rewards, you should chose a physical pledge level and add the Cloth Goblin STLs from the Add-On list when making your pledge.
Please note, due to their small size the cloth goblin miniatures are not intended for small children.
Physical Reward Pledge Levels
Below you can see each of the physical reward pledge levels available. All miniatures are supplied in a bare metal state and require the usual prep work prior to painting.
You will receive one Cloth Goblin Sergeant with their knocker shield, three Cloth Goblins and one set of three shields, all cast in lead-free metal. You will be able to chose one of three sets of shields after the Kickstarter.
Additional sets of miniatures can be chosen from the Add-On list when making your pledge.
You will receive the Cloth Goblin Patrol – one cloth goblin sergeant and nine cloth goblins (three sets of the three spear-armed cloth goblins) along with all ten shields, cast in lead-free metal.
Additional sets of miniatures can be chosen from the Add-On list when making your pledge.
Digital Reward Pledge Level
You will receive STL files for the cloth goblin sergeant and the three cloth goblins, along with all ten shields. The parts will be supplied both supported and unsupported.
If you wish to pledge for both physical and digital rewards, you should chose a physical reward pledge level and add the Cloth Goblin STLs from the Add-On list when making your pledge
Physical Reward Add-Ons
The following items can be added to any physical pledge for the amount indicated. All physical product Add-On items are supplied in a bare metal state and require the usual prep work prior to painting.
When you chose your Add-Ons, the list will be presented in order of price, so please check the item code carefully against the pictures below.
Four cloth goblins, including the sergeant with their knocker shield and one set of three shields.
Ten cloth goblins, including the sergeant and all ten shields.
Three cloth goblins and one set of three shields.
Nine cloth goblins and all nine non-knocker shields.
Digital Reward Add-Ons
The following digital-download items can be added to any pledge for the amount indicated. All parts are supplied as both supported and unsupported STLs.
Please note, these files are the same as those included in the digital reward tier.
Please note, this item is not available as a physical reward.
Shipping costs will be collected when you make your pledge. The shipping costs are flat-rate and are priced appropriate to Royal Mail’s World Zones.
Tracked Shipping can be chosen* as an Add-On when you make your pledge. The total cost of the Tracked Shipping Add-On is £1 plus a country specific additional shipping amount. When added to the standard shipping, the total paid will add up to what is indicated below.
For example, if a USA backer selects the Tracked Shipping Add-On, they will pay £6 standard shipping, £1 will beadded to the pledge amountand £5 added to the shipping, giving a total of £11.
Sorry, it’s a bit awkward having £1 added to the pledge and an additional amount added to the shipping, but that’s the best way of doing this within Kickstarter that I could think of!
The shipping costs are as follows:
UnitedKingdom– £3 for 1st class mail or £5 tracked (£1 added to pledge, £1 added to shipping)
Europe – £5 standard mail or £10 tracked (£1 added to pledge, £4 added to shipping)
World Zone 1 – £6 standard mail or £12 tracked (£1 added to pledge, £5 added to shipping)
World Zone 2 (inc. AU, NZ & SG) – £7 standard mail or £13 tracked (£1 added to pledge, £5 shipping added)
World Zone 3 (USA) –£6 standard mail or £12 tracked (£1 added to pledge, £5 added to shipping)
Please note, experience has taught me that it is best to send orders to certain counties by International Tracked or Signed services only to ensure prompt delivery. All rewards sent to Brazil(World Zone 1) will be sent by International Tracked mail only at £12, while rewards sent to Mexico(World Zone 1) will be sent by International Signed mail only at £12. No criticism of these countries is implied; I just want you to get your rewards as quickly as possible and I’ve found this to be the best way.
For all UK packages, please allow 30 days from the date of dispatch for delivery.
For international untracked Standard Mail and Signed Mail packages please allow 45 days from the date of dispatch for delivery.
For international Tracked Mail packages, please allow 25 working days from the date of dispatch for delivery, and check you tracking information regularly.
*Where available.
Informationen für EU & Norwegen Unterstützer:
Please note: If you’re not in the EU, this doesn’t affect you. All backers should be aware of your personal import laws, but if you’re not in the EU nothing has changed since the last Statuesque Miniatures Kickstarter. Statuesque Miniatures is not responsible for any import fees that may apply. EU countries are the only international locations to which I sell on Etsy – the Etsy shop is intended to fulfil specific EU VAT purposes only.
I recommend that potential EU and Norway backers of one of the physical reward pledge levels instead order through the Statuesque Etsy shop. If the campaign is successful, the Cloth Goblin sets will be available Made-to-Order to EU and Norway customers on Etsy at Kickstarter prices (with a wee discount to partly mitigate the VAT). These listing will be available for one week, immediately after the Kickstarter campaign. Delivery times will be the same as the Kickstarter.
Most importantly, any EU or Norway Made-to-Order sale on Etsy is just as vital and appreciated as any Kickstarter pledge. You’re still helping me make the tiny wee things I love to make, just without the risk of an unexpected VAT bill and handling fee before delivery.
You can still back the Kickstarter, but please do not pledge on Kickstarter in the expectation or hope of avoiding a VAT bill from your postal service. If you get a bill and then refuse delivery, that will just end up costing me a lot of time and money.
***You can receive notification of when the Cloth Goblins are in the Statuesque Etsy shop by completing the contact form HERE.***
Etsy collects EU VAT at checkout on all orders up to 150 EUR. For customers in many EU states, this will mean no additional fees from your postal service. Etsy will also collect Norway VAT at checkout, again meaning you can avoid additional fees before delivery.
There should be no additional ‚handling fees‘ from your postal service on VAT-paid Etsy orders for the following EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.
For all other EU countries, please check the information provided by your local postal services as additional fees and procedures may be applied before delivery is made.
I put together a page of information for EU customers, along with links to information from member state postal service. I hope it will be of some use. You can visit the page HERE.
Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 13 Tage.
Das war auch mein Gedanke, die sind total süß.