von BK-Bob | 30.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Station Forge: Juni Patreon

Der Juni geht zu Ende und damit gibt es eine Übersicht was es alles diesen Monat bei Station Forge gibt.

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GrimGuard Casualties

Hello everyone!

GrimGuard Casualties are out now!

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GrimGuard Combatants

Hello everyone!

GrimGuard Combatants are out now!

they come with regular masked bodies and10 heads that are interchangeable with bodies. This squad has some of the guns that have previously been requested and a 3 variant flag.

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Xenarid Wormaak

Hello everyone!

We are thrilled to celebrate the 2nd Year Anniversary of StationForge! It is an honor to have you as part of our incredible community, and we cannot express enough gratitude for your unwavering support and passion for our miniatures.

Over the past two years, we have embarked on a remarkable journey together, forging new factions and creating epic miniatures. Your dedication and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind our continued success, and we are incredibly grateful for your loyalty.

Your feedback, engagement, and community involvement have been invaluable to us. We have witnessed the birth of incredible painting and modeling talents, breathtaking dioramas, and heart-stopping kitbashes, all of which inspire us to push the boundaries of our craft even further.

As we enter this new year, we are filled with excitement for the adventures that lie ahead.

We are super excited to announce our new ‘Xenarid’, faction, which we will release alongside the Scavengers, Grimguards, and Socratis on recurring bases. 2nd new faction will be announced tomorrow.

Please welcome Xenarid: Wormaak!

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Astronet X1 Infantry

Hello Everyone!

For our second faction release we welcome Astronet!

Astronet X1 Infantry includes:

10 bodies

10 heads

20 arms (10 arms per weapon)

Astronet for the time being will be released on occasional basis just like Corrupted guard.

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Scavenger Runners

Hello Everyone!

Scavenger Runners are back in town!

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Socratis Light Infantry

Hello everyone!

Socratis Light Infantry is out now!

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Scavenger Heavy Tank

Hello Everyone!

Scavenger Tank is out!

Includes 3-man crew

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Socratis Vanguard

Hello Everyone!

Socratis Vanguard are out now! A 10 man squad with 10 shoulder pad and helmet variants.

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Vaskar Infantry Builder Kit

Hello everyone!

To ensure the distinctiveness of our „National Guard“ faction, relative to other works, we have made the decision to adopt the moniker „Vaskar“ for our sci-fi soldiers moving forward.

Please welcome Vaskar Infantry Builder Kit!

This kit Includes:

12 body poses

15 heads

72 arm sets

4 backpacks

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Xenarid Infantry

Hello Everyone!

Xenarid Infantry is out and is the last release of the month

Quelle: Station Forge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Die DKoK sind wie immer sehr schön, die neuen Astronet gefallen mir auch sehr gut. Die neuen Vaskar hingegen finde ich schrecklich, wenn man dann noch bedenkt das die Orks dafür aus dem Sortiment gefallen sind finde ich das sehr unglücklich – naja.

  • Und wieder mal ein genzer Schwung 40k Look alike. Nicht alles davon gefällt mir, aber die Krieg-Soldaten sind richtig genial. Auch diese Variante des Onager Crawlers vom AdMech gefällt mir bessers als GWs original.

    Dafür bevorzuge ich auf jeden Fall die originalen Necrons, Terminatoren und Tyraniden…

    • Das soll kein Onager sein, sondern der Panzer der als letztes dazu kam und in dualkit auch als Transporter gebaut wurde.
      Türme auf beiden Seiten, Kanone obendrauf, die Raketen vorne im Rumpf integriert und generell ein leicht längliches Design

      Sehr interessant, da er in dem Look hier besser zur Fraktion passt, als die Hovercraft Variante

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