von BK-Sebastian | 27.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines, Star Wars

Star Wars Shatterpoint: Mother Talzin & Nightsister Acrolytes Preview

Atomic Mass Games haben mit Mother Talzin und den Nightsister Acrolytes eine weitere Truppe für Star Wars: Shatterpoint vorgestellt.


Referred to reverently within her clan as the Great Mother, Talzin is a major player on the stage of galactic conflict. She would play a major role in pivotal clashes during the Clone Wars, having complex and contentious dealings with individuals such as Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. She is the mother of Darth Maul and feels particular hatred for those who stole him from her in an attempt to control his destiny. She takes any perceived slights on her clan quite seriously, going to great lengths to seek revenge. This matriarch has proven she does not fear either Sith or Jedi.  Mother Talzin has tremendous control over the Force, shaping its energies by the strange methods known only to her coven. Darkness answers her call, and amid the Obscuring Shadows that surround her, it can be difficult to predict the movements of her clan. By her Manipulating Hand she can even play tricks on the mind of an enemy, controlling their movements to place them where it best suits her own plans.


The nature of Mother Talzin’s power is demonstrated in her Life Drain Reactive ability, where she siphons the life force from injuries done to her enemies to partially heal the ally who inflicted the harm. She reserves the Wrath of the Great Mother for those wounding those under her protection, enabling her to Dash into position and retaliate at range. Mother Talzin is a potent supportive leader who rewards tactical play while also serving as a singular threat her foes cannot ignore.

Mother Talzin is never content to sit back and watch while her subordinates fight in her stead. Both her Stances demonstrate she is a potent and aggressive Force wielder. She does not need to wield a lightsaber to enter melee, instead summoning a Conjured Blade of rending energy that she wields with her mind. She can be even more deadly at a slight distance, unleashing dark Magicks.


Maneuverability is one of the hallmarks of the Nightsisters, as demonstrated by their Acrobatic Advance, by which they draw on the Force to Jump to better positions while simultaneously proving difficult to hit. Using this ability lets them gain Hunker tokens, which are augmented by the Darkness and Shadows the Acolytes manipulate to obscure their exact positions. Nightsister Acolytes benefit from the Coordinated Fire Reaction ability which can Expose the target during another unit’s attack. Armed with bow and blade, the Acolytes are effective either up close or at a distance, but are deadliest with their bows, with higher Ranged stats in their Shadow Hunters Stance. Their Night Hunter Innate ability makes ranged attacks on enemies already engaged with other members of their clan even more lethal.


The Stance’s Combat Tree is simple but tactically versatile, offering decent damage and options to Pin, Shove, or Expose a foe, or to potentially provide minor Healing and a Jump to either evade or move to a better position. These Nightsisters are aggressive, and their training does not offer substantial defense, particularly in melee, but they prefer to eliminate adversaries before they can be engaged when possible.

Quelle: Atomic Mass Games


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Interessant, dass es nur ein Dreierteam ist. Talzin muss dann schon ziemlich stark sein, denn die reguläre Teamgröße war doch bisher: Bekannter Held, Sekundärheld, zwei No-Name Trooper.

    Die Minis sind aber schon sehr nice. Kommen auf meine Wunschliste…

  • Die WITCHES OF DATHOMIR Squad besteht auch aus 4. Hier fehlt noch Savage Opress. Sieht man auch daran, dass die Nachtschwestern mit ihren 4 Punkten das 8 Punkte Limit von Talzin nicht ausreizen.

  • Uiui, wie lange Talzin wohl im Spiel ihre Finger behält? Diese super-filigranen Teile brechen so schnell ab und kleben kann man meist vergessen. Die dünnen Ärmchen und Waffen der Schwestern wirken auch nicht besonders stabil. 🙁 Naja, Der ganze Shatterpoint Style ist mir optisch eh zu „schmal“…

    • Also, aus meiner Sicht bricht von den Figuren erstmal nichts ab. Per Plastik-Spritzguss hat man zwar viele dünne Teile, aber die sind immer an dickeren Teilen wie z.B. Armen dran. Sprich: Da muss man schon mit leichter Gewalt oder grober Unachtsamkeit zu Werke gehen, dass was bricht. Aber in jedem Fall würde ich die Minis nicht in Schaumstoffeinlagen transportieren, sondern unter der Base magnetisieren und in entsprechenden Boxen mit Metallboden lagern.

    • Bis jetzt geht es tatsächlich. Beim Umspannen auf die Malhalter sind mit schon mal Ventress und Ahsoka runter gefallen und bis jetzt ist da nichts gebrochen.
      Ich bin da noch positiv überrascht und gespannt, wie Ich dann in Zukunft mal die Lichtschwertklinge ersetze, wenn sie doch mal bricht. 🙂

  • jetzt nichts für mich, kein großer Fan der Dathomir Hexen, aber schick gemacht wie bislang eigentlich alles.

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