von BK-Bob | 26.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Star Schlock Battle Game: Miniatures and Skirmish Rules

Fans von klassischem Sci-Fi könnten mit den Miniaturen aus diesem Kickstarter glücklich werden.

Star Schlock Battle Game: Miniatures and Skirmish Rules

The tabletop miniatures game inspired by sci-fi of the 1970s and 80s.


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Blast off for adventure with Star Schlock—the tabletop miniatures game inspired by sci-fi of the 1970s and 80s! Use miniatures from the growing line of Star Schlock figures—who may bear an uncanny, yet legally distinct resemblance to familiar sci-fi tropes—to wage intergalactic war on your kitchen table.

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With the Star Schlock Battle Game Starter Set you’ll be able to pit the heroic officers of the Explorer Corps against the brutal Space Apes of the Galactic Simian Kingdom.

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Fortunes can swing dramatically in Star Schlock! Mount sweeping charges against your enemy’s flank! Risk it all with a plan so crazy it might just work! This isn’t a passive game where you set your figures up and spend two hours seeing if your deployment decisions worked. You’ll need to think hard to use the limited resources at hand to outwit your opponent, push your units to the limit of their capability, and exploit the vulnerable spots in your opponent’s strategy.

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Play a nail-biting game against a single opponent on a 3’x3′ battlefield, or bring the game to your club and play an epic six-player confrontation on a sprawling 4’x6′ table (or larger!). Star Schlock is a flexible system built to handle a variety of gaming group sizes.

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Use the rules for your universe, or come play in ours.The Star Schlock rules emulate the adventures of the long running Canadian sci-fi series of the same name (it ran for 20 years—surely you’ve heard of it?). From the Explorer Corps boldly going where none have gone before, to the madhouse that is the Space Ape home world, the Star Schlock universe is full of space princesses, mystical crystal knights, infectious mutants, plucky robots, and a host of other familiar sci-fi tropes. The Starter Set is the perfect place to jump in as we kick off the Galactic War that would be fought onscreen, in comics, novels, and trading cards for two decades!

Dozens of character and unit profiles already detail the denizens of the Star Schlock universe, with more to come. Gather troops with abilities that synergize with each other to unleash epic combos that will leave your opponents reeling!

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Star Schlock is designed to emulate low-budget sci-fi television and movies of the 1970s and 80s, not to mention pulp novels, comics, and Saturday morning cartoons.

Each player fields between 6 and 30 figures, with the ability to choose a mix of single figure character units (the heroes and villains of Star Schlock lore) and 5-figure group units (the unnamed background troopers who get mowed down in droves).

Star Schlock’s card-driven initiative system keeps the action unpredictable, but gives you control over your fate. Will you play a card to win initiative but only leaves your units a single action? Or is it better to hold back, prioritizing efficiency, to unleash two (or even three!) actions from each of your units.

Actions are resolved with dice pools that use icon-based Star Schlock dice. A handful of modifiers may add bonus dice to a roll, keeping dice resolution quick and flexible.

A game with starter forces of four units per player can be finished in an hour, but the rules are designed to accommodate larger tables as well. Six player mega-battles can be wrapped up in an evening.

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Die Regel Preview findet man Hier

Der Inhalt der Starter Box:

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Stretch Goals:

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Your Kickstarter pledge does not include shipping or applicable taxes and tariffs. Shipping and taxes will be collected after the Kickstarter through the post-campaign pledge manager. Shipping for rewards will be calculated based on actual shipping costs. Your shipping information will be collected in the pledge manager. We can not ship to PO Boxes (and you may be charged for shipping twice if a package shipped to a PO Box is returned to us and must be dispatched to a different address).

For backers in Canada, UK, and EU, any applicable duty or VAT will be clearly identified and charged in the post-campaign pledge manager. For all other destinations, backers will be responsible for any local import duties or taxes.

Estimated shipping costs are illustrated in the table below. Note that these are estimates only. Shipping costs can change based on the composition of add-ons you select and can fluctuate, sometimes dramatically.

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 6 Tage.

Quelle: Star Schlock Battle Game: Miniatures and Skirmish Rules


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Sehe das eher inspiriert von den (50ern) 60ern & 70ern, denn durch die 70er & 80er.
    Da ich auf nostalgisches Sci Fi stehe spricht es mich tatsächlich auch an, aber nachdem ich noch auf zwei (überfällige) KS warte und beim einen kaum noch Hoffnung habe, ist die Lust gering, KS noch mehr Geld in den Rachen zu schmeißen. Insbesondere da die ja nicht wirklich ihren Klienten auf die Finger sehen und Beschwerden ignorieren.

  • Habe beim ersten KS mitgemacht und bin begeistert.
    Wer auf oldschool Pulp steht kann Nein sollte hier mitmachen!!!
    Wunkay ist in engen Kontakt auch nach dem KS, angeblich lassen die Minis gut zu den Luna Minis und auch mit Astropolis (lead adventure) und Colony 87 (cooked dice) passen sie super.

    • Aktuell sind ja zwei weitere sg minis zum Stand oben dazugekommen und eine gibts ja durch das 1000er level noch dazu 🙂

    • Es wird aufjedenfall in den Starschlock shop zu bekommen sein, die Frage ist nur ob mit 12 oder 16 Minis.
      Die Minis selber sind ja schon fertig ,waren zB auf der Historicon am Start.

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