von BK-Christian | 28.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Shatterpoint: Stormtroopers Preview

Atomic Mass Games haben ein Preview zu Vaders Lakaien veröffentlicht.

AMG Shatterpoint Fear And Dead Men Squad Pack 1 AMG Shatterpoint Fear And Dead Men Squad Pack 3 AMG Shatterpoint Fear And Dead Men Squad Pack 4

Today’s preview features one of the most enduring staples of the Galactic Empire: Stormtroopers, symbols of fear and oppression across the galaxy. Each squad of these elite soldiers is led by a capable and extremely loyal sergeant.

Immediately recognizable in their white armor, Imperial Stormtroopers are a reliable mainstay often seen accompanying higher ranking personnel and forming the vanguard of any significant engagement. Under the stern gaze of their sergeants, Stormtroopers are quite willing to march into a barrage of incoming fire to safeguard their superiors. While a variety of specialist Stormtroopers exist, even the basic Stormtroopers wear sealed armor that lets them comfortably endure a variety of hostile environments and their E-11 blasters are suited for nearly any engagement. In addition to serving as shock troops wherever conflict is anticipated, Stormtroopers also protect major ships like the Star Destroyers which serve as imposing reminders of the Empire’s might across the galaxy.

Each Stormtrooper Sergeant is an effective leader with abilities intended to facilitate their role of augmenting and directing subordinate soldiers like an efficient machine, heedless of their comfort. The Sergeant’s Inexorable Advance Tactics ability lets a unit such as the basic Stormtroopers gain an immediate advance, by pushing their limits and taking some minor damage. The damage cost of this type of forced mobility may be off-putting, but the added mobility can mean the difference for seizing an objective or putting the troopers in the perfect place to perform a Coordinated Offensive. This allows Stormtroopers to deliver considerably augmented firepower onto a target, so long as the Sergeant is close by and can see the target.

AMG Stormtrooper Sergeant & Stormtroopers Preview 1

The Sergeant can also spend one Force to direct Imperial Firepower, enabling them to Pin or Disarm an enemy so long as other Imperial forces are close enough to gang up on the target. And like his subordinates, a Sergeant gains the benefit of Sharpshooter 1 because Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Precise. The amazing precision of such soldiers has been amply demonstrated in every battle in which they are engaged, as they rarely ever miss their targets. (Avoid Rebel propaganda to the contrary!)

AMG Stormtrooper Sergeant & Stormtroopers Preview 2

The Stormtrooper Sergeant’s Forward Assault stance reflects their intense training and experience as a veteran, with respectable ranged attack stats. Stormtrooper armor is sturdy enough to at least diminish the impact of glancing attacks, and while they are considerably more effective when employing their E-11 Blaster Rifles, their Combat Training means they can defend themselves when engaged in melee. The stance’s Combat Tree has modest damage but provides considerable support options with multiple Healing options, including one right at the outset, plus the chance to Expose the foe or Shove them twice, along with a Reposition if Healing isn’t a priority. The way the branches in the Combat Tree are positioned allows considerable control over these options.

Impressive as he may be on his own, the Sergeant can only truly shine when fighting alongside subordinate Stormtroopers.

AMG Stormtrooper Sergeant & Stormtroopers Preview 3

The fact that Stormtroopers are disciplined enough to be inured to pain is reinforced by their Assault Tactics, whereby they can Dash forward and then endure some minor damage to perform a focus action, augmenting their attacks, the impact of which is increased by the Sharpshooter 1 provided by Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Precise. This combined with
the Sergeant’s Inexorable Advance also gives these troopers surprising mobility and a strong first strike, though at the cost of entering combat a bit worse for wear. It is these tactics, more than anything else, which lets them live up to the term “Stormtrooper.”

AMG Stormtrooper Sergeant & Stormtroopers Preview 4

For the Empire is an extremely useful Active ability that lets Stormtroopers mitigate being engaged in melee, where they have a decided disadvantage. One adversary can be pushed away by use of this ability, Exposing them to follow-up blaster fire.
The Assault Training stance demonstrates an emphasis on the E-11 Blaster Rifle with a quite strong Ranged Attack Expertise Chart, which can easily Pin a foe, and potentially provide a bonus critical, damage, and an extra strike at the upper end. The modest ranged attack stats of this Stance are deceptive, being considerably elevated when using Assault Training, the benefits of Sharpshooter, and hopefully benefitting from their Sergeant’s Coordinated Offensive.

Some might foolishly scoff at the “elite” label applied to Stormtroopers due to the slanderous depiction of their capabilities in Rebel propaganda. The truth is these soldiers can be quite formidable indeed, particularly when confronted alongside one of the great leaders of the Galactic Empire, such as Darth Vader, the Emperor’s Servant.

Make sure to check back for our next Shatterpoint Unit preview, where we give you a first look at how your favorite characters from the Star Wars™ galaxy translate into the gameplay of Shatterpoint. Order your own copy of Star Wars: Shatterpoint at your local game store or through our webstore today.

Until next time, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!

Quelle: Atomic Mass Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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