von BK-Bob | 24.11.2023 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Shattered Galaxy: Core STL-Kickstarter

Gelände zum selber drucken passend für Star Wars: Shatterpoint.

Shattered Galaxy: Core

Modular 3D-printable scenery for 32-40mm tabletop games set in a war-torn galaxy far away.

Shattered Galaxy Core 1

Introducing Shattered Galaxy, a fresh collection of fully modular 3D-printable scenery designed to elevate your 32-40mm tabletop gaming experience. Whether you’re looking to enhance your existing plastic or 3D-printed terrain or seek a convenient, space-saving solution for competitive or casual play, we’ve got you covered!

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Shattered Galaxy: Core, the inaugural set in our lineup, is brimming with a diverse array of modules. Inside, you’ll discover walls, platforms, walkways, railings, ladders, and more, providing you with endless possibilities for crafting your ideal tabletop terrain. Combining unparallel portability, stylized cartoonish look and designs allowing for easy LED integration, this set balances form and function in a way that we’re truly proud of.

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Launching alongside the Core set is our very first expansion, Shattered Galaxy: Cliffhanger. Introducing multiple new modules representing cliffs, plateaus, and rocky outcrops, it allows you to mix and match freely with the Core (and, in the future, with other Shattered Galaxy sets), to build mountain compounds, hillside bunkers and more. And yes, it is available separately if you just need to expand your terrain collection with some modular rocks 🙂

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Shattered Galaxy Core 8

*the longest walkways will require a 200x200mm build plate instead

All the models featured in this Kickstarter campaign have undergone rigorous test printing, and they will arrive pre-rotated to minimize any overhang issues.

The Shattered Galaxy range uses interchangeable wall modules and roof platforms, offering a secure fit for the walls and enabling a multitude of combinations. These versatile structures can be seamlessly linked together using walkways, giving you endless possibilities for creating your ideal gaming terrain.

Take a closer look at the platforms and walkways, and you’ll notice familiar grooves along their edges. However, each of these conceals a number of slim OpenLOCK ports  that make it a breeze to attach clip-on accessories such as railings and ladders, giving you even more customization options for your terrain.

While these pieces may seem delicate when printed upright, here’s the good news: they’re designed to be printed flat on an FDM printer, just like your typical OpenLOCK clips. This method ensures their durability, and you can count on them to flex rather than snap, even when subject to rough handling.

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We’ve included specially modified Slim OpenLOCK clips with the models, ensuring that you can securely stack the floors. For added flexibility, we’ve also included an alternative ‚removable floor‘ variant of the clip. This variant allows you to stack the floors securely on top of terrain pieces from other manufacturers that are compatible with our system.

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A Core structure stacked on top of a plastic terrain with the ‚Removable Floor‘ clip variant.

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Hollow interiors and the use of holes in platforms allow for easy LED integration. A LED tealight was placed inside the structure seen here – no wiring or soldering needed!

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While the range was designed with larger miniatures in mind (e.g. 35-40mm scale), it can work with regular ‚heroic‘ miniatures (around 32mm scale):

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The Core set includes:

  • 21 Living Quarters Walls
  • 9 Platforms
  • 15 Processing Plant Walls
  • 3 Railings
  • 8 Walkways
  • 1 Ladder and 1 Ladder Hook
  • 1 Walkway Pillar
  • 2 Slim OpenLOCK clips

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The Cliffhanger expansionset includes:

  • 6 Cliff Walls Style A (3 lower cliffs, 3 upper cliffs)
  • 6 Cliff Walls Style B (3 lower cliffs, 3 upper cliffs)
  • 6 Rocky Platforms
  • 2 Slim OpenLOCK clips

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Stretch Goals:

Funding Quests are your gateway to expanding the contents of the Core set with exciting new additions. These quests will introduce fresh modules, building blueprints, and innovative structures, enhancing your assembly options and taking your gaming experience to the next level.

The first three Funding Quests will be unveiled right at the start of the campaign. After that, you can expect new quests to be revealed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 PM (08:00 Pacific time | 11:00 Eastern time | 16:00 British time). What’s unique is that there can always be a new quest right around the corner, regardless of whether the previous quest with a higher funding level was unlocked. This means we can work on multiple funding goals simultaneously!

While we’ve already mapped out 15 different Funding Quests for this campaign, but we’re open to your ideas on what to include. If you have any exciting suggestions for upcoming quests that are supported by the community, please don’t hesitate to share them with us. We’re all ears and eager to make this campaign even more fantastic with your input!

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 12 Tage.

Quelle: Shattered Galaxy: Core


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Es soll denke ich auch eher eine mögliche Ergänzung sein. Wenn man die Platte voller stellen möchte sieht es besser aus wenn das Gelände zueinander passt und nicht 2-3 Doppelungen enthält. Oder „schlimmer“ den Urwald direkt im frisch sanierten Villenviertel hat.

    • Hm…um die Platte vollzustellen gibt es ausreichend original Gelände. So ewig viel Platz steht ja auch nicht zur Verfügung auf einem skirmish Spielfeld. Mir macht das eher den Eindruck eine günstige Alternative zu den originalen optionalen zukäufen sein zu wollen.

  • OK, taugt halt als Erweiterung zum Original Shatterpoint-Terrain – was für mich leider eher an modulares Playmobobil-Gelände erinnert. Ich tendiere dann aber viel mehr zu Corvus Games Terrain oder Imperial Terrain… 😉

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