von BK-Christian | 29.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Postapokalypse

Ramshackle Games: Boglanders Kickstarter

Ramshackle Games sind wieder mit ihren ausgefallenen Designs auf Kickstarter aktiv.

Bogland is a strange place. A kind of low magic and the pitifully mundane are blended in the mud and grime of the bog. Some small part of Bogland exists across the planes, mostly in the land of the mortal, but a tiny part in the province of the fey, in fairyland. So the people of Bogland too are some part of the realm of magic, yet most part mortal, and of the filth of their country.

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The full catalogue and background document for Boglanders can be found on the Ramshackle Games downloads page. Click here to download it now!

It is a 69 page pdf packed with pictures of the models, stories, background, a map and even a scenario to play in a tabletop or rpg session! Most importantly it lists all of the 47 sets that can be chosen as rewards for backing. The image below shows a few of the pages and also clicking it links to the downloads page.


Once the campaign is finished, all backers will get a survey sent to you by Kickstarter to collect your address. I will put a space on it for you to list which sets you would like, so its really easy to do. If you have any problems or questions please message me here or on my social media pages. Here is my Linktree.

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Click the image to link to the downloads page

The Boglanders are a „true 28mm“ miniature range who’s background and lore is written to be used in any game. They are designed to be agnostic to setting, and fit in any. So Bogland might be a province in Mordor, or perhaps a hidden pocket within the Forgotten Realms. Or perhaps a post-apocalyptic waste, or again a world on the fringes of the Imperium of Man. Bogland is any place you need it to be.  It is one small part of a world that includes rotten turnips and mad wizards. It is written to be easy to slot the whole small county into your gaming diegesis, your world.

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The range comprises 45 individual figures, over a hundred arms and 36 tokens, divided up into sets. Some Boglanders have arms and some are modelled with detailed sockets. Parasitic worms eat their arms! The sockets are also suitable for adding arms. There are 47 sets of figures, arms and tokens. Each figure set has 3 models plus a token. The arm sets come with enough parts to equip a set of 3 figures. The token sets contain 6 pieces each.

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Here are some pictures of a few of the sets available. Don’t forget there are 17 sets of just the figures, so please download the catalogue and source book to see them all.

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  • Set 15 – The onion Knight and his retainers
  • Set 14 – The Queen’s Bannermen and a tasty pie.
  • Set 6 – The Armoured Kings Guard in full panoply of war
  • Set 16 – The Wicker Wearers

This is an image of all of the figure sets available. That is 45 figures plus the statues of the gods.

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All the figure sets

The Still Tower supplied some artwork for the booklet too. You can find him on Instagram. He really captured the feel of the Boglanders, I was very pleased!

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With 24 sets of arms to choose there is a huge variety of roles your Boglanders can fill in your games.

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All the arms sets

There are six sets of tokens too, so thats 36 tokens. Very useful for scene setting, as objective markers and to keep track of your stats!

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All the token sets.

Boglanders even come with sci-fi arm options so they can be in post-apoc of space games!

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Mutant spacer crews hide in the Boglands.

The sprues or casting gates on the arm sets are detailed so you can use them as scenery or set dressing rather than chucking all that lovely resin in the bin! I made nearly two meters of hedge with the parts from a full set of Boglanders. Here is a scenic shot of them.

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The skull hedges of Bogland.

The amazing voice over on the video was done by Lewis Davies, you can find him and his podcast on Instagram @lewiskernow

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: Boglanders


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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