von BK-Pascal | 22.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: Infinity, Science-Fiction

Ramper Design: Neues Spiel im Infinity Universe

Mit Acheron’s Fall kündigen Ramper Design ein Space Battle Spiel im Infinity Universum an.


Ramper design, a Spanish gaming brand, signs a collaboration with Corvus Belli to create a new game based on the sci-fi skirmish game Infinity.


What started as a part of the wargaming hobby has become the first studio for the creation of board game projects in Mallorca, Spain.

The brand carries out all kinds of projects related to the hobby: event organization, podcast, testing, regulations, project management, and board game creation.

Acheron’s Fall is a space battle game where players captain large warships in frenetic and dynamic battles. Their figures will be made of high-quality plastic resin.

Each player will carry from 1 to 3 ships and it will be playable for 1 vs 1 and multiplayer game modes.

Ramon, from Ramper Design, assures that Acheron’s Fall <has mechanics that you won’t find in any other ship game in the market. It has a very innovative movement system that represents the inertias of the ships on the table using D12 dice. The game includes, among its rules, the resource management of the ships where you will have to distribute energy and crew to perform actions or improve them>.

Acheron Falls is based on a chapter in the Infinity backstory surrounding the Aqueron Lock in the Paradiso system. Players will be able to take command of a fleet to protect the Human Sphere from the alien forces of the Combined Army, or from the rapacity of the other great powers.

Quelle: Infinity the Universe


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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