von BK-Bob | 09.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch

Piano Wargames: The Danube Campaign Previews

Piano Wargames nächstes Projekt behandelt den Fünften Koalitionskrieg.

PW The Danube Campaign Previews 1

Hi guys,
most of you will probably already know, but my next project will be „The Danube Campaign“.
It will focus more on the bigger battles of the 1809 campaign and will feature French, more Austrians and a few more Bavarians 🙂
I think this will be another two-part project, to get a lot of new units on the table!
This week, after a long period of gathering references, I started with the French Line Infantry. I have to say I just love the French uniforms of that period, such an elegant cut! I am really taking my time with these guys, and of course the figure is still work in progress…
I hope you like it! 🙂

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Hi guys,
Still working on the French, but I already finished three new sets for the Bavarians: Bavarian Line Infantry in coats!
I thought that would be very fitting for the cold and rainy April days of 1809 🙂 There will be three sets, grenadiers and line infantry in coats, and the command set will be 4 men in coats and 2 without.
Austrians and French will also get figures with coats, but that will take a little longer 😇
More previews soon, I already have quite a lot of French guys finished!

PW The Danube Campaign Previews 4

I am still working most of the time on the French infantry, but I needed something different this week 😃
And indeed, the first Austrian grenadier felt very refreshing!
I hope you like him, many more to come soon 🙂
Still work in progress of course!

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Today I finished all the French infantry sets that will be part of the next campaign! There will be 13 sets of infantry, both line infantry and light infantry.
Here are a some previews on a couple of French figures, I hope you like them! 😊
After easter I think I will do some more Austrian sets, Grenzers maybe, or Hungarian line infantry! There are so many new sets planned, and it’s really hard to decide what will come along in the next campaign and what will have to wait a little longer….
Anyway, I whish you all a few nice holidays, and see you soon with more previews!

PW The Danube Campaign Previews 9

This week I started with the Austrian cavalry 😊🐎
I’ve made so many new infantry sets by now that it was time for a little change! Let’s start with a first Austrian Uhlan (still work in progress!). I had a lot of fun with this guy, can’t wait for the rest of them!
They will have separate arms to allow for lowered lances as well.
The first part of „The Danube Campaign“ will feature a lot of light cavalry sets for both Austria and France, followed by the heavy cavalry later this year 🙂
I hope you like the first preview! 😊
Quelle: Piano Wargames bei Facebook

Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Also das wird ja immer doller. Sehr schöne Minis, dolles Setting. Eigentlich bin ich satt was napoleonische Minis angeht. Aber hier ist der Reiz sehr groß und lohnenswert da es sich um eine heimische Manufaktur handelt.

  • Wie immer sehr schöne Figuren. Ich muss mal schauen, ob und was ich noch gebrauchen könnte.
    Beim Uhlan hat sich ein kleiner aber markanter Fehler eingeschlichen. Der Steigbügel verschwindet unter der Hose. Da am Steigbügel aber ein Riemen von Sattel komment, angebracht ist, müsste dieser dann auch durch die Hose durchgehen, oder es gibt keinen Riemen, dann ist der Steigbügel unnötig bzw. ohne funktion 😏

  • Ich habe ne Menge von seinen Zinnfiguren und so langsam ist Piano für mich einer der Hauptgründe, mir doch noch einen 3D Drucker zu besorgen. Unglaublich gute Qualität zum fairen Preis.

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