von BK-Christian | 17.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Persephone, Death Reborn: Kickstarter endet

Der Kickstarter, an dem Youtuberin Lyla Mev federführend beteiligt ist, geht auf die Zielgerade.

Und darum geht es:

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At long last the Queen of the Underworld has grown tired of the long months spent in the dreary and the dark as the summers pass. So too, however, has she come to love the God of Death, and the weary souls whose passing he oversees.

So as not to betray Hades, there is but one solution: claim the living world for the dead!

Persephone does not come alone! All of our minis are/include:

  • Ultra-high detail
  • 100% scalable
  • Pre-supported STLs + unsupported STLs
  • Pre-hollowed STLs
  • Includes illustrated digital stat block!


  • 180mm tall
  • 4x4in circular base
  • Two head options! Skullface helm, and uncovered face!

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  • 90mm tall
  • 2x2in circular base

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  • 90mm tall
  • 2x2in circular base

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All Witchsong miniatures include wonderfully illustrated Stat Sheets so that the undead can rise up in your own home games! rip your players to bits in all your games!

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Stretch Goals:

We need to reach our funding goal of $1,000 to complete Persephone’s Warband, and we have a few Stretch Goals afterwards to make it even bigger!

  • If we fund, all Backers will receive the Persephone, Death Reborn as well as both the 2×2 ARKOS and ARSEN Lieutenants (and all three of their busts!).
  • For the first Stretch Goal we will create three sculpts of the 1×1 Undead Soldiers!
  • Second up is the 3rd 2×2 Lieutenant we designed, the Undead Wolf (and his bust)!
  • Third is two more 1×1 Undead Soldier sculpts!
  • After that we hope to get to the Ward of the Gates, HADES.
  • And lastly, no one can forget the bestest pup of the underworld, CERBERUS.

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Want the absolute best deal in minis printing?? How about exclusive discounts on this AND future Kickstarters?? Witchsong Miniatures is the #1 Tribe on MyMiniFactory with over 4,500 Tribers, and more coming every day! We offer our backers awesome (and massive) minis every month, as well as busts, illustrated stat sheets, and epic Seasonal and Bonus rewards!

Witchsong tiers are $1 and $3 a month respectively, and focus on getting you a 3×3 or 4×4 ultra-detailed printable miniature for use in your campaign, or just collecting and painting!

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You don’t have to take our word for it, though! Just take a peek at our Ascendant Greatwolf and Faceless Queen, which you’ll get in the Welcome Package with membership to any tier, or The Faceless King, which is available completely FREE to all who check out our Tribe!

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Miss any of our previous Kickstarters? Not to worry! Pledge to any of our tiers on this Kickstarter and get access to our add-ons for personal and/or commercial use!


The following bundles and individual minis from past Kickstarters and our store will be available for purchase for personal printing and usage:


  • THE GROVEWARDEN BUNDLE (10 miniatures, 2 busts, 3 illustrated stat sheets)
  • THE LIONHORDE BUNDLE (10 miniatures, 2 busts, 4 illustrated stat sheets)
  • THE FACELESS BUNDLE (12 miniatures, 6 busts, 4 illustrated stat sheets)

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  • The Sunlight Seraph – 150mm – 3×3″ base
  • The Moonlight Seraph – 150mm – 3×3″ base

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The following bundles from past Kickstarters will be available for purchase for lifetime commercial printing and selling:

  • THE GROVEWARDEN BUNDLE (10 miniatures, 2 busts, 3 illustrated stat sheets)
  • THE LIONHORDE BUNDLE (10 miniatures, 2 busts, 4 illustrated stat sheets)
  • THE FACELESS BUNDLE (12 miniatures, 6 busts, 4 illustrated stat sheets)


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Lyla Mev, the Mini Witch, is a minatures YouTuber specializing in creating tutorials on miniature painting and terrain building. Art has always been her passion, and working as a college professor kindled her love of teaching as well. She has a particular interest in seeing the miniatures space become more diverse!

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Witchsong Miniatures is creating ultra-detailed 3D character and world elements for use by tabletop gamers, miniature collectors, and hobby painters. Our products are produced with an extreme focus on quality and impact, with the goal being to bring a whole new level of excitement to your table!

Die Kampagne läuft noch 7 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Persephone, Death Reborn – Printable STL Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das tor als ganzes Tor und alleinstehend würde mich mehr interessieren als der rest der Figuren.

    Schon seltsam manchmal.

    Nicht das die Designs schlecht wären, aber irgendwie sind sie (mir) zu generisch und am ende egal….

  • Die sehen schon cool aus. Erinnert mich vom Design an From Software. Zum bemalen wäre mir das aber alles viel zu überfrachtet.

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